America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 254: you bastard!

In fact, since Chen William's Tianshu Fund started raising funds, news came out that more than two-thirds of the quota was quickly raised.

The Kuwait Sovereign Fund and Qatar Sovereign Fund in the Middle East each contributed 5 billion US dollars, covering half of the amount, and the rest including Deng Wendi directly invested 50 million US dollars; Rick Walton is 500 million US dollars; The Dre family fund invested $1.5 billion, while Abu and Dasha contributed a total of $500 million... In addition, other women who had invested in Fund 3 before also contributed most of the funds. into this fund.

You must know that the threshold for Tianshu Fund is very high, requiring a minimum investment of 10 million US dollars, but this is no longer a threshold for them.

According to Goldman Sachs' estimates, William Chen's fundraising for Tianshu Fund this time is definitely going to be excessive. As it turned out, only half of the 10 promotion receptions that were originally scheduled were held, and the 20 billion US dollars of Tianshu Fund had been raised.

According to the agreement, these investors who participated in the capital subscription need to transfer the funds to the custody account established by Meta Investment Company at Goldman Sachs within 10 working days, otherwise they will be deemed to have given up their investment and will be in the queue of registered investors. Deferred quota.

During the promotion reception attended by William Chen during this period, he got to know many rich people from all walks of life, and he couldn't help but sigh that although it is a time of economic crisis, there are still too many rich people, just take out a few There are many people who invest billions of cash.

However, this is also a very good opportunity to get to know people. Through the investment of these people, as long as William Chen's Tianshu Fund performs well, they will always support him. Who can make it difficult for him to make money?

With Chen William's current net worth, it is natural that ordinary rich people can only say hello to him at most, and there is no chance to say a few more words, because every time William Chen is present at the reception, he also understands why the United States does not have much time. Most of the millionaires have private jets, and even if they don't, they will use them through leasing companies.

Because there are too many airports of various sizes in the United States, there are more than 10,000 airports scattered all over the country, and it is most convenient to travel back and forth between various places.

Fan Yongyong stayed in New York and cooperated with Marvel Entertainment. Erica has always been with William Chen during this time. As the leader of the think tank next to William Chen in the future, William Chen is here. For a period of time, people need to be connected through her.

"How much money is in the account now?"

After the last reception, William Chen returned to the hotel where he was staying, stretched and asked.

"According to today's data during the day, our escrow account has reached more than 12 billion US dollars. The funds of the two sovereign wealth funds have arrived quickly, and the remaining funds are also arriving in the account one after another."

Hearing this data, Chen William got up and sat in front of the laptop she took out, inquiring about the recent stock prices.

With most of the 20 billion US dollars in the Tianshu Fund, William Chen is still ready to invest in US stocks. He already has some goals, which are generally similar to the investment direction of his Caitlin Fund.

However, this time the amount of funds is higher, so more potential stocks need to be found. Most of the technology stocks are too small, such as Apple, Microsoft, Google and other stocks with large capacity and good growth, it is really rare.

Especially Apple, the current share price is less than 6 US dollars, and Chen William remembers that the highest price was close to 180 US dollars in his previous life and later, which is a 30-fold increase. The most important thing is that the liquidity of Apple's shares is good, and the market value is now very high. It can't help but say that such a top-quality stock is really awesome.

Well, you can buy more of Apple's stock, and there is absolutely no problem in putting 5 billion of the 20 billion of Tianshu Fund into Apple's stock.

As for the rest, although Google and Microsoft are not as good as Apple, they can both increase by more than 10 times, and the plate is also large. These two companies can invest 2.5 billion US dollars each.

In this case, there are already 10 billion in funds, and there are still 5 billion US dollars. You can choose some small and medium-sized stocks with gratifying gains. In the Internet: Netflix, NetArt, Zhalang, Salesforce, Amazon; Mobile; Chip: AMD, NVIDIA, ASML; others: Adobe, MasterCard

These stocks add up to 5 billion US dollars, so that a total of 150 funds can be invested in US stocks. As for the remaining $5 billion, William Chen is ready to use it flexibly.

The minimum requirement of the Tianshu Fund only needs to reach an annualized 10% per year, so William Chen does not need to earn too high profits, as long as he can keep it above this amount.

Of course, the more he earns, the more he will share in the profits, but it is not as good as directly using these funds to develop his own industry. And if you buy all stocks, the average annualized return is too high, and all funds rarely enter the investment market with full positions, and always keep some cash in hand, but Chen William will use this cash, Investing in an industry that requires extremely high costs but does not have high short-term returns, and then use other funds to acquire these investment shares back, can dilute the total income of the entire Tianshu Fund.

Or you can directly buy the preferred shares of your own company, so that you only need to pay a small amount of interest to use the funds. There are many uses of this kind, such as Zoom's warehousing and logistics construction, such as the big data center construction of Meta Research Center, such as the building construction of Troup-Chen Business Management Company, etc.

After it was confirmed, Chen William sent the instruction to Martin Stephenson, who was in charge of the management of Tianshu Fund, and asked him to use some of the funds that Tianshu Fund had received to start to absorb his designated stocks.

The operation part of the fund does not need to be carried out by Meta investment company at all, because the funds are hosted by Goldman Sachs, so they only need to issue instructions to the operators of Goldman Sachs to buy the corresponding stocks.

It's just that the layout of all this cannot be completed in a short time. For such a large-scale transaction, it is also necessary to slowly absorb stocks, otherwise it will easily cause drastic changes in prices, which will be seen by the keen eyes of Wall Street. clues.

"William, you bastard!"

When Chen William came back from running in the morning and was washing in the bathroom, when he saw the door opened, Scarlett stood at the door and said with gritted teeth, her eyes fell on Chen William, paused for a moment somewhere, and turned. And take a deep breath:

"You were too much last night!"


Chen William looked at her in confusion: "Aren't you very high last"

"P**K, that's because I drank too much." Scarlett couldn't help rubbing her temples and said, "How could I have thought that you are now.... Ge woke up in the morning and saw that Jessica still had Your secretary slept with me and I thought I was dreaming.

"Uh, well, Scarlett, I see, but...are you going to tell me this all the time under such circumstances?"

William Chen hurriedly rinsed off the shampoo foam on his head and said to Scarlett.

"You bastard, I'm leaving first, I feel like I was really crazy last night."

"Okay, dear, go back and calm down first, and I'll find you after a while."

"I don't want to see you again. At least until I finish this movie."

After saying this, Scarlett turned around and slammed the door shut.

Chen William was just sprinkled on his body by the warm water. He looked at the closed door with a stunned expression on his face.

Now he is in his villa in Mabry Beach, Los Angeles. At his last stop, the Tianshu Fund promotion party was held in San Francisco, so after a visit to Silicon Valley, he came to Los Angeles.

It happened that Jessica had just finished filming, and Scarlett came over to prepare for the filming, so with Erica, the three and William Chen came here together. They drank a lot last night, so they finally

William Chen suddenly remembered, as if he and Scarlett were in this villa for the first time after a long time. Could it be that she was so flamboyant because of this reason?

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