America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 449: into a song?

Of course, the entire atusd system is complex enough, and naturally it will not be completed in a short time.

The first launch is definitely based on the atusd of the South Pacific bank account, and the atusd of the sp wallet address needs to be completed by the entire system and passed the stability and security test before it can be launched.

Some people may ask questions. Since the entire atusd system has no physical currency and is completely recorded through the network, if the global network crashes or there is a global power outage, wouldn’t the entire atusd system be finished?

Well, let's not say that such an extreme event that is no less than a regress of civilization happens, you may have to worry about the money in your bank account first...

And the global nodes of the atusd system all have backup power systems, and in addition, South Pacific Bank is about to entrust SpaceX to launch the "Digital Beidou" system consisting of seven satellites, which is designed to synchronize with the ground network in space. Accounting for the atusd system...

In fact, so far, the atusd project may be the most strictly regulated of all of Chen's commercial projects.

Not only does it focus on anti-money laundering supervision, but no matter how you explain it, the financial attributes of atusd are difficult to wash out. Although Atlanta is a private area, if you carry out this business to overseas countries, you need to face Various regulations are unavoidable.

Even South Pacific Bank has technically realized that only through the Internet, it can use a real-name authentication system with a high recognition rate for remote account opening and real-name authentication, and there are ways to develop outside supervision, but subject to regulatory review, Or a necessary way to formalize it.

But no matter what, this project is a very important step for the development of Atlanta.

Its purpose is not how much profit can be obtained, but this project is an important foundation for Atlanta to become one of the global financial centers in addition to becoming one of the global entertainment centers.

Therefore, even if South Pacific Bank will eventually put the US dollar reserves exchanged for atusd into a supervised account, and will not misappropriate it in the slightest, and be supervised by international institutions, it will try its best to implement this plan.

Speaking of entertainment, Atlanta is also very lively recently, many singers have also come here, and the Atlanta Music Festival is being held.

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The potify platform and the Kugou music platform jointly held a music festival at the just-completed ufo e-sports center.

In this music festival, some awards for 2011 will be presented at the same time, including the world's top ten golden songs, the best male and female singers and the corresponding awards in the Chinese-speaking region.

This first Atlanta Music Festival can only be held in the ufo e-sports center temporarily, until the Atlanta Entertainment Center including theaters, cinemas, convention centers and full-featured stadiums is completed, whether it is a music festival or a movie Festivals, concerts and other events can be held there.

Of course, the first time it was held, the popularity of the Atlanta Music Festival was not high, but with the influence of William Chen's spotify music platform, Kugou Music platform and EMI Music Company, many of the most popular music companies were invited. singers, including Whitney Houston, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Adele, Jennifer Peloz, and more, came to Atlanta for this one-time global music show grand ceremony.

As for the Chinese music industry, the influence of EMI Asia and Kugou music platform is also great. Most of the musicians in Greater China participated in this music festival. After all, most Chinese music played by themselves before, this time It is also a very important opportunity to share the stage with European and American singers.

And various media under William Chen, including twitter, Weibo, reddit, and the New York Times Group, cooperated with the hype to publicize this music festival, and pushed all kinds of news to users.

The Netflix streaming platform and Youku Tudou have also dedicated channels to broadcast videos for this music festival.

Even the live broadcast platform is deeply involved in it. Not only the network anchors on Atlanta Island will live broadcast the many performances of this music festival, but also many anchors will travel to Atlanta Island from all walks of life to live on the scene. The live broadcast to audiences around the world has also expanded the influence of this music festival to all parts of the world.

"Hello, Mr. William, nice to meet you. I used to be your fan."

Coinciding with the meeting, William Chen also participated in this music festival. In the following reception, the first person who took the initiative to greet him was the winner of the world's most popular singer, Taylor Swift.

"Hello, Ms. Taylor, you are more real

nice. "

Since Chen William got married, and because of his different identities, he has rarely attended such entertainment circle gatherings, because in his capacity, in such occasions, he always has to face too many active conversations and temptations.

It's just that this time the music festival was held on Atlanta Island, and William Chen happened to be here. In order to help Atlanta Island expand its influence, he didn't mind taking the time to participate.

Before William Chen was in the United States, it was not that he had not seen Taylor Swift at the ceremony or event, but there was not much intersection, and he did not even have a conversation.

After all, this beautiful singer, after becoming famous, did have a little rich emotional experience. Her ex-boyfriends are also really spectacular, so Chen William didn't have much interest in her before, not to mention, at that time he was really A little worried, what the two have, so Taylor Swift, will she write herself into her songs...

However, after this encounter, Taylor was still very proactive. Even when the two shook hands, Chen William could clearly feel that the other party's little finger was deliberately swiping across his palm.

Objectively speaking, Taylor Swift's appearance is still and her figure is also very tall, which is the type of Chen William.

In addition, tonight, she was dressed up for this reception. The red dress she wore and her makeup made her feel a little seductive. pen fun library

So, while the reception was going on, William Chen's special car had already driven from the hotel to the pier.

The temporary pier of Atlanta Island, which was opened in Freeport and the passenger pier next to it was completed, has now been converted into a yacht pier, and there is the largest yacht club in Atlanta nearby. There are various types of yachts, among which William Chen's "Future" super yacht is the most conspicuous existence.

After William Chen got out of the car, behind him, he was still wearing a red dress, and Taylor Swift, who was wearing high heels, also got out of the car.

Of course, when the two of them went to sea at this time, they would definitely not choose such a behemoth "Future". At this marina, William Chen also owns three other yachts of different sizes. This time, he brought Taylor Swift, Compared with other yachts nearby, I boarded a medium-sized yacht with a large size.

This season, under the cool sea breeze of Atlanta, it is suitable to go out to sea.

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