America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 249: payment business

"What do you think, William, we are still

Speaking of which, Rick stopped a little embarrassedly and said, "It's not what you think anyway."

"Wait, Rick, how are you guys just saying?" William Chen looked at Rick a lot and said meaningfully, "Don't tell me, you haven't slept with her yet."

"Well, that's not the point, William." Rick said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "I am a devout Catholic, so

"Okay, but you're too sudden, so I thought you got into the car first, and if you have an accident, you should quickly renew your driver's license." Since it was a matter of belief, William Chen couldn't make any more jokes.

"It's just the contact during this period of time. We think each other is someone who can go on forever." Rick said angrily: "But you have to be careful, William, in case you do have a child."

"Then I want it, but it's not that I can't afford it."

"Haha." Hearing William Chen's words, Rick and Walton sneered: "You have so many women, if they get pregnant together, then the situation will be interesting."

"Brother, can you stop being so cynical? I feel that you are envious of my beauty. The person who is about to enter the grave of marriage is in the final struggle?"

William Chen angrily said to Rick, how is this possible?

After sending Rick and Walton, William Chen approached Nielsen and asked about PayPal. The previous investigation of PayPal let Chen William know that the current mobile payment competition is becoming more and more fierce, but now Although Paypal has an advantage, it is not a big advantage. Their main users still come from eBay, mainly payment on the web.

At the beginning, PayPal really wanted to be a payment tool for mobile phones, but then it encountered difficulties in development. After being acquired by eBay, they got a huge amount of transactions, and therefore found that users at that time preferred to use PayPal on the web, so After that, they slowed down the pace of development on the mobile side, and temporarily focused on the payment field on the web side.

-It was not until 2008 that they continued to develop towards the mobile terminal, but at present, various giants, including Facebook and Google, have plans to enter the mobile payment terminal and launch their own payment tools.

Therefore, in conclusion, it is not easy to acquire PayPal from eBay. Even if it can be acquired, the price will not be too low, and it is likely to reach the level of tens of billions, because PayPal is too important to eBay, and they may not even agree to sell their hands completely. 's stock.

And if Chen William is more concerned about the field of mobile payment, then spending more than 10 billion yuan to acquire PayPal may not be too cost-effective. Now there are many startups that are doing well in these areas, it is better to use these companies. Acquired and acquired relevant talents, and then combined with their Internet projects under Meta Technology Company to develop their own payment system.

After thinking about it, William Chen decided to keep both hands at the same time. On the one hand, he continued to contact eBay to communicate the feasibility of acquiring PayPal, and on the other hand, he was to acquire potential startups to prepare for the development of Meta Technology's free payment system.

And among the mobile payment startups that William Chen has in the pipeline, including Zong, Venmo and Square.

Zong was originally a division of Echovox, a provider of mobile advertising solutions. Later, with the development of the virtual currency industry, Zong was spun off from Echovox and became an independent company. Zong's service helps social gamers buy in-game virtual items.

Zong can charge 5% to 10% of each transaction, and according to estimates, Zong's revenue this year will quadruple last year's, and the total payment will reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

Therefore, this company still has development potential. At this time, Zong has just obtained more than 10 million US dollars in Series A financing at the end of last year. At that time, the company's valuation was 50 million US dollars. At this time, the acquisition of this company is expected to be valued. Between $1-150 million.

In comparison, Venmo is smaller in scale. This company was founded just last year. It is a p2p micropayment software. Users can use Venmo to deal with money problems between friends. It is more popular among young people. Popular, but at this time Venmo still uses SMS to pay more, it is still relatively backward, but the company's social attributes are still very attractive to young people, users can already share their own pass through Facebook and other social media. A record of Venmo payments.

Because Venmo has just started a business, the acquisition price will not be very high. According to estimates, $10 million is enough to win the company.

As for Square, it has something to do with William Chen, because the founder of this company is Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter. When William Chen acquired Twitter, Jack and Dorsey had already left his position as CEO of the company, retaining only part of the shares.

After that, he started his own business again and started Square. If you understand it simply, Square is more similar to Lakala in the United States. It initially launched a card swipe device for mobile phones to help small merchants solve the trouble of customers paying with credit cards.

As mentioned earlier, in the United States, people are more accustomed to using credit cards to pay, and the development of mobile payment is not as fast as in China, because in the eyes of many people, the only difference between the two is whether you use a credit card to swipe, or The difference between brushing with a mobile phone.

Especially in the promotion of physical stores, mobile payment is particularly difficult. When paying through the Internet, these payment software also have the advantages of convenience and speed for credit cards. In physical payment, credit cards have become popular in Europe and the United States. Payment way too.

Generally speaking, the cost of credit cards is still relatively high. In the United States, it is about 6%, that is, the merchant receives $100 through the credit card, of which $6 is to be handed over to the card merchant, which also makes many small businesses. Merchants are a headache.

On the other hand, Square can reduce the rate of credit cards, usually between 2.5-3%, which can save half or more of card swiping fees, which is very popular with many merchants.

And Square uses the mini card swipe on the mobile phone, and the merchant charges only $9.9, and after the first use of the merchant, you can also get a $10 rebate, which is equivalent to a free gift, which is more than hundreds of times. Dollar swipes are much more affordable, so Square grew very quickly at first, gaining a lot of users.

Of course, it can be seen from this model that it was difficult for Square to make a profit in the early days, and it has been maintaining development through continuous financing. However, the number of users at this time, especially those of brick-and-mortar merchants, is very difficult for William Chen. Hungry.

However, there are two problems that William Chen needs to face in acquiring Square. The first is whether the founder of this company will accept the acquisition by William Chen after his shares were cleared by William Chen in Twitter before; the other is whether Chen will accept the acquisition. William knows that, taking Huaguo as an the most convenient way to make mobile payment is to pay by QR code, so is it necessary to acquire Square at the current stage and make the transition by means of a mobile card reader? Woolen cloth

No matter what, William Chen has to give it a try. After all, he knows that the company Square will develop well in the future. Later, it successfully listed on IPO. It is the two payment giants in the United States alongside PayPal. Therefore, even if it cannot be fully acquired now, part of the investment will be completed. It can also make a lot of money, and can maintain a certain influence in this company.

As for the two companies Zong and Venmo, William Chen has already decided to acquire them. If I remember correctly, it seems that Zong and Venmo were both acquired by PayPal1, so even if he can't acquire PayPal and acquire these two companies, he can also develop his own payment system based on this.

In addition, don’t forget that William Chen also has another payment tool, that is Alipay. Although Alipay has already spun off Ali, but according to the agreement between him and Boss Ma, in the future, before Alipay’s IPO, a certain share of the shares will be compensated.

The future development of Alipay is more complete than those of the payment companies in the United States. Therefore, even if he cannot acquire PayPal and Square, he can still cooperate with Alipay after winning Zong and Venmo. research to improve the security and convenience of their payment system.

With these plans in place, William Chen arranged to contact the acquisition of these four companies. Zong and Venmo must be won, and the remaining two depend on luck.

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