America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 195: : Saying from the Elephant Party

The "Instinct" crew has already finished the post-production at this time, and Sharon Stone and others have nothing to do.

Sharon Stone was very happy with the sudden arrival of Sean.

Being able to come to Hollywood to find her means that Sean has not forgotten her, which is more important than anything else.

Having tasted the heroine's taste, she cherishes this feeling and understands that she was given this opportunity.

Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer visited late at night, Sharon Stone turned into a policeman, and a three-way mixed doubles kicked off in the villa.

The three fought from the swimming pool to the living room, and then from the living room to the bathroom. The two women left the smell of war on their bodies...

After playing for a whole day, Sean swept away the haze in his heart, and only then did he have time to go to the company.

Is Sean here to find a woman?


Sean came to see the rough cut samples of "Instinct".

In the screening room, a full 280 minutes of rough-cut samples, Sean frowned at times, and stretched his brows at times.

Editing to such an extent, Paul himself is a little bit helpless.

Why are Hollywood directors basically unable to get the final editing rights?

In fact, the proportion of power struggles in this is very low. The truth is, as the director of the shooting, the scenes that can be left by him are all pictures that he imagines and is satisfied with.

Due to some artistic pursuits, the director likes to add some profound, ironic, and critical elements to the film. This is true for the director who is more ambitious and the more famous he is.

The director treats the things he shoots with his own hands as his own children, and is always reluctant to cut off even a single bit.

And that's not friendly to the audience.

After all, audiences who are generally not highly educated cannot be required to have such a deep level of aesthetics.

The audience is not a judge. When the audience enters the cinema, they are more willing to see something that makes them happy, scared, exciting, etc. that stimulate their senses.

This is actually in conflict with the director.

Therefore, at this time, professional editors are needed, and any film awards generally have 'editing awards'.

Editing can often fight with the director...

Whether the film is good or not and whether the box office is high depends on the director on the one hand and the editing on the other.

After comparing the original film in his mind, Sean thought for a while and said, "Editor, cut the film once according to my request."

Sean suddenly spoke, and everyone in the screening room looked over.

It's true that Sean is the boss, and it's true that he has money, but this is Hollywood, and this is filmmaking. It's a very professional thing. Even if the script is edited by Sean, I've never heard that the screenwriter can edit it.

Editing, very professional, very professional thing!

No one believed that Sean could edit well. There is no such precedent in Hollywood or the world.

Although these art lovers like money, they are actually very proud.

"Okay!" Norris stood up immediately and turned on the light, "What are you still doing, hurry up, it's your honor to let the boss take action in person."

Is it important for the boss to cut?

Do not!

The most important thing is that the boss is happy!

dog legs.JPG

A group of people secretly glanced at Norris in disgust, this guy has no face!

Sean didn't bother to care what they thought, he only knew that the original film made money, a lot!

Oh, I seem to have won an award too...

According to the original film in his mind, Sean was waving big scissors, and under Paul's ugly face, large sections of the plot were cut off at Sean's request.

In the end, Paul couldn't stand it any longer, he turned around angrily and left.

I was busy in the editing room all afternoon until late at night, and there are about 140 minutes left in the whole film.

The original film should be more than 120 minutes, but Sean can only remember so much.

Everyone, even Paul, who just ran away with anger, came back with a dark face.

Re-screening, slowly, **** it, don't say it, it's pretty good!

The people in the screening room and the creative team always take a peek at Sean from time to time, and the effect of the finished film is very unexpected, um, greatly unexpected.

This shouldn't be something made by an outsider.

This shouldn't be!

The suspense, thriller, and suddenness of the finished film are all very good, especially Sharon Stone's charisma, which is infinitely magnified after being edited, and people can't help but think of something...



As the screening ended and the lights turned on, Norris was the first to stand up and applauded loudly, and the others also stood up this time to applaud Sean.


They witnessed a miracle!

Sean stood up with a smile, raised his hands and pressed down, base fuck, base fuck!

It wasn't until the applause stopped that Sean said with a smile, "I can do so much. Later, you can refine it yourself."

"Then, my mission is complete."

"I wish our movie a big hit at the box office!"

"Boom at the box office!" The crowd cheered loudly.

Sean came out of the screening room, and Norris followed closely behind, "Boss, you are really amazing, I think there is nothing you can't do, you are a god!"

The horses were shot too stiffly, Sean said, it's alright!

"In the evening, there are a few actresses who want to learn from you, look..." Norris came over and whispered.

Sean paused, thought about it and said, "I don't have time these days, let's do it next time."

Sean sternly refused!

Today, I have to go to the "Die Hard" crew. Last night was a big deal, and what I wanted was a physical indulgence.

Diane Lane is small and fresh, and what she wants is spiritual satisfaction.

People, have higher pursuits!

What's more, "Die Hard" has something to help him.

In fact, John found a Sean a while ago, but the attack happened, and things were delayed.

"The explosion scene, in the plot design, at this time, the helicopter that the FBI came to rescue stopped on the roof, and was finally robbed...Boom!" John opened his hands and shouted a little frantically: "You know, how much will this scene be? Shocked!"

"There is no movie that really does this now, and we will be the first to eat crabs!"

"Blow up a helicopter on top of a skyscraper!"

"This must shock all the audience!"

"This will become a classic, a classic that everyone is eager to imitate!"

Saying that, John suddenly spread his hands in a decadent manner, "But I need the other party's consent to detonate on the roof."

"And the other party did not agree to do so, for fear that the building would be blown up."

"I also need a helicopter to explode."

The corners of Sean's mouth twitched. He finally understood why the shooting cost of "Die Hard" was so high.

You are really tortured!

Shooting this in a real scene, my dear, you don't feel bad if you don't pay for the money, right?

Sean is so convinced. Just thinking about shock, why do you think about my wallet!

But things have come to this point, and the rest of the film has basically been filmed, so just trembling like this, Sean can't even agree to it or not.

This time, he felt 20th Century Fox's fear of truck drivers.

It's really made, you never know how much he will ask you later!

The agreed 12 million shooting cost, what a...

I don't believe you anymore!

Sean walked away with a dark face. He had to contact the demolition experts to ensure that the stairs of the building would not be damaged.

Then I have to contact the insurance company and pay a huge premium.

Only by doing this will the building owner agree.

After all, it's money, money, money...

There is no problem that money can't solve.

The advice given by the blasting experts is to add a cover on the roof, with a buffer layer, a fireproof layer, and an explosion-proof layer, so as to ensure that the building will not be damaged.

Experts are only responsible for giving opinions. As for the cost of construction, what do you have to do with me!

Aerial work, construction costs, downtime costs, materials, labor...

Sean watched the fee buzzing.

"I'll let you make a big scene!"

"I'll let you spend money indiscriminately!"

"Fuck you!" Sean shouted in his heart, his waist became stronger and stronger...

Diane Lane's body was trembling, and everyone whose head was shaking was dizzy.

After three days in Los Angeles and watching an NBA game, Sean returned to Newark full of exhaustion.

It's only three days, and it cost more than 6 million yuan. This is not counting the money for the plane. I have to contact the military and get a scrapped helicopter back.

This time it's really scrapped...

Sean has already decided that if Die Hard doesn't sell well, he will send John to the Peace Hotel. Damn, he has to give Lao Tzu the money to sell his ass!

In fact, Sean also wanted to relax in Hollywood for a few more days, but there was something in New Jersey and he had to come back.

Here comes Peter.


During the few days he was playing in Hollywood, the plan for Santos had already begun.

At first, it was reported by several tabloids acquired by Sean. Because the news was too hot, several major newspapers followed suit.

When the report came out, it wasn't that Santos didn't want to suppress the news, but those tabloids belonged to Sean, and his relationship was useless at all.

Immediately, Santos found the Elephant Party, but the news had already spread, but there were a few big newspapers that gave the Elephant Party face and did not participate in the first time, but after all, the Elephant Party could not control all the media.

No one can control it.

Especially on the third day, after the photos of the bows marked on the eyes and the chest exploded...

The news completely exploded.

At the same time, the district attorney on the Donkey Party's side launched an investigation into Santos.

Santos is also an old congressman, and the information channels are quite wide. When the investigation started here, someone notified him there.

"Damn it, who is it? Did that guy Sean do it!" After hearing the news, Santos gritted his teeth, waved his arms and shouted, "It must be him, it must be!"

"I don't know who it is, but you have to think of a way."

"How dare he, how dare he, I..." Santos kept saying toughly, in fact, he was already afraid, very afraid.

"I, I didn't participate in the attack on him, I don't know, really, how could I do that!"

"Okay, buddy, it's useless for you to tell me this kind of thing, think of a way and find someone to communicate with."

"I know, I know." Santos found the person in charge of the Elephant Party in a panic, and the other party frowned.

"You're sure you didn't participate!"

"Of course, of course I didn't, how could I do that kind of thing, am I crazy!" Santos held his head, terrified when he knew.

Brewster Jesse stared at Santos for a while, and he didn't believe that Santos had such courage.

In addition, he also doesn't think there is anything wrong with what Santos did before.

There is nothing wrong with helping the sponsor to speak.

"Peter, we are in the party, you should know him, he was an engineer of Sean's construction company, he quit after he bought the construction company from Sean, and then took the construction company to court. Last year, things went wrong. It was quite a sensation, and then he joined the Elephant Party." Brewster Jesse slowly recounted Sean's past.

They will investigate the past of members of the party.

"He, the person behind him is Sean?" Santos is also an old congressman, so he naturally understands everyone's usual operation methods, and he understands it at once.

"Yes, let him come forward to communicate with Sean, you know, it's not convenient for me to come forward directly." Brewster Jesse whispered.

It's best for Peter to convince Sean. If he can't, he has room for maneuver.

"Okay, thank you, I'll find Peter right away." Santos stood up and walked out quickly without delay.


"Peter, come and sit, is it going well recently?" Sean called Peter to sit down.

"It's okay, I want to participate in the Senate election this time." Peter is no longer the engineer he used to be, and now he has a strong sense of politician.


"That's about it. It's useless no matter how much you prepare. You still have to run for election. Even if you don't succeed this time, it will be a good publicity and lay the foundation for the next time." Peter said with a smile: "It's very good that someone is the first time. The election was successful, and Mr. Bush Jr. failed in his first state legislature."

He's in a good mood.

"That's right." Sean nodded, saying that Lao Mei didn't pay attention to qualifications, which was actually wrong.

Any country pays attention to seniority, and those in high positions will also push the seniority issue for the sake of their treatment at the end of their political career and after retirement.

It's just that capitalism is not that serious.

"However, be prepared for success. After all, there is me behind you." Sean pointed to himself with a smile.

He must put Peter in the senator's seat this time.

If you want to stand anywhere, you have to show your wrist.

This kind of thing like Xia Mawei seems to be very low-level, but it has always existed and will continue to exist in the future.

Peter was very happy in his heart, but his face was calmer, and he just expressed his gratitude.

After chatting for a while, still Sean picked up the topic, "I'm here for that old guy Santos."

"Yes." Peter didn't say much, he knew that if Sean was willing to let Santos go in his own face, he would say it directly. If he didn't, it would be useless to persuade him.

"I will definitely send Santos to prison this time, um, my prison!" Sean said decisively, waving his arm vigorously.

Peter nodded, "I see."

"However, boss, you have to be careful of revenge from the party's side."

"It's not about right or wrong. It's impossible for the Elephant Party to watch Santos be sent to prison without responding. That would be a shame."

Sean nodded, thought about it, and said, "Go back and tell Santos that members of parliament are elected by the people. The purpose of parliamentarians is to communicate, the communication channel between the people and the government, and between the government and the people."

"When encountering something, the first thing to think about is how to communicate privately instead of talking randomly!"

"Santos has forgotten the value of his existence. He thinks that the power comes from himself, but, unfortunately, that's not the case!" After that, Sean took a deep look at Peter.

Peter's pupils shrank. Sean told him to tell Santos what he said. In fact, he also told Brewster Jesse and himself.

"You know, disaster comes from your mouth!"

"Everyone is responsible for what they have done, and I am no exception. Therefore, I almost died a few days ago, and he is no exception."

"If you are wrong, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention!"

"I see, I will tell them." Peter nodded and stood up.


Peter didn't go to Santos, that guy was done, and there was no need to communicate anymore.

The corners of Brewster Jesse's mouth twitched after hearing what Sean brought over.

A good manners kept him from laughing.

Although the United States does not have the phrase "killing chickens to warn monkeys," the meaning of this is universal.

Young man, the anger is not small.

In Brewster Jesse's more than 20 years of political career, he has seen many young people like this, always so aggressive, always unable to bear any grievances, always thinking that he is omnipotent.

But don't even think about who you are facing!

Sean is determined to bring down Santos, and he has nothing to do. Who makes Santos unclean.

Well, few people are really clean.

What he scoffed at was not this, what he laughed at was Sean's attitude.

Brewster Jesse admits that Sean does a good job at a young age and has a background in the Rockefeller family.

However, it was too short for Sean to jump up, he hadn't experienced any storms, he didn't know the society, it wasn't what they saw.

Yes, when they saw Sean's youthful appearance, they always looked down on him.

It's the same with him, it's a matter of inertia, even reminding oneself often is useless.

If it were a veteran New Jersey boss, Santos would never dare to talk nonsense in front of the media so impulsive.

There is one thing Sean said rightly. Members of parliament, or politicians, should communicate when they encounter a problem.

After all, politicians are not soldiers, they rely on their brains and lips to eat.

But that doesn't mean you can kill Santos' political future!

He is a member of the Elephant Party. Even if he is wrong, he should handle it within the Elephant Party. It's not your turn to show off your power.

What's more, he is a leader of the elephant party and one of the senators in the Congress. He has stood in the political arena for more than 20 years. He asked Santos to ask Peter to communicate.

This is already a soft serve, not to mention that you have already hit Santos hard in the media, and you have taken revenge for any grudges.

But a junior of yours would say such a thing, without giving him any face, Brewster Jesse, it is impossible not to be annoyed.

Whether it's for the face of the party or himself, he must take revenge.

Just, pay attention to the scale.

Politics is the art of compromise.


"Sir, this is the information you want." After receiving Sean's reply during the day, Brewster Jesse went to investigate all the assets under Sean's name like a party team.

As for the party's ability, it should not be too easy to obtain real information.

Brewster Jesse took the report with a relaxed look, and let him go down with a smile.

Flip through page by page.

Sean Fitness Group: Headquarters Newark

Number of flagship stores owned: 10

Number of ordinary stores owned: 65

Has amateur events: Sean fitness amateur baseball, amateur basketball, amateur tennis, amateur rugby

Group valuation: US$120 million

Group debt ratio: 35%

Group net assets: US$80 million

Development prospects: high

Of course, Sean Fitness Brewster Jesse has heard of it. In the past year or so, it has rapidly developed to the whole of New Jersey, and has annexed several fitness brands that were quite good. Moreover, he is also a member of Sean Fitness.

It's not that I like fitness very much, but, as a politician, as the head of the New Jersey region of the Elephant Party, many people give gifts.

Sean Fitness' membership card is one of them.

He has been there a few times, and he feels very good, especially for private lessons...

Good figure, full of energy, unique flavor,

Thinking of Brewster Jesse's hand on his waist unconsciously.

It's just a bit of a waste...

At his age, he can't handle it.

Cough cough, shaking off the thoughts in his mind that he wanted but shouldn't have, Brewster Jesse's face became solemn.

It was only after he saw this report that he realized that Sean Fitness around him had developed so much.

In particular, which potential evaluation is "high" shows that this fitness group will not slow down in development for a period of time in the future.

This is very scary. You must know that many rich people who have developed for decades cannot earn hundreds of millions of dollars.

Shaking his head, Brewster Jesse continued to look at the documents behind.

Sean Transportation Company: Headquarters Newark

Possess all kinds of transport vehicles: 542

Shipping Coverage: All New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware

Owned subsidiary: Sean Auto Repair

Owned employees: 2351

Company valuation: $64 million

Group debt ratio: 50%

Group net worth: $28.54 million

Development prospects: high

Seeing this, Brewster Jesse's face was a little ugly.

Sean Transportation He also knows that after Dimio's collapse, he heard that Sean used some means to acquire their transportation vehicles from some construction companies and real estate companies, mainly for building materials transportation.

At that time, several companies that the party knew well were targeted and found him. However, although Sean's methods were despicable, he couldn't find anything wrong, and the bids were not low, so the matter was over.

Unexpectedly, it has developed to this level now.

Moreover, what kind of logistics center should be built? Although he doesn't understand what the **** is this logistics center, it must be very important to be specially marked and rated as 'high'.

The net assets of these two companies have exceeded 100 million?

Oh shit!

Just kidding!

Brewster Jesse was full of mixed feelings for a while, envy, jealousy, hatred!

Continue to look.

Sean Environmental: Headquarters Trenton

Owns all kinds of garbage trucks: 1208

Company employees: 4782 people

Subsidiaries: waste incineration power plant, blending oil plant, waste sorting center, electronic waste stacking plant

Company valuation: $85 million

Company debt ratio: 70%

Company net worth: $25.5 million

Development prospects: medium

Seeing this, Brewster Jesse's face twitched a few times.

The garbage disposal business, which everyone avoided at the time, has grown so much that oil can be squeezed out of the garbage.


I feel disgusting just thinking about it, but...

It makes an unprofitable industry promising. Not to mention that garbage disposal is related to people's livelihood. It is a bomb-like existence, and no one will provoke it.

What's more, the power of Sean's wielding the environmental protection stick really shocked these veterans.

Thinking of that, Brewster Jesse gnashed his teeth, **** Santos, you brainless idiot!

Turn to the next page.

Sean Bank: Headquartered in New York

Owned stores: 52

Number of personal accounts: 240,000

Number of company accounts: 4251

Collection of deposits: 480 million

Funds under management: 825 million

Bank valuation: $55 million


Very high! ?

Looking at these two words, Brewster Jesse stood up abruptly. Damn, extremely high evaluation, he has not seen it in the report for many years!

This means that the bank under Sean's name will usher in explosive growth in the future.

However, if you look at the "new additions within half a year" marked in the report, you can see that it has been in an outbreak state in the past six months.

If things continue like this, isn't this bank under Sean's name going to soar into the sky?

Isn't that right, the IRS can control drug dealers in the United States, but it can't control drug dealers in Colombia...

After Cartagena's trading zone has fully established itself, the funds that banks can mobilize will become terrifying.

Fake, Fake, Fake, Brewster Jesse cursed hard.

Looking sideways, the report is still quite thick... He suddenly realized that he seemed to be in big trouble for no reason!

Santos, why don't you die!

Peace Hotel: Location Newark

Area: 40 acres

Valuation: $72 million

Corporate debt ratio: none

Development prospects: high

The ultimate paradise, highly recommended! )

Brewster Jesse: ? ? ?

This, I've heard people say it before. A few days ago, there was an underground boxing match. It is said that the contestants were brought out of prison, and the fight was very bloody.

Thinking of this, Brewster Jesse froze on the spot.



Isn't it?

Well, whether it is or not, it doesn't matter now.

Brewster Jesse doing mental arithmetic...

A few minutes later, Brewster Jessie picked up the calculator and calculated, 8000+2854+2250+5500+7200=264 million!

When Brewster Jesse saw the last number, his hand shook and the calculator flew out.


2.64! ?


How many of the total assets of the entire New Jersey are more than 264 million?

Even if you count those invisible assets, can there be more than 10?

Brewster Jesse knew that it should be able to surpass, but definitely not much!

In other words, in just two years, Sean is already one of the top 20 richest people in New Jersey? !

No, Brewster Jesse suddenly sounded, and the information has not been read yet, there are many more!

His chest kept heaving and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

I always heard that Sean did this and that, and there was always a lot of news, so old-fashioned people like them weren't very used to it.

It's just a little hairy kid, a guy who doesn't even grow his hair, think that he can become a real high-class person with this little mafia method?


It's just ridiculous, what if Dimio has developed for decades, after all, he hasn't really entered the upper class!

There are more rich people in the United States, there are more invisible rich people, and there are countless powerful and deep-rooted family forces.

This is the United States, the largest country in the world!

Just a newcomer who has just emerged for more than a year, and the weight occupied in their decades of political career is not worth mentioning. This is the confidence of the politicians of the largest country.

These people focus more on the international Usually, they talk about international events at gatherings!

Of course, American affairs are international affairs...


Take your time, boy.

This is the old school. They are experienced and well-informed. In their decades of political careers, they have seen too many geniuses suddenly rise and fall. Only those who have survived the test of time and finally stayed will be recognized They approve.

It is precisely because they are experienced and well-informed that they are so conservative, stubborn, and aloof.

They stubbornly believe in their own experience and judgment, and disdain to be shocked by some people or affairs, because those who are easily shaken and those who are not firm enough have been eliminated.

And it is these that have made them spend decades, and the experience they have come to today tells them that in such a short period of time, they can't make much trouble.

Until today, until he asked people to sort out all the information about Sean, and didn't find it until he looked at it seriously.

In just two years, this person outside their gaze, this person outside the traditional industry, suddenly became a behemoth.

Even if he suddenly rose up without going through any major test, it was too big, and it was too big for them to find it difficult.

Brewster Jesse took a deep breath and calmed himself down slowly. Over the years, he has encountered many life and death events, and he knows what to do in the face of such a situation.

After taking a deep breath for ten minutes, and confirming that he was completely calm, Brewster Jesse flipped through the documents at the back again.

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