America’s Big Hero

Chapter 117: : 4th intervening?

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"Everyone get ready, we'll rush over as soon as they come out, don't get out of the car, just concentrate on a wave of fire and leave." Bill and five security guards got into the car and prepared to rush over.

After simply saying a few words in the abandoned factory, everyone was ready to leave.

If you delay any longer, the police will come, so you can't be too disrespectful.

Dimio has no habit of cleaning the battlefield.

A group of people walked out of the factory. When they were about to reach the door, Akemo suddenly gently pulled on his son's sleeve.

Bradley turned his head to look over and found that Akomo was covering his lower abdomen with one hand, and his face was a little painful.

Liver cancer hurts again.

The other owners turned their heads and glanced at them. Akemo forced a smile and waved his hand to let them go first. Bradley also tried to follow, but was dragged by Akemo.

Bradley irritably shook Akomo's hand away, and ended up standing still.

On the other side, as soon as someone came out from the factory, Bill gave an order and two pickup trucks rushed out.

A distance of more than 300 meters can be rushed over in ten seconds, enough to be caught off guard.

At this moment, there was a sudden muffled sound, and then,


Amid the violent explosion, the flames shot up into the sky, the human body fragments and debris were lifted high by the shock wave, and a plume of smoke and dust spread out with the shock wave.

This scene shocked everyone on the scene.

Bill stared at the bombed crowd, dumbfounded.

Where did the RPG come from?

who did it?

Is there anyone in ambush here besides yourself?

Until the explosion stopped, debris fell from the sky, and a hole was blown out of the door. Those who just walked out were seriously injured even if they were not killed on the spot.

A dozen people, few alive.

Only then did Bill realize that he had already rushed out more than 100 meters, not far from the factory.

"Head, what do we do now?" someone asked aloud.

"Which direction did the RPG come from?" Bill called immediately.

You can't stop at this time, there is an RPG nearby, and the enemy is unknown.


"Go left ahead, full speed, and abandon the original plan," Bill exclaimed.

The two cars whizzed past the road in front of the factory and ran straight away.

After the explosion, Amoco rubbed his dazed brain and cried out, "Be careful, someone is in an ambush."

As soon as I finished shouting, I saw two pickup trucks speeding past the factory. Suddenly, Amoko was stunned in place.

This is?

A group of people hid in the factory for a full half a minute, and there was no attack. Then Akomo stood up and said, "Go out and have a look."

After testing it out, the person who went out shouted: "Boss, it seems that there is no one left."

Akomo stood up and looked at the scene after the explosion at the door, and suddenly asked, "Did you see the two cars that just drove past?"


"They must have done it!"

"Let's not talk about this, go, get out of here!" Akomo didn't let everyone wait any longer. With a wave of his hand, everyone immediately walked out.

Several wounded were carried into the car, and the two owners who could find the complete body were also carried into the car.

Inside the car, neither Akomo nor Bradley spoke, both were thinking about things.

Suddenly, Bradley pressed a button, and a flap was raised inside the car to separate the front and rear, leaving only their father and son behind.

"Did you really have a stomach ache just now?" Bradley stared at his father.

"What do you say?" Akomo said with a smile.

"You arranged the last attack!" Bradley looked at his father in disbelief. "Why? Why did you do this?"

"There must be a black hand behind the scenes!" Akemo clenched his fist and waved his hand fiercely, "I know this, they are hiding in the dark and watching us."

"The reason they killed the Seprano family and framed it for me was to throw Dimio into chaos, so they definitely wouldn't let Tony die easily."

"So, I thought they would definitely come, so I arranged people outside."

"But you let them, they play RPGs on their own people!" Bradley roared in a low voice.

"My own? Whose own? Mine? Yours?" Akemo looked at Bradley coldly, "Remember, only the Applers are their own, they, they are just about to step on With a group of guys in the upper ranks of our family!"

"I promised them that Apple's family would give up their position, so I will definitely do so. This is credit."

"However, this does not mean that the Apple family will decline. I will never allow such a thing to happen."

"We need time, we need time to prepare for the retirement"

"So, there are masterminds behind the scenes, and they must appear today!"

"I told him that if someone comes to attack, then find an opportunity to be ruthless. As long as there is an enemy, then I can delay for a while until the enemy is eliminated, and the group will start to campaign for a new leader."

"But if no one comes to attack, then he will attack the group of people who came out first!"

"Think about it, the benefits of doing this, you need to stand in this position to think about the problem now, my son." Akemo smiled and looked at Bradley.

"You..." Bradley swallowed, he really didn't expect his father to have so many calculations.

Before Dimio was not challenged, he felt that he could sit in that position as Drink coffee every day, read the newspaper, read the accounts of the group, and be with people in the political and business circles. At the reception, if someone is disobedient, he will teach him a lesson according to the rules.

Who wouldn't!

but now……

Only then did he realize the gap between himself and his father.

Different, really different.

After thinking for a long time, Bradley said: "Their owner is dead, and it is not so easy for the newcomers to complete the control. At least, they have not been able to think about dividing up the interests recently."

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Akomo gave his son an encouraging look and continued.

"If something happens later..." Bradley looked at his father's incomprehensible smile, "Maybe, it's unknown whether they exist or not."

"Any more?"

"I don't know." Bradley shook his head.

"This will buy us a lot of time. I told you before that they no longer trust each other, so that I can keep the existing power of the family after abdication." Akemo said with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that they will suspect you? You suddenly have a stomachache when you go out." Bradley still asked.

"I have liver cancer, everyone knows that." A sneer hung on the corner of Akemo's mouth. "Besides, why do you say that I did it? It's clearly behind the scenes."

"What do you think happened to those two cars when the explosion happened?"

Saying that, Akemo's expression was grim, "They must be the man behind the scenes, but we started a little bit in advance!" Read it for free!

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