America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 255: 1 false alarm

"William, I have something I don't know if I should tell you."

When William Chen finished taking a shower, he saw Jessica sitting on the sofa in the living room, and he said with hesitation on his face when he saw him coming.

If you generally say this, you still want to say it, so William Chen said directly:

"What's the matter, Jessica?"

"That's right, my one, it should have come yesterday, but it hasn't come yet...

Hearing her words, William Chen was stunned, and what Rick Walton once said to himself seemed to ring in his ears:

William, in case you do have a baby.

Uh, no, this crow's mouth, could it be...

Chen William tried his best to stabilize his expression, and asked tentatively, "Well, Jessica, are you always on time?

"No, sometimes a day or two in advance, but rarely late, because the days of yesterday have already started."

Jessica looked at William Chen and asked ambitiously, "William, what should I do if it's true? You don't want children, do you?"

Although I was a little nervous, especially Rick's words were still in my ears not long ago, it seemed like a curse, but at this time there must be no hesitation, William Chen said to Jessica: "

How about you? Do you want to? If you like... um, I mean really, and you like children, then give birth, and I will definitely be responsible for the children anyway. "

Just as he spoke, Chen William suddenly stopped, wait... When was the last time he was with Jessica? It seems to be in this villa, that was before Scarlett Johansson came to Hollywood with her, when she went to the interview for "007: Skyfall", and now the filming is over, this is not only It's been a month.

F*K, do you have a prairie unknowingly?

This is no joke. William Chen asked tentatively, "Jessica, did your relatives come last month? Is it normal or not?"

last month? Come on, I was still on the set at the time. Jessica said nervously: "But William, I don't know what's going on, but I haven't really been with anyone since I was with you, even before I was with you for a long time, I can swear of…

Seeing that she still has Jessica's name among the candidates for binding. , what's going on? Either there is something wrong with this broken system or there is no cup, not Santa Maria. Thinking of this, William Chen calmed down a little and said to Jessica: "I believe in you, Jessica, but I think it seems like it's time to go to the hospital and check it out, don't panic.

So Hua didn't have time to eat breakfast, so she went directly to the most famous obstetrics and gynecology clinic in Los Angeles. The final result was a false alarm. Jessica did not show pregnancy. Filming was nervous and exhausted, so it was caused.

"Sorry, William, I'm so nervous."

After knowing the result, Jessica said to William Chen embarrassedly,

"It's alright, dear, no matter what it is, it's fine." Chen William said, and suddenly thought of something: "Well, you normally came to visit yesterday with relatives, and you are still with me...

Aren't you afraid of my **** fight? "

"I think, if it is delayed, then maybe it will come with a pass."

Hmm, that sounds reasonable.

But today this is a false alarm. William Chen can't help but feel a little fortunate. It seems that he thinks too much. How could Rick be so accurate.

But after this incident, do I need to take any measures in the future? But I got immune sushi in Japan, and if you bring a raincoat, it's not a waste of time...

While Chen William was thinking about these thoughts, he heard Jessica suddenly say William, if, I mean, if I had your child, would you be happy?

"Of course, I also like children a lot, but you know, Jessica, I'm afraid I can't give you the title..."

You can raise him by yourself, I don't care about that. Hearing Chen William's words, Jessica showed a happy smile on her face: "I just want one of our children, even if I

"You can rest assured, Jessica." William Chen grabbed her hand and said, "It's just that I can't give him the title, but for the rest, I'll make him the happiest child in the world."

After completing this matter, William Chen met Hastings from Netflix again.

Last night, it was the first female first in the series. After being merged into the TV production department of MGM in the 20th century, this film has been completed, and after Fei and Netflix saw this situation, plus the previous Haas. Tins had the idea of ​​making his own content, so he had a series production plan to test the waters.

At the same time, he also hopes to cooperate with the production department of 20t MGM, share good ideas, customize episodes to them, and broadcast them through a single channel of Netflix. Of course, this kind of trivial matter does not need William Chen at all. It's just that Hastings hopes to get his approval first, so that the plan can be carried out more smoothly.

"I agree with your idea that content will always be the most important part of a streaming media platform, but according to your plan, the required funds will not be less. Has Netflix decided to take this risk?"

"I'm going to take out a loan from the bank and at the same time issue a part of preferred stock. I think this plan is a must."

"In the current situation, bank loans are not easy. If there is a need for funds, I can buy some preferred shares."

William Chen said.

He currently holds 37.6% of Netflix's shares, but most of the shares are purchased from other institutions and the secondary market. The real funds for Netflix are only the $200 million invested in last year. After nearly a year, the funds are estimated to be running low.

And Hastings said that he hoped to issue preferred shares to raise funds, but also in order not to lose more voting rights, Bi Jing preferred shares only have the right to dividends.

Now William Chen's film and television empire has reached a certain scale, including the production capabilities of MGM in the 20th century, the content supply capabilities of Marvel Entertainment, and the screening channels of Netflix.

However, Shi Fei has been in a slightly distant position in this system because of his recent emotional awareness. Of course, on the one hand, Hastings hopes to maintain control of Netflix, and on the other hand, this position allows Netflix to have a more detached position.

Once it joins William Chen's film and television empire, Netflix will rely more on MGM in the 20th century in terms of content, and will reduce its appeal to other film and television companies.

Although in reality, they have almost lost the content of other big Hollywood companies, because those companies have been tied to the interests of the hulu platform, which is why they are now biased towards self-made content.

But there is still the possibility of cooperation, which Hastings is very concerned about.

In fact, whether it is the channel of broadcast, or the production of content, the choice between each other is a part of Boben. When there are multiple choices with less gaps, it is natural to choose the one that is more beneficial to you.

If Netflix occupies an absolute dominant position in the field of streaming media, then even if other companies are reluctant, they can only put their own content on it and cooperate with it.

After all, after all, it’s still a different field, so there’s no need to struggle with money.

Therefore, in the future, it is inevitable for William Chen to incorporate Netflix into his system, but the time point has to be chosen, not when Netflix is ​​fully grown, so he is also waiting to believe that Hastings is the same I saw this trend, but the final choice has not yet been shown. What he cares about is his control over Netflix. If William Chen can ensure the relatively independent operation of Netflix, then everything is not impossible.

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