Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1044: math didn't lie to me

Facing the sluggish Clark, Xie Zhi said seriously: "You put your heart in your stomach, nothing will happen to your family, I told you! Xiao Ke, I don't show my power so easily, you picked it up."

Seeing that Clark still seemed to have lost his soul, Xie Zhi pointed to himself: "Well, look at me, people's target is me, even if they want to eat children, they are coming for my children, isn't that the reason?"

Clark finally came back to his senses and nodded.

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "That's it, I'm not bragging to you, don't say she can't find my daughter, even if she finds it, as long as my daughter's appetite, it doesn't matter who eats it.

Ah bah bah bah! My daughter doesn't eat people!

In short, it's just a metaphor, my daughter is being cruel, and if that girl falls into my daughter's hands, she will end up with at least half of her body paralyzed.

Anyway, you don't have to worry, I will take care of your wife and children.

Then what, little stone, if you analyze it again, what will the enchanting witch do? "

Little Shitou said: "Master, then I can't analyze it. I'm not a witch, but I'm sure I'll set a trap for you."

"Did you hear Clark, come at me."

Finally comforting Clark, Xie Zhi gave Bucky and Howard a look: "Can you talk!"

"It's not sincere, it's just talking too fast."

"That's right, thank you for your first mention of what witches are good at. Isn't that just... ahem, folklore doesn't count."

Xie Zhi changed the topic and said: "Come on, Lao Huo, you don't need technical support. You are an amateur on the mysterious side, and I understand a little bit. In this way, you can go home and get foreign aid."

"Who is it?"

"My daughter, after all, she learned her skills from the mysterious master, so maybe she has a strange trick.

And time is running out, old Ji, you should also go back and **** Lao Huo, don't let the charming witch get into the hole. "

For opponents who lack concepts, it is natural to be more cautious, and Bucky knows it.

However, in Bucky's view, Lao Xie's move had another purpose, bringing his daughter along to prove his innocence to his wife...

But he didn't know that this was only part of the reason, the key was to keep Bucky away for a while, and it was actually Little Stone's idea. This grown girl who was less than four years old still wanted to keep her secret from her.

As for how the little stone conveys this message, it is very simple. It generates a sense of touch through a magnetic field, and writes a message on the back of Xie Zhi.

Sure enough, as soon as Bucky and Howard left, Little Stone said, "Master, I have other ideas."

"you say."

Little Stone looked at everyone one by one: "Uncle Clark is indeed the first target of the Enchantress because his family members are ordinary people and are the most vulnerable to threats.

And according to the current situation, the Charm Witch has a high probability of obtaining information about the mother box from the sea people, so she is not afraid of the sea people.

But for the Amazons and Uncle Bruce, no matter whether they were looking for information or thugs, it would not make the Enchanted Witch afraid, because she and Amanda had different perspectives.

So I guess... Could it be because of the power of the gourd baby given by Miss Ai? After all, the original version of the power of Shazam, the source of the power mentioned, comes from the legendary mythical figure.

Regardless of whether it is really related to the myth, this power is indeed very magical, so the Charm Witch did not act rashly, I think she is more likely to be afraid of this power. "

"That makes sense, what do you mean?"

"Don't gather together, one person will be stationed on Paradise Island, one person will be stationed here, and one person will be stationed in Ocean Kingdom.

Because at present, the most powerful sources of troops on Earth are in Paradise Island and Ocean Kingdom. If the Charm Witch has the means to deceive people, when the two sides are empty, it will give her an opportunity.

The camp remains open for the outside world to see, so as not to make people think that Uncle Clark is losing his mind and maintaining the current stalemate.

And my uncle and I are mobile forces. "

Xie Zhi understood what Xiaoshishi was hiding, and looked at the others, asking with his eyes.

Of course Hippolyta has no objection, Xie Zhi is the leader.

Atlanta didn't express any objection either, Xie Zhi's transformation status left a deep impression on her, and space teleportation will also be used by others, and they will destroy all non-existent ones, and their support will be available at any time.

Of course, she didn't know that Xie Zhi would not be able to become a Demon God again.

As for Bruce Wayne, I don't even have any opinions. After all, he was able to get involved because of the nonsense of the eldest daughter of the old Xie family. It doesn't make sense, but the nature is different.

Moreover, Bruce also wanted to go to the world of Ocean People to open his eyes, but unfortunately, he didn't have a part.

Because there is still a fourth person who Xiaoshi missed, volunteered.

who? Diana.

As far as the power of the mysterious side is concerned, Diana is not bad. Zeus's daughter, even if she usually plays with the big sword, it doesn't mean she can't fight against the opponents on the mysterious side.

The main reason is that Diana knows better, and there is no need for others to take action in this crisis, so it is completely possible to take a trip to the underwater world with her husband, and the honeymoon continues.

So this place is still garrisoned by the Lord of Amazons to stabilize the hearts of the outside world. Bruce has nothing to do, so he just stays here and makes a move.

And Amanda, because of Xiaoshi's eyes, Xie Zhi took it away together. In the world of Saiyumanji, with Gangzai from Skull Island watching, I believe she will be very happy.

After leaving the place with Xiao Shitou, Xie Zhi set up a silent force field and asked, "Girl, did you find it?"

"Master, I searched more than half of the earth, and I have to search again."

"It's okay, don't worry, there are still eight hours."

Yes, Little Stone has been searching for the Enchanted Witch, including Martha and Louise of course.

While not Charles' kind of global telepathic search, who said magnetic fields wouldn't work.

And the transformed little stone can control the magnetic field of the entire planet, and the earth is her source of power.

With its sensitivity to magnetic fields, the little stone can completely sense the magnetic field of an individual, and everyone's magnetic field is different. As long as it is the target locked by the little stone, don't even try to make a disguise, and directly see through the other party's essence.

It's a whole new way to search, and it's all over the world!

Of course, although a large area can be searched, after all, there are more than seven billion people, and if you add the ocean people, there are more than eight billion people, so it will definitely take some effort.

And that's why Xie Zhifei wanted to bring the little stone. It can be said that in the Kryptonian world, the little stone is the most vigorous existence.

In Xie Zhi's view, as long as the little stone stays in the Kryptonian world, Qin Shihuang will kiss him and win for sure.

In fact, the true meaning of Xiao Shitou's scattered arrangements is to distract others. She and Xie Zhi have something to say.

As for the possibility of being broken one by one after opening, it is zero.

Nothing else, now this world is Little Stone's home field, Charming Witch appears briefly, causing her magnetic field to be recorded by Little Stone, so as long as Charming Witch is found by Little Stone, she will be crushed into meatloaf in seconds!

Of course, the premise is that the hostages must be rescued first, and Xie Zhi didn't intend to let this underage adult do the killing, but even if he didn't kill him, it wouldn't be difficult to beat up the Enchanting Witch violently.

At this time, Xie Zhi said again: "Okay girl, our father and I have also come out, there are no outsiders, what do you want to say?"

Little Shitou coquettishly said: "Look, sir, our family was living a good life, and the innocent baby version of me was fighting for a bottle of milk with Gun Gun, and it seemed that I was about to win, but in the end, a bad guy who was not well-known Women are all mixed up.

What is Amanda? It's nothing, but it's this kind of character that our family doesn't care about at all, but it caused a catastrophe, which affected the entire earth.

That's right, our family has the ability to deal with the crisis, but this time it's really lucky. If Clark, instead of you, is the planner of the Charm Witch, then the damage will be great. If not, it will make our family's rear base lost heavily.

As for something like Amanda, it's purely a toad on the feet, and it doesn't bite and respond to others! "

"Well, go ahead."

"But this kind of people with ulterior motives emerges endlessly, and new ones will always emerge, which is extremely annoying.

Even if Grandma Hippolyta managed to severely punish a wave of old beauties in her nine-permanent status, but there are some scourges, and it is difficult to expect them not to harm people.

But the times are different. The emergence of extraordinary power will form new national and social problems. Every country is adapting and adapting to find solutions. There is still a long way to go.

But it all takes time. During this period, crises like this one may not come up again.

And no matter how weak Laomei is, she is no longer top-notch in terms of technology, but there are still ways to do bad things, and she has always spent money generously in causing trouble.

What's more, with the population here, there might be new people with extraordinary abilities emerging.

The whole world knows that when making troubles, they are professionals among professionals. They will not stop looking for new supernatural powers, or create new supernatural powers, and they will cause accidents.

There are people who can be thieves for a thousand days, but there are no people who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. Our family can't live here, and it's impossible to take care of these **** things all day long.

However, if there is such a group of people who focus on those who are capable of doing things and are full of food, it will be much more difficult for them to succeed.

There is no need for our family to make a move, someone will make trouble for them.

Originally, this should be the job of Uncle Clark and Uncle Bruce, but they have their personal strength, but they all like to act alone. When we first came, Uncle Bruce complained that there are few like-minded people, and the road to reform has a long way to go.

And they have the same problem as Grandma Hippolyta, they are all guarding against stronger enemies, and other local supernatural beings with positive energy also devote their energy to fighting regular criminals.

There are people on the top, and there are people on the bottom, but they all ignore the middle level without extraordinary power, that is, the villain like Amanda who has enough resources.

After all, this world is one of our family's bases, and it's an important base, so it's not good for people to cause trouble casually. "

Xie Zhi nodded: "I see, you are thinking about Amanda's plan, those criminals."

"Hey, sir, although our family is not Mr. Meng Chang, but the thieves are really useful."

"This reason is not sufficient. For miscellaneous talents, having a S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is not enough? Even in the universe, the uncle has made arrangements, and there is no shortage of backup talents. Our family has its own training channels, which is more assured than using outsiders.

What's more, criminals... I don't discriminate against criminals, but going to jail is the price they pay for their actions. There is no absolute fairness in the world, but there are rewards and punishments, which is close to fairness. "

"Yes, sir, you are right. I agree ten thousand times, but I still have reasons and plans."

"Okay, let me listen."

"First of all, there is no organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. here, and it is impossible to form it, so our family actually has no corresponding countermeasures for dark corners.

And our home court itself is not peaceful, there are already a lot of forces involved, the focus is on monitoring the situation in the universe, but this is another universe, how can there be so much energy.

Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not suitable for sending people here, the home planet Earth is enough for them to be busy, as for cultivating talents, there are indeed channels, but it will take time..."

"Wait a minute, girl, how do you know these things? Although your wisdom has increased dramatically, we haven't mentioned it to you."

"Master, when my parents hugged me, you didn't tell me anything. Of course I don't understand the little ones. It doesn't mean I don't understand now."

" go on."

"So I think it's most suitable to use the ready-made locals here, and the advantage is that it doesn't involve our family's energy.

Matters in dark corners are left to the people in the dark to solve. As the saying goes, the wicked need to be tortured by the wicked.

Of course, one size counts for one size, and it is reasonable to be locked up for committing crimes, but you know that there are many people who are imprisoned and wronged.

Didn't you and Sister Xiaoai were wanted by Lao Mei back then, and my dad was also controlled by Hydra.

And of course our family has to choose, choose enough suitable people, at least we can still be saved.

There is no need to establish a subsidiary organization, and the form of mercenaries is very suitable. What we need to ensure is that they cannot afford the price of breach of contract, and they dare not pay it.

Although it is indeed difficult to reach the level of S.H.I.E.L.D., it is not impossible to play a role. It should be enough for troublemakers.

What's more, letting talented bad guys start a new life and do serious things is also to accumulate virtue for themselves, and it can also benefit the society.

As for the specific conditions, it can be like this... hmm? Uncle, your gratifying eyes look like my father's, I'm so embarrassed. "

Xie Zhi sighed and said: "Master, I really don't feel used to it, the little girl has become a big girl in the blink of an eye, which is an accurate description for you.

You are still sucking the snot on your front feet, but you are making plans on your back feet. With this contrast, it’s no wonder that your dad is showing his back molars with a grin. "

Little Shitou chuckled: "I haven't grown up yet, I still like dragon fruit, and now I can eat one at a time."

"Don't learn from your sister, let's not talk about mercenaries, why do I feel that you... don't seem to be very interested in becoming an adult."

Xiao Shitou rolled his eyes: "Master, the sudden increase in wisdom can't change the lack of days among me.

Good guy, I'm not yet four years old, and I matured in a blink of an eye. Blowing a balloon is not as fast as I am, and the loss is too great.

You see, I haven't finished enjoying my childhood, I haven't experienced it in my youth, and I haven't even seen adolescence! Don't say you don't feel comfortable, I'm also awkward.

Children only think about growing up all day long. I only understand when I grow up that being a little kid is so much fun. I don’t get tired of crooked toes after playing for a long time. I don’t have so many troubles. Some are boring troubles. To sum it up, it’s just one word, fragrance~"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Shitou sneakily said: "Master, it's not that I'm suing, I think Miss Ai is just pretending, she understands how fun it is to be a brat, and it's not easy to be a fool when you grow up, you If you want Miss Ai to be a moth, it's very simple, give her homework!"

Isn't this a complaint? This is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Even if he crossed the plane, Xie Ai sneezed heavily.

With a look of grief and indignation: "Who is talking about me! I hate it, don't let me know! Huh, math homework is annoying enough... Sister Laifu, why do you think I should learn math?"

Laifu waved his folding fan lazily: "Because mathematics can't lie."

"I agree with this. Mathematics didn't lie to me. If you don't know mathematics, you won't!"

"Your sister is convinced, I did ten million calculations before I figured out what you mean.

How about this, my sister will give you the debut questions, and you will know why you need to learn mathematics. "

"you say."

"You count that you haven't been beaten for a few days."

"Sister Laifu, it's really over. You can't deceive people by talking about mathematics... Hmm? Mathematics seems to be really useful."

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