America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 209: : How to earn more

"Of course." Sean laughed and said, "American dad's original imported edible oil, 1:1:1 reasonable dietary formula, this is synonymous with nutrition, science, and safety, and Indians must like it."

"I'm not worried!"

"It's really imported..." The corner of Sol's mouth twitched fiercely, "It also has fresh saliva, God, I can't think about it."

Sol rubbed his temples helplessly.

"How do they price it?"

"It's just the normal pricing." Sol was a little puzzled.

"A bunch of idiots with curry in their heads!" Sean smiled disdainfully, "In this way, I'll give them another product positioning plan to make them more profitable."

"Are you so kind?" Saul looked at Sean with some doubts.

"What do you call it, I've always been a good person." Sean rolled his eyes, organized the language, and said, "The nutritional formula imported from the United States is specially designed for Indian physique, a reasonable diet, and a healthy diet for you. "

"Make the packaging more beautiful, and then play the U.S. import card, and promote the oil's low yield and high nutritional value."

"You have to consider the hearts of consumers. If you can pay for imported goods from the United States, you don't care about spending twice as much!"

"You can be more popular in this way!" Sean gestured with open hands: "Originally, the output is limited, of course, it is necessary to extract the maximum value reasonably."

"Those low castes know shit, how do you say how they listen!"

Sean had seen too many of these methods in his previous life, and he was the one who was miserably fooled.

Sol squinted at Sean, shook his head and sighed: "The capitalist's method is to let play understand."

Sean waved his hands again and again and said modestly, "No, no, I'm far worse than an entrepreneur."

Sol: Do you think I'm complimenting you! ?

"Do you know why **** is getting more and more empty?" Saul said directly without waiting for Sean to answer: "Because all the demons have been sold by you guy!"

"Not bad!" Sean laughed and said, "Have you heard a word?"


"The money is gone, I can make more money, but my conscience is gone..."

"You're not human anymore!" Sol said.

"No!" Sean shook his head and said seriously: "If your conscience is gone, you will earn more!"

Ha, Sol looked up at the sky, a **** held up high.

After laughing for a while, Sol said the second thing about going to India.

"The precious metal refining you want to do, there are people over there, and they are responsible for passing on the technology, but they are required to sell these waste products to them for unified processing."

"That's not a problem, why don't you give me a profit? As everyone knows, I, Sean, is a generous person." Sean waved his hand and said indifferently.

"You don't know how generous you are, but New Jersey knows that you can squeeze oil out of your trash." Said, Sol laughed.

Sean doesn't care either, isn't this the best compliment to the capitalists!

After the formal explanation was made, Sol said goodbye. He wanted to go back and have a good rest, running back and forth. Although the reception in India was good, he still felt tired when he returned home.

Physically, mentally.

"You are like this, don't worry, the Peace Hotel is open, you can go there and relax for a few days." Sean said with a smile.

"Are you sure you can rest there when you go there!?" The corners of Sol's mouth lifted slowly, and a strange light shone in his eyes.

After the opening of the Peace Hotel He heard Jonas say on the phone, good guy!

"Yes, then forget it." Sean said pretending to agree.

"Don't, don't, just kidding, don't be so serious." Sol grabbed Sean's wrist.

very tight.

"Then what nonsense are you talking about, get out of here!" Sean gave Sol a kick with a smile.

After Saul left, Sean originally wanted him to deal with the acquisition of metal scraps, but seeing that he was so tired, let it go.

Let the guy Torre go through various procedures, and Sean himself called Governor Benny.

When it comes to the acquisition of scrap metal, Lao Mei is different from Rabbit.

No one is allowed to ride a scooter here, with a horn hanging from his waist and shouting 'collect the junk' all over the world.

Regardless of whether it is illegal or not, this ghost place is vast and sparsely populated, and there is not a small county in Newark with many people. This method is really inefficient.

Generally, household scrap iron is thrown away directly like garbage, and this needs to be separated from the 'environmental protection' company.

The rest is mostly the collective behavior of enterprises, which is dealt with on a large scale.


It is impossible to spend money!

What a joke to pay for this kind of thing, is this looking down on me, Sean Rockefeller!


Brewster Jesse's office phone rang, picked it up, and heard the secretary say someone was coming to visit.

"Who?" Brewster Jesse blinked, thinking he heard it wrong, "Sean?"

"Are you sure it's Sean Rockefeller?"

Hearing the secretary's confirmation, Brewster Jesse was stunned for a while, until the secretary called him again, and he woke up, "Oh, let him come up, no, wait, I'll pick it up."

Hanging up the phone, Brewster Jesse picked up the suit next to him and put it on. As he walked downstairs, he kept muttering in his heart, why did this **** guy suddenly come to him?

You're not here to make trouble, are you?

To be honest, the thought of this Brewster Jesse made me shiver a little.

He wasn't sure if he had leaked the secret trick last time.

In fact, he regretted it afterwards.

He didn't even know what he was thinking at the time. Looking back now, he seemed to be completely crazy in those days, he didn't even know himself, and the things he did were naive and ridiculous.

There is no benefit at all, and it offends people in vain.

He has been in the political arena for decades, and suddenly he has completely lost his mind. He himself does not believe that it is something he can do.

Must have been bewitched by the **** devil!

Now that it's over, it's useless for him to regret it now, and now Sean has come to the door.

Wouldn't this guy suddenly beat himself up?

Standing in the elevator, Brewster Jesse's face kept changing.

Probably, no...

Sean wouldn't be so impulsive, would he?

But he is young, what if, what if he is impulsive?

That's tens of millions a year!

"Damn it!" Brewster Jesse cursed without noticing that the elevator door had opened.

It wasn't until Brewster Jesse looked up and saw Sean's smiling face that he woke up in horror and lost his temper again.

"Ah, ha, Mr. Sean Rockefeller, it's nice to meet you." After all, it was an old politician, Brewster Jesse adjusted his mood instantly, strode over and stretched out his hand with a smile: "I've heard it for a long time. You're famous, but it's the first time we've met."

"Mr. Brewster Jesse, it's nice to meet you. I've wanted to visit you for a long time, but I haven't had the right opportunity." Sean shook hands with the old guy and released it.

"Don't you know Mr. Sean, Mr. Sean still needs an appointment!" Brewster Jesse turned his head and reprimanded the secretary, and then put on a smile, "Sean, I call you that. Well, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, you're too polite."

Brewster Jesse personally led Sean up, and he was relieved, it didn't look like he was looking for trouble, that's good, that's good.

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