America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 208: : What is historical heritage?.JPG

"For example, we have a peacekeeping force stationed in Africa, and now we need to deliver a batch of logistics materials to the region. If it is a military operation, it will cost a lot. At this time, we can hire my security company, we can use Even if these countries do not support us in the name of business, they will not ban business."

"Many companies can use commercial means to obtain logistics materials." Leighton Steven interrupted.

"However, they don't have the ability to safely transport supplies across the war-torn area." Sean stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, "Here in the chestnut, the recipient is our army, but in fact he can be any person or organization, including but not limited to Rebels, guerrillas."

"For another example, go to a certain area to carry out a military rescue of a target. The target can be an American or a person from any other country. It doesn't matter. As long as the money is in place, this is a commercial behavior. They can condemn my X security. Companies, making companies unwelcome targets, can also take security companies to international courts, but so what?”

There was a sneer on the corner of Sean's mouth, "Anyway, the company's actions are not safe, and they don't need any security guarantees from these countries or regions."

"It can be a rescue or a blow!" Sean said coldly.

"Of course, of course, the above are all just assumptions." Sean's expression suddenly became warm again, "We mainly provide some logistical transportation support, emergency medical assistance, air traffic control surveillance, protection of embassies, protection of important facilities, protection of American citizens. , rescue civilians, train and equip advanced weapons, eliminate drug cultivation bases, and more.”

"It's all just, legal, and aboveboard actions!" Sean emphasized again.

"Yes, we are on the side of justice, America is on the side of justice, we are deep in evil, but we yearn for the light!"

Leighton Stevens clapped excitedly, "Very good, very good, the idea is simply fantastic, yes, I'm sure."

"The military, Congress, diplomacy, etc., there are many places that need help overseas, but some actions are inconvenient, and our government needs some help from civil forces."

"Different countries, regions, and cultures have different requirements for our military personnel. I believe that the government needs some high-quality professionals who can respond to various emergencies and provide assistance. !"

"Then..." Sean stood up and stretched out his hand with a smile, "Mr. Leighton Steven, can I have the honor to invite you as the first consultant of X Security Company!"

"Of course, I'm honored!" Leighton Steven stood up, laughed and shook hands with Sean.

Consultant, an amazing position.

He can do anything, but he can also do nothing.

Sean needs to rely on Layton Steven's connections in the military to convince the military to hand over some operations to security companies. Of course, the price will not be cheap, but it is also cheaper than using the military force.

The most important thing is that everyone can reasonably and legally get a part of the profits brought by this money.

Especially for some retired military officials.

At the same time, for these senior military officials, this will not only earn a pension, but also continue to exert their relationship in the military, in the government, and in Congress.

Their position in these relationships is also extremely important. This is a new lobby group, and it can play a major role not only in the United States, but also in other countries.

The impact and benefits of this are simply immeasurable.

As for military expenditure, as long as it can achieve military purposes, is it important to invest in the military or in private individuals?

Adults only look at the results!

Children only watch the process.

So, consultants are something a big company can get their hands on.

Sean has so many industries under his name, government, private, retired, and a lot of consultants.

After reaching a consensus with Leighton Steven, Leighton did not delay. After explaining the affairs of the manor within a day, he immediately set off for Newark with Sean.

The plane's Leighton Steven was so radiant that he couldn't see the slightest bit of old age.

But he is only 60, and 79 can still come out to be the president. Compared with that, Leiden is a young man.

There is a famous saying, young old man!

Roll up the **** for me!

When he arrived in Newark, Layton quickly got a deep understanding of the specific situation of X Security Company under the leadership of Sean, and gave some highly instructive opinions according to Sean's goals.

In the final analysis, Sean was a fake wine seller in his previous life, and in this life he was just a squad leader, so his understanding of the military is still a little rough.

Compared with Leiden, who has worked in the world's most powerful army...for a lifetime, it is far worse than in any aspect.

(U.S. Army: Rabbit, I'm sorry, you stand up first, everyone here is garbage!)

"Our own naval power must be built up. Your idea is very good. When we expand our business to the world, without our own strength at sea, most of the business will not be able to do it." Leiden Steven looked at Sean with admiration and praised: "The navy is a mobile fortress. It is impossible for us to have a local security fortress every time we perform a mission."

"However, it's another matter for us to have our own navy. Repair, support, rescue, and long-range strikes can all be done, and it is a deterrent force!"

"Yes, that's what I thought!" Sean nodded in agreement.


Is it to scrape a layer of oil off a drug dealer?

That's impossible!

My Sean pattern is not that small!

"However, a Keeling-class, um, is barely enough in the early stage, and it must be increased later. The firepower of the Keeling-class is enough to face most countries in the world, but the carrying capacity is a little worse, this Let's talk about it in the future." Leighton Steven's heart was not small at all.

"The top priority now is to form our own maritime team. People can wait for ships, but ships cannot wait for people."

"Mr. Leighton will help with this." Sean said with a smile.

"I have a list in my hand. You can choose from them. They are all captains or deputy captains who have served on cruisers or destroyers. They are not very old. They are all retired now." Given the list, I never thought of helping Sean decide.

"As for the specific operators, the scope is relatively wide. You should be able to get the list of retired Navy soldiers in the last few years from the logistics side. Go back and look for the positions listed by the captain you found."

"In addition, with the destroyer, we must have our own radar system, and also rent satellites, military satellites..." Leiden pondered and shook his head, "Military satellites are almost impossible, unless it is to undertake military missions. We still have to lease commercial satellites if we have the conditions to call some information.”

"Radar system, satellite!" Sean was taken aback, and he said that the navy is a gold-eating beast. He couldn't understand anything before, but now he understands it.

Co-authoring a warship is only a small part of it. Radar systems are expensive, not to mention satellites.

"Of course, how can you do without a radar system." Leighton said with a smile: "You don't think the logistics department sold the destroyer to you with a radar system, right?"

"Hahaha, that's impossible. Find a reason. After all, it is sold according to the standard of scrap iron. In any case, even the power system and the weapon system will not move, but the radar system on the ship must be removed. "

"This can only be purchased by yourself, including the anti-ship missile system you have thought about installing, you must purchase and install it yourself."

hiss! !

Sean gasped, only to feel his wallet tighten.

"Shipborne warning radar, shipborne guidance radar, shipborne phased array radar, shipborne over-the-horizon radar, shipborne fire control radar, and shipborne navigation collision avoidance radar on ships are all indispensable. After all, We use this battleship as the center of our fort."

"In addition, shore-based radar should also be available. If you want to operate the Cartagena military base well, as a fortress in the Caribbean Sea, this is essential. Without a radar system, you will be blind and deaf." He looked at Sean with a smile, he liked to see Sean's distressed look.

"In addition, satellites need to be leased. At least we need navigation and communication support at sea. This is still in this small pond in the Caribbean Sea. If you go to Asia or Africa to perform tasks, you also need reconnaissance, geodesy, meteorology, interception, etc. data support."

Seeing Sean's eyes widened and shocked, Layton laughed and said: "Okay, okay, the last four are rarely used, if you have the weather, you can just buy the data, the others , even if it is really needed, it is estimated that it has taken over the mission of the military, and the military will provide data support at that time.”

"I won't let you continue to spend money!" Leiden blinked.

call! !

Sean breathed a sigh of relief. If he needed it all, Sean would have to consider whether to give up this unrealistic fantasy. It was so terrible!

"However, the radar thing is a must."

"I understand this, you can put it back after you take it down." Xu Shi was frightened by Leiden's lion's opening, but now Sean doesn't feel so distressed.

"Yes, yes, but this approval cannot be approved by the logistics department or the company. This kind of high-tech, the sale of equipment involving military secrets requires the consent of Congress." Leighton said with a smile: "Of course, The prices will not be like those sold abroad.”

"Need me to help you with some congressional connections?"

"Well, this is not in a hurry, I will talk about it after I go to Washington." Sean can't use each other's relationship for everything, doesn't that mean that he is too incompetent, that's not good.

Not to mention that there is a real need to use the power of the Rockefeller family. Does he still have a relationship with Bush Jr.?

Everyone has interests in Colombia, and it would be wrong if you didn't help.

"In addition, on the infantry side, if you fight overseas in the future, it will definitely be dominated by special warfare of small and medium combat units. The current equipment is slightly backward and the firepower is insufficient." After thinking about it, Leiden said to the existing system again: "I suggest you increase the number of grenades."

"Is RPG not good?" Sean was a little puzzled, the power of the grenade was far worse than that of the RPG.

"Of course RPGs are good, but they are not portable enough. If the front is long, it is not convenient." Leighton explained: "And if the distance is not very far, then we might as well use armed helicopters for support."

"Of course, RPGs are needed. This is the most portable weapon when dealing with armored forces, but it doesn't have to be too many."

"I see." Sean nodded.

"The other is the communication equipment problem of the ground troops. You have to update it."

"no problem!"

"That's almost it. I don't know much about the Marine Corps. You can hire a consultant in the field of marine warfare and special operations." After that, Leiden stood up and flexed his muscles, "Old man. ."

"You're not old, it's not a problem to be active for another 20 years!" Sean said with a smile.

After setting up Leiden, Sean went to work. He was not in a hurry to ask the captain and gave Armstrong the list. Sean needs to know the information of these people, the military information, but he still needs to know some In addition, there is no harm in comparing the two.

After assigning the task, Sean called Bush Jr. and asked him to come to Newark to play.

Xiao Bu was also very busy during this time. He wanted to intervene in Cartagena. This is simple to say, but not easy to operate.

After all, he is still an oil businessman who has not drilled a single oil well for more than ten years...

Coming to Newark by plane from California, Sean took people directly to the Peace Hotel.

Friends come from far away……

"It's a great atmosphere, I like it!" The two of them didn't go to the box on the first floor of the ballroom. They drank wine near the corner and watched the beautiful woman on the stage holding a pole and twisting her body.

Xiaobu is also a big player, and he has no shortage of wine, **** and wealth, but in recent years, after his father became the vice president, he stopped playing in public places.

Now there is such a hidden place, and the nature of Xiaobu is very high!

"Actually, in addition to pole dancing, there is also a flying dance." Sean leaned into Xiaobu's ear and said.

"Oh, why didn't I know!" Xiaobu frowned slightly, thought about it carefully and asked, "No way, there are things I haven't seen before!"

"Then you see, it's normal that you haven't seen it before, because the inventor is right in front of you." Sean raised the corner of his mouth and pointed at himself with his thumb.

"True or false!" Xiaobu's eyes widened, with both expectation and disbelief in his eyes.

"Wait, I'll show you!" After that, Sean beckoned and called a man to give a few words in a low voice.

It didn't take long for this round of striptease to finish. The center of the stage was suspended from the mixer at a height of 3 meters. The DJ quickly played a few discs and said in a long voice: "Next, all the friends present, You will see a shocking scene!!"


"His inventor is the great Sean K. Rockefeller~~!"

With the loud voice of the DJ, the round platform and the sky above the five-star horns, six vacuums went into battle, and the beautiful women wearing only wide clothes and big sleeves fell from the sky with two red ribbons wrapped around their arms.

The person landed in the air and stopped, a small snow-white foot hooked on the steel pipe, and the person was suspended in the air, rolling and dancing!

The dim light shone down, and the beautiful woman was walking in the sky, graceful and fluttering like an angel.

When tumbling and dancing, the wide robes with large sleeves and high slits inevitably reveal something from time to time.

But the beauty still has a holy face, and for a time, holiness and desire are intertwined...

If it is looming, but it is always a glimpse, it is impossible to feast your eyes, and it makes people feel itchy!

It was the first time for everyone in the audience to see this kind of dance, and they all raised their necks and stared blankly.

Bush opened his mouth wide, and stared at the beautiful woman in the air next to him without blinking, his neck swaying from time to time with the dancing posture of the beautiful woman.

The properties of LSP are fully revealed!

Sean grinned silently, he was very satisfied with his work!

Still holding the pipa half covering the face!

Striptease is nothing compared to this one!

What is the historical background.JPG

The consequence of the historical background is that Sean didn't have time to chat with Xiaobu formally...

After watching this LSP, he threw the wine glass heavily on the coffee table and pointed at the Flying Dancer, "I want to play this!"

Is this reasonable?

This is beaver!

What cadre can stand such a test!

What's more, Xiaobu is not yet a cadre.

Fortunately, there are rooms in the Peace Hotel, and Sean also thoughtfully designed some, um, more distinctive rooms.

It's that kind of room, that kind of special, special, astringent room.


kind of...

Bob is very happy.

Until noon the next day, when Sean saw Xiao Bu again, the guy walked down with his waist.

One night's hard work, one night's hard work is not enough, and one more day's work early in the morning.

It is hard work.

"Your body is not good either!" As soon as they met, Sean began to laugh.

"Hmph, it's not up to you to decide whether I can do it or not." Xiaobu let go and walked over, holding his waist, and sat down.

Sean clearly saw that this guy's legs were shaking...

"You dancer, I'm afraid you won't be able to go on stage today!" Xiaobu said with pride.

"If you say that..." Sean rubbed his chin, "Then I really can't let her come on stage, or you will be very embarrassed."

"Fake, obviously she still can't get on by herself!" Xiaobu was so angry, or else his legs were weak, he would definitely jump up.

Seeing him like this, Sean burst into laughter.

Everyone is an old friend, and after teasing for a while, we start to eat. This is a Chinese lunch.

Sean asked the chef to take care of the little cloth by making it more in line with American tastes.

"I'll lend you my cook later," Sean said while eating.

"No, no, it's good to eat occasionally, but forget it often." Xiaobu smiled and waved his hand in rejection.

Sean picked up a soup bowl as if he hadn't heard it, lowered his head and took a few sips, then said slowly: "You know that magical country in the east, how long their history is and how prosperous their culture is."

"There, it has been a feudal system for thousands of years. Their ruler, the emperor, has many wives, three wives, four concubines and seventy-two concubines. There are dozens of wives and hundreds more."

"Wow!" Xiaobu exclaimed and said with some envy: "This is too... bad, yes, there are no human rights anymore, this is disrespect for women, yes, that's it."

Sean raised his head, and continued with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "Their emperor has to deal with so many wives, which is a natural test for his body, so for thousands of years, in order to deal with this bad situation, there have been concentrated With the wisdom of everyone in a dynasty, he has made some extraordinary innovations in the combination of food, which is called 'food tonic'."

Xiaobu blinked his eyes, guessing something in his heart.

"Through the combination of ingredients and long-term consumption, it can make people energetic, prosperous, and lively in bed." Before he finished speaking, Sean felt his wrist tighten, and suddenly found that Xiaobu ran to his side at some point.

"Fake, are you The Flash, when did you come around!" Sean was startled.

"Cough, you know, I have always had a strong interest in Huaxia's food culture, but I haven't found any talent in this area." Xiaobu said with a righteous face.

"Ha, just for your ability to talk nonsense with your eyes open, I bet you will be president in the future!" Sean shook Xiao Bu's hand away with contempt.

Damn, it hurts to scratch.

It's really hard!

"Cough cough, that's it, let the chef follow me in the future, money is not a problem!" Xiaobu walked around slowly and met the other side, it was hard to imagine how he ran so fast just now.

"Ha, let me tell you, it's something that has been passed down in China for thousands of years, the royal chef, can you just pay for it?" Sean sneered, "Very learned, different seasons, different climates, To match different ingredients, different methods, my family is just like this.”

"Then I'll find someone to study, this is the head office."

"That's a craft that is not passed on from outsiders. It is passed down from man to woman, from son to daughter-in-law. Don't think about it, and there is no way to learn it in a short period of time. This is not Western food. You use scales and measuring cups to make food. Experience, no one can learn it in ten years." Sean said with a smile: "Lend you a while, if I can find this kind of talent again, I will recommend it to you."

"You owe me a favor!" Sean pointed at Xiaobu and said.

"Okay." Xiaobu pointed to Sean's casserole, "Is this what it is?"

"What a strange jar, keep me healthy."

I got a bowl and tasted it. The taste was a bit strange. I refrained from drinking a bowl, and then raised my head and asked, "Very effective?"

"This is not a medicine. The effect is slow for a long time. If you explain it, it means to supplement some specific trace substances that your body needs. Well, it's amazing. I don't know how to explain it." Sean didn't know how to explain it.

Old Beauty people are amazing, it's hard to tell what they believe or suspect.

However, they do enjoy trying something new and are fascinated by it.

Sean can't tell exactly what the status of Chinese medicine in the United States is. There are fanatical believers and fierce opponents.

But there is one thing, Americans, especially the upper class and the rich in the United States, these white people are very keen on the royal culture of China.

Maybe it's because of the idea of ​​"nobility". Although they shout about free-style cooking all day, they are deeply passionate about aristocratic culture and are complacent about it.

Perhaps for historical reasons, hundreds of years ago, Western aristocrats madly liked things from China, such as porcelain, tea, silk, art, etc., and used them as a symbol of status.

(For example, the famous Ferguson, everyone should call him Sir Alex Ferguson)

This is also more obvious in the Rockefeller family. The Rockefeller Manor houses a lot of Chinese antiques.

Therefore, when he heard that it was passed down by the royal family for thousands of years, Xiaobu expressed his conviction.

After eating, drinking and teasing, Sean started talking about business and said that he was going to buy the abandoned Keeling destroyer from the military, and prepare to refurbish and refit it for X's security.

Xiaobu feels good!

He believes that violence is the ultimate solution to the problem, and a private armed force can well defend his interests.

Of course, this matter has to ask Lao Bu to nod.

Without delay, the two flew straight to Washington the next day.

In the old cloth's home in Washington, the old cloth has a deeper understanding of this aspect.

Sean detailed his positioning of X Security Company.

About the idea of ​​'military outsourcing', I told Lao Bu in detail, including the appointment of retired major general Leighton Steven of the military.

After listening to the old cloth, he fell into deep thought, and the expression on his face became a little excited. Sean's imagination solved many, many problems.

"Child, I think you need some help, some help from friends, don't you, I admit that you have a good idea, but this is not something you can do alone." Lao Bu's face was full of smiles.

"Of course, of course, I'm willing to accept investment from the Bu family." Sean doesn't mind at all, he won't be relieved to control the Congress by himself, and he also needs someone to help him carry the mine.

Besides, Sean didn't expect X Security to make any money, well, just don't lose money.

In fact, to put it more broadly, companies like Lockheed and Boeing are also a type of military outsourcing.

After all, these military technologies are not in the hands of the state or the military, but in the hands of private companies.

Congress controls the distribution channel.

"No no no, you misunderstood." Lao Bu waved his hand and said, "Consultant, advisor!"

It is impossible to invest money. It is impossible to invest money in this area in this life. The cost is huge, and you can’t see a splash of millions of dollars.

The cloth family is a political family, not a top rich family, but they have no money to spend on this.

Consultant, an almighty position, enjoys money and power without paying any legal cost.

"You and Xiaobu are friends, and Xiaobu also served in the army. He can give you necessary help very well, can't he." Old Bu smiled and winked at Sean.

No matter in the past, the present or the future, the presidents of the old America are the masters of jokes.

For example, flirting with the Pope... Right, Jianguo!

"Yes, Xiao Bu is a very smart guy, he has helped me a lot, very big, I think he will definitely become one of the greatest presidents of the United States in the future, of course, before that, there will be greater President, Mr. Bo." Sean smiled and made a wave of predictions.

As for Sean's truth, Lao Bu expressed his gratification and decided to help Sean get it done. X Security has the qualifications for high-tech weapons such as warships and missiles.

Yes, it is not the approval to sell or not to sell, but the qualification to have.

At this point, Sean is still 'naive'.

The United States has never banned normal buying and selling, but it will limit what you own.

That is to say, you can buy it, and he can also sell it, but after the transaction occurs, you will be charged with the crime of illegal possession.

After all, how can I sue you if you don't buy it...

And this illegal possession can be a company or an individual.

Now, what Lao Bo wants to help Sean get is X Security's weapon holding qualification.

In fact, it is also possible without this qualification, but warships cannot enter the US waters. The most interesting thing is that the United States has not joined the "International Convention on the Sea", so how big is the US sea...

It's still an unknown.

So, although X Security did not have the qualifications to hold artillery before, because the mortars were in Cartagena, Congress did not care.

However, the battleship is very troublesome, Sean must be refurbished and refitted in Boston, and the later maintenance must be returned to China.

The twists and turns here, Lao Bo explained it to Sean, and he understood it.

Of course, Old Bu didn't help in vain, Xiaobu got the qualification as a consultant. In addition to the large amount of consulting fees every year, Sean had to pay a lobbying fee.

it is necessary.

So far, X Security Company has harvested a young president, and has to pay a large amount of feeding fees every year for this...

Leaving Washington, Sean returned to Newark in a hurry, and he saw the dusty Sol as soon as he came back.

"Wow, I haven't seen you for a while, you are in much better health than before you left!" Sean patted Sol on the shoulder and said, "The only problem is that there is some curry smell on your body."

"Really, I think too." Sol raised his hand to compare his biceps and said with a smile, "Maybe that's why I quit eating fried foods."

"I thought it was the Ganges water that buffed your Sean said with a smile.

"Ganges water!?" Sol looked at Sean with a puzzled face.

"Oh, nothing." Sean waved his hand and changed the subject, "Why don't you eat fried food?"

"Ha!" Sol sneered and looked at Sean, "After seeing those 'blended oils', do you still eat fried food!"

Sean pondered for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said, "I think I should buy a farm. The farm grows some crops, fruits, vegetables, and can also raise some livestock. Well, I only eat the food produced by my farm, including the squeezed food. Oil, so you don't have to be afraid of anything!"

"Fake, **** capitalist!" Thor cursed, then said with a smile, "I think the farm can be bigger and supply more people in need."

The two teased for a while before they got down to business.

"Through those relationships, several Indian companies are very satisfied with the quality of our oil, and they have negotiated import contracts, and they want all the production." Sol introduced the situation in India, "I gave them your advertising ideas. Well, their propaganda department was surprised and said you were a genius."

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