America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 194: : I'm a bad guy! ?

Falling in love with

When the lights in the operating room went out and the doctor came out, Jonas, Bill and others quickly gathered around them, "Doctor, how is it."

"The operation was successful, and Mr. Sean is in good physical condition." The doctor laughed a little unnaturally, and the patient didn't know when he was awake. If he jumped up in pain during the operation...

Thinking about it makes his scalp tingle!

Now he wants to grab the anesthesiologist's head and ask him, are you **** crazy!

It's a mistake at this time!


Heavy breathing sounded in the corridor, and everyone let out a big breath.

"Will there be any sequelae?" Bill asked after thinking a lot.

"Basically not." The doctor gave a positive look, "Don't worry everyone, just let the patient enter the intensive care unit."

"Okay, okay." Bill and the others finally showed smiles on their faces, waved their hands, and everyone made way for a passage.

Sean was lying on the bed, and he woke up early in the next ten minutes, but he was only awake and didn't feel any pain.

After his head was shot last time, he found that his resilience was much higher than ordinary people, and he could also feel it in Diane Lane, Elizabeth, Sharon Stone and several women later.

Well, the recovery is very fast!

At this moment, Sean felt that he was in a good condition and ordered the nurse to let Bill and the others in.

"Boss, how is it?" Several people came in, looked at Sean and asked.

"Not bad, the whole person is transparent." Sean smiled.

Several people joked that Sean was still in the mood, and immediately felt relieved.

"I think it's still a little bit worse. It would be better if I wore it out." Jonas said with a smile.

"That's right, I'll let you try it next time."

"Ha, forget it. I've been in the hospital for a long time last time."

"Mr. Sean, it's better to talk less and rest more, you have just been shot and almost died!" The beautiful nurse next to her couldn't stand it any longer.

"Okay, what's going on outside?" The forces under his command are completely centered on him. Apart from things, he is afraid that there will be instability outside.

"Everything is stable here at the security company!" Bill said the main point first, and then Jonas said, "Someone is asking for news below, I have already passed the word, you have no problem."

"Write down the people who inquired about the news. Since they like to care so much, find a suitable place for them in the future." Sean snorted, internal stability, other things are nothing.

"Ok!" Jonas grinned, looking a little hideous.

Those guys with no brains always don't understand that they can take the position of the gang leader not because of their ability, but because Sean nodded!

Since the brain is not good, there is no need to use the brain.

"Very good, what about the others." Sean asked again.

"At least more than 100 reporters have arrived outside the hospital, and they have been completely blocked. Mr. Gilbert is here, and Mr. Governor has just arrived. Oh, by the way, Marvin, Robert, and your brother and sister also rushed from New York. Come here." Torrey said aloud, as Sean's secretary, Sean asked him to do some errands today, and he was not there when he was attacked.

"Well, let them in." Sean said without thinking.

"Okay." Torre nodded and turned to go out.

"Those attackers must have investigated their identities. They are all prison felons. They were quietly taken out of the prison this morning. The two people in the car were blown up, and the head of the one who shot the gun exploded, but it should be the target. Three wardens, what to do next?" Bill asked in a low voice.

"Leave it to the judge, I'm a good citizen who obeys the law." Sean said and smiled, which caused him to cough, and bursts of tingling pain in his lungs made his face twitch.

This is a good opportunity to play off the topic, he can't be shot in vain.

The door was pushed open, Governor Benny and Gilbert walked in. Sean lay on the bed and waved to them, "It's nice to meet again."

"It's really good that you're fine."

"Several gentlemen, the patient just finished the operation and needs to rest." The female nurse said blankly. As a senior nurse in the best private hospital in New Jersey, she knew very well when to rush people.

"Ok, ok, we'll go right away." Gilbert replied with a smile, "Look, my old man is no longer appreciated by beautiful women, it's a pity, okay, you have a good rest, don't worry about the outside. ."

Governor Benny also exchanged a few words, and a few people turned to leave.

As soon as we left here, Hayden came in with his sister, Marvin and others, and he left after making a few jokes with Sean. No one asked about the attacker.

Sean will handle this kind of thing himself. Now that they ask too much, it will be troublesome.

After all the things that should be explained have been explained, everyone withdrew, except for the little beautiful nurse, who now also retreats to the separate rest room next to the living room.

Super luxurious private room, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one living room and one kitchen...

If you have money, you are comfortable in hospital...cough.

The room was quiet, Sean closed his eyes, and the mess in his mind kept rolling.

I was very tired, my back hurt so bad, I couldn't sleep.

Looking back on what happened today, Sean feels bad.

Damn, I heard a sentence in my previous life, 'On the rivers and lakes, monks and Taoists, the elderly, women, and children should not be provoked.' Now thinking about it, it really makes sense that the old saying can be passed down. worldwide……

Isn't the way of monks "religion"?

Think about those real terrorists who rushed to your side with the slogans of faith and exploded. People are not afraid of death. They really cannot be provoked.

Old man: Don't talk about the rabbits, just say that this time, a few old coerced people have nothing to worry about. It's really **** good to start. Several mafia organizations didn't do anything to themselves, and they almost died in this gang. The old man is in his hands!

Not to mention women and children...

Thinking about things in his mind, he was confused, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

It was already night when I woke up.

Just feeling the pain in the lower abdomen, Sean called out the little nurse to come over.

It is impossible to urinate on the bed, and it is not paralyzed, so Sean asked the little nurse to help him to the bathroom.

However, the movement of both hands is really inconvenient, and any movement will pull the muscles in the back, which is very painful.

Fortunately, the private hospital has taken care of me in every possible way. Maybe it has been held back for a long time, and it is raised high before I take it out.

When she took it out, the little nurse cried out, "Wow", covering her mouth with one hand.

Xu Shi's hand was a little small, and when he was supporting ╰ひ╯, he felt like he couldn't hold it with one hand.

Looking down, the little hand felt the hardness, the little nurse involuntarily licked the corner of her mouth, this...

Will it crack?

It will definitely crack!

After a few minutes……

Very laborious...

Half an hour later, the door to the bathroom opened, and the little nurse rubbed her swollen cheeks with one hand and slowly walked back to the bed with the other hand.

With a lot of refreshment, Sean ordered someone to bring food.

They are all specially made by the chef to nourish qi and blood. A lot of blood and essence have flowed out, and they need a lot of nourishment!


Sean was seriously injured in the attack and was hospitalized, and a storm broke out immediately outside.

The time of the attack was the time of public interviews. There were so many media reporters on the scene, and there was a scuffle on the scene. Many people were shot, and 3 reporters were killed and 15 injured.

It has to be said that these reporters are dying for the material. In this case, it is difficult to recognize that they still filmed the scene.

That night, the filming materials were bought by major TV stations in the United States at a huge price.

Not to mention how much money the reporters made in the filming, after the scene was exposed, the incident immediately caused a sensation in the United States.

Originally, the issue of the prison system was discussed, and the issue of the treatment of prisoners was limited to New Jersey and had little impact on the surrounding area.

The identity of the attacker was quickly revealed by the police.

In order to protect their own interests, the three wardens wanted to kill Sean, who pushed the matter, and secretly released felons from the heavy prison, all of whom had committed homicide!

So, how much darkness is hidden in the prison system, and how much profit is hidden under the invisible darkness?

What kind of life do inmates in the prison lead?

Is the current prison system completely corrupted?

Is it only these three prisons or is it a common problem across the United States?

A major TV station invited many people to comment on the matter that night, including gang members who had worked in prisons, economic criminals who had worked in prisons, government officials, parliamentarians, civilians, students, etc., and so on.

Immortals from all walks of life expressed their views and opinions on this matter.

And most of the spearheads are directed at the prison!

After all, the facts are right in front of you, and the problems in the prison are real, and they are well known. It was just that because the prison system was closed, it had little connection with other links and had little value, so it was not exposed.

Of course, there are other voices in the comments. For example, there is a TV station that conducts a frame-by-frame multi-angle analysis of the battle scenes between the two sides.

Analyze whether the X security company's protection of Sean in this attack is comprehensive.

From the occurrence of the attack, to the mobilization of on-site personnel, from the commander's command intention, to the personal combat quality of the security personnel, from the attacker's planning, to the tactical intention of the no-wave attack, from the equipment of the two sides, to the comparison of weapon performance...

It can be said to be comprehensive!

Sean also specially watched this commentary program in the ward. In the program, he greatly praised the professional quality of X Security Company.

After the attack, there was no panic, the response measures were appropriate, and the troops were always available to deal with emergencies, so that the three waves of enemy attacks were all shattered.

Although Sean was injured and hospitalized in the end, the TV station carefully analyzed the final picture.

Experts commented, "The bodyguards are very well protected, and they do not give the attackers a chance to snipe the phone. Moreover, the security guards are wearing body armor, and that shot can penetrate two layers of body armor and a human body, and can also injure Sean. , it's definitely a special bullet, so it's not a protection error, it's a weapons issue."

"After all, if you encounter RPGs or missiles, no matter how much you protect, it's useless."

For this show, Sean spoke highly of it, yes, x security, awesome!

Of course, this strange entry point has not affected mainstream thinking, and there has been a series of investigations into violations and illegal incidents in prisons across the United States.

The private management of prisons has also been raised by many people.

However, it was only brought up. Everyone could see that Sean was going to take over the business. Since someone was on the way, the capital was going to look at the specific business situation.

The next day, Diane Lane, who received the news, rushed to Trenton to ask for leave from the crew. As soon as she entered the ward and saw Sean lying on the bed, she burst into tears.

It takes a while to comfort him.

In fact, Sharon Stone also wanted to come over, but was stopped by Sean, and now it is inconvenient to do what, what to do!

When Diane stopped crying, she realized that the little nurse who was serving Sean, frowned slightly and was a little wary.

Legend has it that men are easily emotional when they are hurt...

Then should you stay?

This made Sean laugh and cry, will you serve people?

Well, Diane can, but what she can do is inconvenient now...

Diane was relieved after saying that she couldn't do something right now.

Little nurse:


Sean was lying in the hospital, it was not calm outside.

At the same time, under the influence of three wardens risking their lives to attack Sean, several businesses in the small gang were arrested by the FBI the next day.

Sean doesn't give too much money to the fbi. Is this hitting Sean's butt?

This hit the fbi in the face!

This criminal gang is not limited to one county and one county, but involves the entire state of New Jersey. There is no problem at all when a federal investigation is dispatched to arrest people.

At that time, the investigation found that, in fact, not only the prison system in New Jersey, but also in New York in the north and Pennsylvania in the west.

Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, a huge corruption case across several states!

With this achievement, isn't he just Lei!

Brown DeWitt, the head of the FBI's New Jersey branch, was very happy about it and went to the hospital to visit Sean.

No other meaning, just tell Sean that money is not wasted!

Brother, I've done things for you, pretty and pretty!

Follow this line to investigate, not to mention that everyone in the prison system has been arrested.

Of course, in fact, it must not be done. The tens of thousands of prisoners still have to be managed.

Just like everyone knows that the US police are violent in law enforcement, corruption is serious, and cia is trafficking in drugs, but if you can't move, you can't move...

But at least, this is a big favor for Sean.

If Sean wants to buy prisons, the people in the prison system will be a big problem. Employment contract issues, dismissal compensation issues, reemployment issues...etc.

If Sean dares to do anything illegal, these people will dare to take Sean to court.

This is in the United States, and you can't shout and kill.

Well, now that the evidence of the crime is in hand, they can't help but act recklessly.

"Thank you Brown." Sean sat on the bed and said with a smile.

Three days later, the wound healed faster than the hospital imagined. After the second-stage suture, Sean felt much better and no longer needed to lie on his stomach.

"No thanks, this is our duty, you are a legitimate businessman, we know it." Brown DeWitt raised his eyebrows as he said, "Besides, aren't we friends!"

"Hahaha, yes, friends, dear friends and relatives!" Sean laughed and said, "By the way, these guys may have participated in the assassination of me."

Brown DeWitt rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Mr. Sean always supports the work of our FBI branch and has made indelible contributions to national security. When will you have time to visit us?"

Sean stretched out a thumb, "I'll go when I'm almost healed. I've long wanted to see what the mysterious FBI looks like!"

In two sentences, the agreement was reached.

So, when Brown DeWitt left, he got a donation check for the new year, $1 million!

Of course, his personal considerations are different.

Sean is also generous enough to never treat his 'friends' badly!

Two days later, Sean volunteered to be discharged from the hospital.

His resilience is easy for ordinary people, and it is not good to stay here any longer. Besides, there are still many things that need him.

The beautiful little nurse was very reluctant to give up. She thought that Sean was inconvenient before, but this person was about to leave, so she made up her mind to verify her guess.

Will it break apart?


Sean was discharged from the hospital and returned to the villa next to the Newark base.

The news spread, and before he came to visit, all of a sudden, the little resistance that still existed disappeared.

The newly rich man from New Jersey is not a person to talk to. He was almost killed by such a serious injury this time, and he must still be angry.

No one wanted to attract Sean's wrath at this time.

No need, absolutely no need!

As for which Senator Santos of the Elephant Party, the sponsor will die and be caught, he is too scared now.

At this moment, he also shut up and hid honestly.

New Jersey is ruled by the Donkey Party. Governor Benny and Sean have already reached an agreement. With the support of the New Jersey consortium, most of the members of the Senate and House of Representatives are also happy to see that the state government can get rid of the burden of prison to some extent.

The 120 million financial appropriation is not good for where to use it. Businessmen who eat a bowl of finance are also happy to see that the finances are better.

Of course, the state government cannot ignore it.

According to the private agreement between Sean and Benny, the state government can reduce the input of each prisoner, but it has to give it. After all, this is one of the responsibilities of the state government.

However, since the management is all done by private individuals, the personnel expenses in this area can be saved too much. In addition, the per capita investment of prisoners is reduced, and at least 60-80 million yuan can be freed up a year.

In the future, there may be more.

What's more, prisons are also taxed after being acquired by private individuals.

Now everyone is staring at the tens of millions of government public funds that are about to be added.

After the issue that the prison can be handed over to private management is passed, the rest is a matter of negotiation.

In this case, Sean really had to go to the state government in person.

Sean is not going to buy all of these 85 prisons.

"Why? Didn't you say you have a way to use these prisoners to make money legally?" Governor Benny looked at Sean with a frown.

Sean has to pay a lot of money to buy the prison. The government is about to receive a lot of revenue. Now I don't know how many people are eyeing this money.

The sponsor who supported him at the beginning and the long-term relationship maintained within the party, even on the party side, there are people who are eyeing him.

Now that Sean says he can't buy all of them, Benny is a little worried.

Sean talked about his own problems, money is one aspect...

It is true that there is not so much money to buy them all. The prison is built by the state government. From land to buildings, these are all assets.

In Eagle sauce, all kinds of supervision are very complicated. The opposition party will stare at you and want to sell state-owned assets at a low price. That is courting death.

The Republican Party would have liked Benny's state government to do this, but Benny dared not.

At most, it is underestimated within a reasonable range.

Therefore, Sean said that he would only acquire all the heavy prisons and part of the ordinary prisons, and he firmly did not want those prisons that held prisoners for less than a year.

In addition, he still firmly does not want women's prisons.

He was afraid that someone would punch.

Sean said that he couldn't bear the punch of those decades of skill.

"Why don't people with low sentences?" Benny said he didn't understand. In most cases, the court sentenced the sentence to less than one year in prison.

To put it bluntly, there are many people who feel that the prison term is high, and that is because they have accumulated over many years.

The cycle is fast within a year of a low sentence.

"The time is too short to carry out reform through labor." Sean said the most important reason.

"Labor...reform." Benny's eyes flickered, "What a great way!"

A good way is a good way, but it is not convenient for the government to use.

Of course, there are many other reasons. For example, keeping a part of the prison can also be used to house some people in the original prison system.

There are thousands of people in the prison system, some of whom resigned because of corruption issues, some of them were taken in by Sean, and some of them were resettled by the government.

Sean was unwilling to buy all the prisons, and as the governor he couldn't help it.

The specific amount of negotiation still needs to be evaluated by the following people. What Sean needs to do now is to absolutely acquire the target.

Sean arranged for someone to do this screening for a long time. Sean quickly decided on the number of prisons to be acquired. There are 52 prisons in total, with a total of more than 28,000 prisoners.

Looking at this number, the corners of Sean's mouth are raised!

Is this a criminal?

Do not!

It's all **** hard work!

This is knife music!

usKnife music!


Union! ?

Prison is heaven, and there are no **** unions in heaven!

A group of prisoners who have no idea what they are about to face!

This is an iron fist from socialism!

With the government's side settled, Sean finally has time to think about his anger!

Damn, I almost beat me to death, this is not so easy to pass!

"Those three old guys are all single, their wife died a long time ago, but they also have family members, but their relationship is average." Bill opened his mouth as he spoke about the information he had investigated, his face a little hesitant to say anything.

He has children, but he left early.

In the past 30 years, several old guys have been in good health. They have their own work and life circles, and they don't need anyone to take care of them. Therefore, the children only come back to see them occasionally.

Sean flipped through the information, but didn't look up, the father's debt was repaid by the son, it was only right and proper!

Seeing that Sean didn't speak, Bill understood.

"What about the money these old guys got over the years?" Sean looked through the information and found that the old guys didn't leave it to their children, and they didn't find them when they searched for the old guys' residences later.

The old guys don't have much money in the bank account either.

"This..." Bill didn't answer, Sean looked up strangely, and found Bill's expression a little weird, as if there was something hard to say.

"What's the matter? Say something!" Sean asked with a frown.

"We investigated the past whereabouts of the three hometowns and found that they might, I just said it might, and the money was donated."

"What?" Sean's eyes almost didn't come out, he stared at Bill, donating?

He suspected that he had heard it wrong!

Bill spread his hands, his face seemed to have disbelief, guilt, and helplessness.

"His..." Sean stared at him, put his head in his hands, and took a deep breath.

"Real or fake, where did they donate to?" He still couldn't believe it, damn, the money that several old cowards who wanted to kill themselves didn't use for their own enjoyment, nor did they leave it to their children. It was a **** donation!

Didn't the three old men become good people?

Lao Pudeng is a good person.

Am I a bad person?

I'm also a 'Messenger of Justice' and 'Evil Buster', especially Sean!

Although I murdered, set fire, sold fake goods, organized the mafia, and offered bribes... But how many of those people he killed were not worthy of death!

Yes, there are people who shouldn't be killed, but the police still have misjudgments, so he can't make mistakes based on chicken feathers?

What's more, since he took control of the whole of New Jersey, the crime rate has dropped significantly and a lot of employment has been provided.

Advocating environmental protection and maintaining the environment is a **** good thing for oneself, the public, society, and the earth.

So, why do you say Lao Tzu is a bad person!

Sean's face is ugly!

"It's a bit of a smash. It's all cash donations. Churches, orphanages, nursing homes, some welfare organizations, charities... The information we found, they donate a wide range." Bill whispered.

"Shit!" Sean gritted his back molars and slammed the information in his hand to the ground.

Standing up, he kept walking back and forth in the room, his expression changed, his heart was full of anger but he didn't know how to vent it.

Anger accumulated in his chest, he didn't even know what he was angry about?

This made him even more uncomfortable.

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!

Some **** guys!


You're going to use the **** money to ask Lao Tzu to let go and say no!

Why use this method?

Could it be that Lao Tzu is so **** stingy with donations!


Son of a bitch!

Well, he really didn't donate a penny, but he has only been reborn for less than two years, and he hasn't had time yet!

Shaking his arm fiercely, he touched the wound on his back, and Sean's aching face twitched.

After a long while, Sean calmed down his heaving chest, and said without any emotion, "Just pretend this never happened!"

Bill nodded.

In the afternoon, Sean was not in the mood to speak at all. After dinner, he turned on the TV, and the screen of Santos' last interview appeared on the TV.

Xiao En's eyes narrowed slightly, his hands involuntarily exerted force, and the red sandalwood chopsticks "clicked" into two pieces.

This son of a **** isn't **** good either.

That guy please come to you, why the **** didn't you come and talk to me?

Why do you want to bet on the media directly?

Is it because I, Sean, are too talkative?

Makes you think that you can completely ignore my thoughts and stumble on Lao Tzu in the media at will?

Or do you think you are a congressman, aloof, and don't take Lao Tzu in the eyes of you at all?

Something like a dog!

Sean's teeth were grinding. He didn't know if it was because of the three old guys before, or if he really hated Santos so much. Anyway, it's just right to be angry!

Man, if you are angry, you will let it out.

Holding back is not good for your body!

Sean never held back!

He didn't even eat, so he called Armstrong, "Santos, I asked you to check him before."

"Yes, Santos, all relevant information, including his relatives and friends." Armstrong replied, "I have found out about his wife's depth and xp."


Sean raised his hand and rubbed his temples somewhat bewildered.

Is that what I ordered?

What strange things did you all look up?

Sean turned his head to look at the dining table, and suddenly lost his appetite.

Armstrong hurried over, holding a thick stack of documents in his hand.

Don't say it, Sean flipped through it, he really had the information of Santos's wife, depth, xp...

Turtle Turtle! !

What have you all done!

The anger disappeared a lot inexplicably.

However, it is time to clean up Santos.

According to the data, Santos' assets source, deposit, consumption, frequent places, lover...

Love photos and videotapes?

Why is there such a thing?

Open it up... "Ah!!" Sean screamed and covered his eyes.

Damn, you shouldn't watch it yourself!

**** it!

In the photo, Santos, the fat-headed and big-eared guy, is naked, with a cat-ear hairpin on his head, blush and lipstick on his face, and a bow tied around his neck...


Behind him is a naked man with a black tie around his neck...

Shaking his hand, he threw the information out, and Sean gritted his teeth.


Really, this is This is Santos' revenge!

Armstrong bowed his head, like a erring child, if his shoulders hadn't twitched.

He secretly picked up the information, and when he first saw it, he was disgusted enough.

However, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the United States, and there are many big figures in this group.

Although Armstrong doesn't understand why they have such a strange hobby.

However, America is free, and he chooses to respect it.

"I don't watch it." Sean leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes. He felt very tired.

Today, I have suffered continuous mental blows, which is really shattering.

"Let's sort it out and send it to the newspapers so that they can publish it in batches. Others that can be used as evidence should be handed over to the local prosecutor's office on the Donkey Party's side. I will send him to prison." Sean said listlessly.

"Boss, don't you think about it anymore?" Armstrong's expression became serious, "We can threaten him, and it's okay to make a deal, but if it is exposed and he is sent to prison, then there is no room for manoeuvre. , he's a member of parliament!"

Sean closed his eyes and waved his hands, "I know, I know, do it, I know it."

Armstrong nodded. As a subordinate, it was his duty to remind him, although he didn't understand why Sean did this.

Politics, this is a bit too crude.

As soon as Armstrong left, Sean called Torre over, "Give me the top ticket, go to Los Angeles, the fastest."

Sean felt that he needed comfort, mental, psychological, and physical comfort.

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