America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 215: : Our factory needs talents like you

"Fidelity United Trust is only responsible to the beneficiaries and is not controlled by the Rockefeller Family Office. Mr. David has no control over this." Bell Harris said in a low voice, "Well, normally, it cannot be controlled."

Sean: ? ? ?

Sean has never cared about these things in the family, so it's not clear.

In fact, later, in his autobiography, David Rockefeller complained about the powerful power of the trust committee, which bypassed the company's board of directors and communicated instructions directly to management when dealing with matters related to the Rockefeller Group Co., Ltd. and was implemented.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

For example, Elvis Presley, one of his assets is in the hands of a trust institution, and it is useless for his daughter to take the trust institution to court several times.

Those professional managers who have obtained asset management authority will not manage you honestly and conscientiously. It is normal for them to try their best to seek personal gain from it.

In this regard, even the descendants who inherit these assets have nothing to do.

For the money in their hands, even in the face of the Rockefellers, those greedy guys would not let go.

They will take advantage of some loopholes, even to provoke the relationship between the beneficiaries, in order to achieve their goals, unscrupulous means.

That's what happened to the Rockefellers.

Among them, Chase National Bank, the trustee of the trust in 1934, was 'absorbed' in 1955 by the Manhattan Bank managed by David Rockefeller.

After the annexation, it became "Chase Manhattan Bank" and became one of the largest banks in the United States, and David Rockefeller also became the deputy general manager of Chase Manhattan Bank and was in charge of the bank's development department.

As for why it wasn't called "Manhattan Chase Bank" after the annexation, and why was David not the general manager or chairman...

Doesn't it sound good to say that... Well, that's it.

The same thing, different people, speaking from different angles, sounds completely different.

Sean doesn't know these things.

It wasn't until I heard what Bell Harris said that I understood the point.

Sean was lost in thought, and the car was dead silent, and Bell Harris only felt his heart beat faster and became more and more nervous.

What's the idea of ​​this old man David?

Sean doesn't believe that only this steel plant managed by Fidelity United Trust has this kind of technology.

The idea that the old man, David, was going to embarrass himself was immediately rejected by him.

Could it be that he wanted to bring himself into conflict with Fidelity?

Borrow your own hands to get revenge on Fidelity?

For a time, Sean couldn't understand what the old fox was up to!

However, Sean snorted, these second and third generations, the way of doing things is too 'soft'.

Considering the gains and losses, the influence, the image... Even if you become the patriarch of the family, you must also consider the opinions of other people in the family. The way of doing things has always been biased towards femininity.

And the first generation of pioneers, often the methods are much more rude.

This is the case in all dynasties. When Zhu Yuanzhang was the emperor, whenever there was an opponent, he would say 'kill', and whenever there was corruption, he would say 'kill'!

When it came to the emperor of the descendants, one by one was bullied by the people below, like a gas bun.

Of course, Zhu Di is an exception. In fact, this guy is also a pioneer.

Replace it with Sean's own, even if the trust is only a small part of the family's property, and dare to fight against Lao Tzu, Sean won't care so much and just send it all away.

He will not be like David, who will slowly disintegrate and regain control over decades.

must now...

Sean slowly raised his head to reveal a warm smile, his face suddenly changed, and Bell Harris shivered in fright.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy, Sean!"

Bell Harris twitched the corners of his mouth, his face paler.

"As for me, I'm going to open a steel plant in New Jersey to smelt scrap steel with electric furnaces. Right now, apart from the land, the steel plant doesn't even have any blueprints for the plant."


"I need a manager who really knows how to help me build this steel plant from scratch, from recruiting to designing the plant, from construction to production."

"I'm very optimistic about you!" Said, Sean slapped Bell Harris on the shoulder.

Bell Harris' body softened, and he was completely stunned. He never expected that Sean would say such a thing.

This, turning point... He was completely unacceptable for a while.

"I, I, I..."

"Don't rush to promise me, go back and think about it!" Sean didn't give him a chance to refuse at all, and patted him on the shoulder again.

Bell Harris stared at Sean, when did I agree?

"That's it for today, Torre, drive and take Mr. Bell home!" Sean shouted loudly, and the car started immediately.

Bell Harris: 0ДQ

This is Mr. Bell?

Along the way, Sean looked very kind, until he reached the door of Bell Harris' house, and Sean pushed the car door in person, "That's it for today, you can get to know it well tomorrow, and we'll see you the day after tomorrow."

Bell Harris just watched the lengthened Lincoln go away, and he was messed up in the night.

You tell me this is from the Rockefeller family?

But **** it!

he, tui!

I believe it is the Mafia!

Pushing the door and returning home, Bell Harris, who experienced a life-and-death crisis, was repeatedly oppressed by his lover, and was intimidated by Sean in the end, was completely incapacitated in the face of his wife's inquiries. Go to sleep.

I arrived at the company the next day, put my work aside, and started a relationship as soon as possible to inquire about Sean Rockefeller.

After all, it is not the era of information explosion in the future, even New Jersey people, not everyone knows Sean.

After most of the day, Bel Harris sat slumped on the seat for a long time and was speechless.

After all, it was an executive of a big company, or someone from the Rockefeller family system who inquired carefully all morning, and really let him know most of Sean's information.

Only now, Bell Harris felt that he might as well not know.

Compared with the label of a self-made rich man, the names of Sean's illegitimate son, the mafia behind the scenes, the maker of **** massacres, etc. are obviously louder.

Bell Harris couldn't have imagined that. Last night's angry words came true. What a mafia.

Looking at the old newspaper on the table, the front page describes the report of the Cartagena massacre.

The murderer is X Security Company, and the boss of X Security Company is Sean Rockefeller.

No, the Mafia is much kinder than him.

Involuntarily, what Sean said when he parted last night rang out in his ears. You can learn more about it tomorrow, and we will see you the day after tomorrow.

"No wonder, no wonder" Bell Harris murmured unconsciously.

So, is it useful to call the police?

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