America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 214: : Who is the mastermind behind the scenes

The little black man drove fast.

It didn't take long for the car to arrive in front of a villa.

There were several policemen in front of the villa, and a woman with big brown waves was standing at the door and talking.

This is Alyssa's home, well, more specifically, Bell Harris bought it for Alyssa...

"Bell!" Seeing Bell's arrival, Alicia immediately ran over and threw herself into his arms.

Bell Harris hugged Alyssa, caressed her back gently, and whispered comfortingly in her ear.

As a vice president of a large steel company, high-income group, wouldn't it make sense to have a lover?

Alyssa's figure and appearance are much better than Katherine's, well, she is also much younger.

Of course, Bell Harris still loved his wife.

He just made a mistake that men all over the world make.

After calming down for a while, Alyssa, Bell Harris had a few more chats with the police officers present.

"It should be a habitual offender, his movements are neat, he is just a threat, and he doesn't hurt anyone." The police explained their thoughts.

"We will investigate as soon as possible."

"You will be notified when there is news."

The police were gone, and Bell Harris took Alisha into the villa.

There was no chaos in the villa. After the robbers rushed in, they used a gun to force Alisha to find the valuable items. After getting it, they fled immediately, and did nothing to harm Alisha.

Bell Harris breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the last thing he wanted didn't happen.

Dragging his tired body, Bell Harris comforted Alyssa until an hour later...

Bell Harris left even more tired.

There are still people waiting at home, so it's better not to go back today.

Oops, man, so tired.

Can't drive Alisha's car, but fortunately Bell left the phone number of the black driver just now.

This is the case in the United States. It is not a bustling urban area, so you have to call in advance to take a taxi.

However, before the black brother's car came, a car stopped in front of Bell Harris.

The window rolled down, and a man came out and said with a smile, "Mr. Bell, get in the car."

"Who are you?" Bell Harris took a closer look, he was sure he didn't know him.

And just as I was about to take a taxi, someone drove over. It was a coincidence, right?

"Oh, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that someone wants to see you." The person who came was not in a hurry, and continued to say with a smile.

"Whoever wants to see me, why don't you come by yourself." Bell Harris took two steps back vigilantly.

"I've already greeted you twice." The man in the car continued to say with a smile.

Bell Harris seemed to understand something, his pupils shrank suddenly, the hair on his body exploded, his hands clenched into fists, he turned his head and glanced at the villa behind him and then looked at the people in front of him, "Fake, you guys. Crazy, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw that the face of the person in the car slowly turned cold, and Bell Harris held back all his angry words.

"Go, or don't go!" The person in the car said coldly, "Mom, Fake, I can't talk to you guys, right?"

Bell Harris opened his mouth, and big drops of sweat stuck out from his forehead. He really didn't want to go, he was really scared, these people almost killed him just now.

But, he really dare not refuse now.

The footsteps seemed to be filled with lead, and they moved towards the car door little by little. The person in the car scolded impatiently: "Immediately, immediately!"

Bell Harris shivered, quickened his pace, opened the car door and sat up.

The car sped away in a hurry. Not long after, the black guy drove here but saw no one, stared at **** and white eyes, and cursed a few words loudly.


"Here, get off."

Bell Harris was taken to the road and a stretched Lincoln was parked on the side of the road.

The car door was opened, and someone pushed him behind him. Bell Harris stumbled onto the car, and when he looked up, he saw Sean who he had just seen in the morning.

"You, it's you!" Bell Harris widened his eyes and looked at Sean in disbelief, "How could it be you!"

He had a lot of people on his mind, but never thought it would be Sean.

This is the Rockefeller family!

How can you do such a thing that threatens other people's lives?

This method is too inferior and too crude, only those drug criminals and gangsters can do it!

"I didn't expect it!" Sean raised his brows and said thoughtfully, "So, in fact, you didn't know my situation at all and rashly did what you did today."

"You, you, me, I will definitely report it to the trust committee, I will sue you!" Bell Harris shouted through gritted teeth.

Normally, there is nothing wrong with this approach.

"Hehe, hehe, sue me?" Sean was amused by this guy.

"What are you suing me, you can't sue me for anything, a car accident? It's just fatigue driving, except for some economic losses, the driver is at the police station, robbery? The robbers haven't been found, what does it have to do with me."

"You can say such naive words, you have lived in vain for more than 40 years."

Sean shook his head, looking disappointed.

"I, I..." Bell Harris opened his mouth, unable to refute for a while.

"Okay, don't waste time, what did I ask, what did you say, who asked you to make such an offer." Sean's face turned cold, and the air in the car was instantly suppressed.

Bell Harris swallowed involuntarily, "This, this is a normal offer."

"But, that's for the outside world, not for me Sean Rockefeller!"

Being stared at by Sean, Bell Harris felt his heart beating frantically. He really didn't expect that the Rockefeller family, who has always been elegant and appeared in public as a charitable image, would have such a person.

Thinking about what happened just now, while madly cursing the person who gave him the order, he quickly said, "The Rockefeller Family Fund Trusteeship!?" Sean frowned, he really knew this , a total of two trusteeships were made before John Rockefeller died.

The trustee of the 1934 trust was Chase National Bank.

In 1952, the trustee of the letter was Fidelity United Trust, which was later acquired by Wachovia.

These two trusts are in the form of irrevocable trusts, that is, the trust agreement cannot be changed or terminated without the consent of the beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries of these two trusts are all the fourth generation of the family, the generation of Sean's cheap dad.

At present, some of the beneficiaries of the trust have been transferred to the fifth generation, and Hayden has a part.

The steel company that Sean came to this time, a large part of the stock is the assets under the custody of Fidelity United Trust.

It's just that what Sean can't understand is that he doesn't have any conflict with the other party, so why should he stumble upon himself?

If you don't understand, ask!

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