America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 250: Racial bonus

"Wendi, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful recently."

"It's nice to see you, William, but when will Ivanta come back, I haven't seen her for a long time, I miss her very much.

This is a party at Wendi Deng's home in New York for the Asian American Mutual Aid Charity Fund. As the honorary chairman of this charity foundation, William Chen will naturally attend today's party.

Initially, William Chen donated $100 million of the initial $500 million to the charitable foundation, and as the foundation plays a role in supporting Asian groups, especially during this subprime mortgage crisis, many Asian Because of the implicit discrimination, more unemployment, and the assistance of the Asian American Mutual Aid Charity Fund in the United States has also made this charitable foundation more and more influential in the Asian community. Later, many Asian Americans have Money people have generously donated money to this charitable fund.

Now it seems that William Chen is very recognized for the ability of Guo Xibin, the executive chairman of the American Asian Mutual Aid Fund.

With the expansion of the influence of this charitable foundation, Yang Zhiyuan, Chen William and Deng Wendi, who are the executive chairmen of the foundation, have continued to grow in popularity among Asians. Therefore, Deng Wendi has paid more attention to this charitable foundation. He often holds receptions for him to raise money for charity.

"Thank you too, William, now it seems that my investment in your fund is my most successful one so far.

Although Chen William previously acquired 20th Century Fox, a subsidiary of News Corporation, but that was just a business act. As a personal friend, the two are still good. And Deng Wendi's personal investment of $5 million in the previous No. 3 fund has also turned into an asset of nearly $60 million, which also makes her very happy.

"I listened to you before and redeemed those funds, but there are no better investment opportunities now. If you have any investment advice, William, be sure to tell me, I absolutely believe in you.

Judging from Deng Wendi's expression, she definitely didn't say polite words, but what William Chen thought was that News Corporation's "eavesdropping door broke out ahead of time because of her own reasons. I just don't know if she and the British one are still in the same boat." According to the previous life, it will happen in two or three years, which will lead to Murdoch's decision to divorce her.

"You know, Wendi, my recent key managers have been focusing on integrating the company, but don't worry, I will launch a new fund later. If you are interested, I will notify you when the time comes."

Yes, with the signs of a recovery in the stock market, William Chen is also preparing to launch his own private investment fund plan. It really is Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd. On Blankfein's side, he called him several times recently and suggested that he set up the fund they talked about before, because as far as he knew, there were a lot of funds looking for investment targets during this time, and William Chen was in the subprime mortgage crisis before. The harvest is also a topic of discussion for many people, so he promised that if William Chen personally set up a fund, he could at least help to find more than 20 billion US dollars in funds, most of which came from the funds of the local tyrants in the Middle East.

Therefore, Chen William agreed to the other party after considering it, but he only planned to release the fundraising amount of 20 billion US dollars in the first phase of the fund, but it was impossible to give all of it to the local tyrants in the Middle East, at most only half of them would be left. amount of.

The remaining half is naturally reserved for the super-rich who can give him resources, including the former Drey Family Fund and the California Public Fund.

"Then I'll wait for your notification, William, I'm going to go to China in a few days, and I can meet Ivanta by the way. Will you go with me?"

"If I can finish my work here, Wendi, there have been a lot of things going on recently."

During this period of time, William Chen's running in the United States, China and Europe was really busy, and he had missed a few NYU exams before, and he had to make time to make up for it. If he went to China again, it would be really good I have to find an opportunity, at least after this time.

While talking to Deng Wendi, Chen William looked at the people at the party, there were many familiar faces, and he saw Yang Jieyuan chatting with a few Chinese people.

"Hello, Mr. William, we meet again."

The person who spoke to him was Kwon Zhixian, a beautiful South Korean woman who had met several times.

"Gianna, you're here too.

William Chen said to her with a smile.

"Yes, after I finished filming, I happened to come over with Ms. Wendi."

Quan Zhixian looked at Chen William with a bit of infatuation. Although she tried her best to hide it, Chen William could still see it, and she couldn't help but wonder if her charm was a racial bonus for South Koreans. It's amazing here. Would you like to go to South Korea to try it some other day? You won't be surrounded by women when you walk on the street. Thinking of that crazy scene, William Chen immediately dismissed this idea.

"Gianna not only came to help enthusiastically, but also donated 5 million US dollars to our charity fund. She is really a very kind girl.

Deng Wendi put her arms around Quan Zhixian's shoulder and said to Chen William, but her face seemed to have a different meaning. Could it be that she also saw that Quan Zhixian was abnormal when facing her

"Wendi don't praise me, you have contributed more, and I also think it is a very meaningful thing. Besides, I would also like to thank Mr. William, not him, I have not received such a big one. I am also very happy to be able to donate some money to help my compatriots.”

Kwon Zhixian also invested 5 million US dollars in Chen William's private equity fund. At that time, Chen William was a little surprised. As one of the most famous actresses in South Korea, she was able to spend so much money, and Chen William was surprised. It was understandable, but she was assured of putting the money into her private equity fund, which he didn't expect.

However, at this moment, she has also been rewarded handsomely because of her decisiveness, but she can donate $5 million from the money to their American Asian Mutual Aid Charity Fund, which William Chen still appreciates her, just imagine. Now, even after the actor's salary has risen sharply in the past life and later, it is very rare to be able to donate this 5 million US dollars normally.

"Let's talk, I'll go look over there first." After saying hello, Deng Wendi left, but Chen William clearly saw that before she left, she gave herself a color.

Uh, what do you mean, I'm sorry I don't understand. Are you as Ivanta's best friend to draw my attention, or are you saying you don't know anything and won't tell Ivanta?

Women, one by one, really

"I heard that Mr. William went to Huaguo before. I was filming at that time and couldn't see each other. It's a pity."

Just as Chen William had those thoughts in his mind, Quan Zhixian was already talking to him with a rather intimate attitude.

"It's still important to and I was mainly busy with work when I went there, waiting for the opportunity to go to South Korea in the future, but I can ask Gianna to be a tour guide for me to visit there. I passed by in a hurry last time. No chance to play."

"Really?" Hearing Chen William's words, Quan Zhixian's eyes lit up, and she said to him with hope: "Then I am really waiting for you, Mr. William, if there is such an opportunity, then I am too Happy."

Uh, girl, please be more reserved, I don't even have the sense of accomplishment to pick up girls like you.

"I'm afraid that Gianna is too well-known in South Korea, and then we will be watched."

William Chen said jokingly.

"How can there be? Actually, Mr. William, you don't know. You are now famous in South Korea. You have more fans than all the artists."

"Don't be so polite. Always call me Mr. William. We are friends. You can just call me William."

Chen William has been in contact with people from so many countries, but Japan and South Korea give him the to say it is that he is usually a little polite, not as natural as he interacts with people from China or Europe and the United States.

Of course, it may also be that they are used to this formalized etiquette, but as foreigners, they feel a little too polite. Although in William Chen's current status, he can generally feel that others respect him, but respect is respect, and I can feel those attitudes, but when interacting, it is generally natural and smooth.

"is this OK'

"Yes, just like the way of communication with Wendi and the others, otherwise I'll feel weird too."

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