America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 450: 1 everything is possible

When the yacht sailed out of the pier, the whole picture of Atlanta gradually appeared in the field of vision.

I have to say that, in the dark night, the night view of Atlanta Island is already very spectacular. Under the bright lights, whether it is the towering Atlanta tc building, the free port, and the freedom above the high ground The city has added a lot of mystery.

It is said that it is a boat trip, but in fact, William Chen and Taylor Swift are alone, and their purpose is also tacit.

The yacht was parked somewhere off the coast of Atlanta, the two came to the deck, and William Chen poured red wine into the glass.

Handed a glass of wine to Tyler, cheers, for the beauty of the night.

The sea breeze was blowing, it was slightly cool, and it was very comfortable.

Taylor brushed the long blond hair that had been blown on her forehead behind her ears, and her eyes fell on Chen William, her eyes wandering.

"To be honest, I used to have a crush on you, William."

Her lipstick color is very bright, and with her emotional affection at this time, it makes the atmosphere gradually ambiguous:

"But at that time, the whole of America was full of emotional entanglements about you, Ivanta and Paris. I imagined the two of us being alone on the yacht and having a good night, and today it finally came true, and now I It feels like a dream..."

"Oh? Really."

William Chen took a sip of red wine and savored it.

At this moment, he leaned against the side of the boat and stood beside the boat with a faint smile on his face.

Taylor Swift holds a wine glass in one hand and lifts her skirt lightly in the other. Beside him, looking at his handsome face, his eyes turn to the sea again, the shallow waves, and under the moonlight, there is a silver line in the distance. White waves.

"Yeah, don't you know? You're the dream girl of all the girls in America. Who doesn't fantasize about dating William?"

"It's not too late, is it?"

Chen William drank all the wine in the glass and threw the glass into the sea. When he gradually got closer to Taylor, a blush appeared on her face, she raised her head slightly, and closed her eyes...

The lips touched, and as William Chen's tenderness gradually turned into a warm kiss, Taylor Swift was embraced by him, and the hand holding the wine glass gradually lowered and loosened, and the wine glass slid down the side of the boat and fell into the sea , she was picked up by Chen William's waist, and she could only wrap her arms around his neck, feeling like

falling into the clouds...


The yacht undulated with the waves all night at sea.

I have to say that although at the beginning, Taylor still showed the appearance of being picked by Ren Jun, but later, he still showed a wild side.

It's just that any reactionary, in front of Chen William, will eventually become a paper tiger, a wild horse that runs away, and will be tamed by a good rider...

Anyway, even in the morning, when the yacht returned to the shore, William Chen was dressed neatly and disembarked in high spirits.

On the other hand, Taylor Swift has some weak legs and needs help from others to leave.


In April, William Chen and the Hilton sisters arrived in Tokyo with a high profile.

This time, after the media discovered that William Chen and Paris were together and behaved intimately, they swarmed over immediately, hoping to interview both parties. Along the way, there were constant questions from reporters about whether the two were already together, but They were all blocked by Chen William's escort, and Chen William did not respond to this.

All because not long ago, the American media exposed that the marriage of William Chen and Ivanta had ended. After investigation, the two had completed the divorce procedures at the end of February. This news naturally aroused the public. Hot discussion.

In this regard, Ivanta, who is in the United States, posted a special tweet on Twitter, admitting that she and Chen William had ended their marriage relationship. The reason was that due to the work of the two parties, they were not suitable for continuing the marriage. Hope Then focus on work.

In a later interview, she mentioned that she still has feelings for Chen William, but she doesn't want to continue their lives in the form of marriage, and will still raise their children together as a family in the future.

And because Chen William has always been in Atlanta, even if a large number of reporters poured in there, hoping to interview him, but in his current capacity, if he doesn't want to be disturbed by reporters, no one will be able to approach him.

That's why he attracted so much media attention after his appearance in Tokyo.

Two days ago, Paris brought her sister to Atlanta, and with a happy face, handed over a hospital test report to William Chen.

In this regard, Chen Wei

Lian is not surprised, after all, he still believes enough in the effect of [One Hit Hits], and the new lottery chance of [Send the Avalokitesvara] has already explained everything. pen fun library

So next, there will be the two people's trip to Japan. Chen William himself promised that after Paris has his own child, he will marry her. Now that the two have made a public appearance, it can be regarded as a future The wedding is warmed up.

Maybe this will also make Chen William's female fans more sad. I just learned the news of his divorce from Ivanta, and it didn't take long for me to be happy. I immediately received a crazy push from various news apps-William Chen and Paris Tokyo show their love...

This Paris, why didn't she give up all the time? It's really haunting.

Many female fans, the thoughts in their hearts at this time are roughly the same.

This time the Hilton sisters came to Tokyo, and there is another main reason, that is, the original Tiffany Building in Tokyo, the current hc fashion building, is about to open the third in the world and the first at skin care center in Asia~www.readwn .com~ The opening of the at skin care center in Tokyo was very grand. Not only did William Chen accompany the Hilton sisters to attend, but the media was still there, and saw almost the most famous actresses in Japan, all of them appeared here.

There is even Nozomi Sasaki, who has not appeared for a long time, but still has a very high popularity among Japanese actresses.

Nozomi Sasaki returned to Tokyo together this time. The itinerary was very low-key. The only public event she attended was the opening ceremony of the at skin care center in Tokyo.

It has been almost two years since she left Japan. When she came back this time, it was mainly Chen William who took her with her and let her go home for a visit.

At the opening ceremony of the at skin care center, the media reporters finally found an opportunity. Although Chen William did not accept the interview, Paris, as the owner of at skin care and hc fashion company, naturally could not refuse their interview, so at the beginning, everyone Before even asking about the at skin care center, gossip first and ask Paris, Chen William has returned to being single, and now the two are coming to Tokyo together, are they already together?

"William and I have known each other for a long time and have always been best friends. As for whether we will be together in the future, it can only be said that everything is possible."

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