Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1045: What is the purpose?

"Master, what do you say?"

Xie Zhi scratched his chin: "The plan is feasible, and the uncle originally went to the Bellerive Nursing Home to find someone.

But this is not the top priority right now, girl, help me find someone else first. "

"Who? Oh, I see."

"Little clever ghost, since you are so smart, the uncle remembered something."

As Xie Zhi flipped his palm, a book appeared on his palm. It was as thick as a brick, and the paper size was A4. Obviously, the book contained a lot of content.

Little Shitou wondered: "Master, what is this book for?"

Xie Zhi handed it to her, and said with a smile: "The magic knowledge I asked Loki to explain, as well as his experience, he has a trick to write directly with magic, and the efficiency is really high.

The old man didn't bother to take care of the trouble he caused before, but then he was... anyway busy.

Now that I think about it, Loki learned his magic from his adoptive mother, and that old lady, according to Sol, was raised by witches.

Although they are not in the same world, they are all called witches. Maybe they have something in common. Anyway, they all play the mysterious side.

Girl, you have a very good brain right now, so if you look through it, it might be of reference value. "

"Yeah, sir, there's more than one book, right?"

"Smart, three hundred and twenty copies."

"Oh, then I have to speed up."

Little Shitou started flipping through the book, staying on each page for half a second, two pages per second.

"Have a photographic memory, if your little sister Ai has such a brain, your uncle and aunt will not worry."

"It's okay, sir, you can practice with homework."


central city.

Railway stations, industrial areas, old dilapidated warehouses.

The young man who thought he was dressed casually opened the door, walked into the darkness, and fiddled with his little tricks on the switch before restoring the power.

There is no so-called decoration in the simple hall, but it is equipped with a lot of computers, a lot of books, and there is no shortage of collections such as cartoon figures.

What stunned the young man was that the only sofa and computer chair at home were occupied by someone.

A man and a woman, the bald man is wearing casual clothes, drinking tea with his legs crossed, the woman is wearing a skirt uniform that looks like a cartoon costume, and she is holding a big thick book in her hand, flipping quickly, it is possible that she was in the dark before, and she is the same look?

Especially the girl's appearance made the young man's brows twitch. It's not because of the girl's outstanding appearance, but because he has seen this girl before. During the Kryptonian war, this girl also appeared on the camera. She seems to be quite powerful. .

"Barry Allen, I'm Xie Zhi, this is my niece."

"You can call me Polaris." Little Shitou turned the pages of the book without lifting his head.

Yes, what Xie Zhi and his nephew are looking for is Barry Allen, who has super speed.

It is not difficult to find him. Xie Zhi knew him last time. The problem is that he is not sure where he is in the central city. However, if the small stone can search, if Barry uses the super power of super speed, he will naturally be sensed by the small stone. , easily locked.

Barry Allen opened his mouth, pointed at the small stone suddenly, and said excitedly: "I know you, you are on the battlefield in the Kryptonian battle, and you still have three teammates, can you sign for me? Please, please~"

Xiao Shitou raised his head and squinted his eyes, Yu Jie Fan Zhuan: "I'm not polite, don't you know how to say hello to the elders first?"

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "It's okay, we came here uninvited, his reaction is considered good.

Barry, since you also watched the video of the big battle, it's easy to handle. The red giant who killed the Kryptonians was me. "

"I am embarrassed! I am embarrassed! God! Idol!" Barry was so excited that he didn't know where to put his hands. He gestured and even jumped on the spot: "I'm so excited! I'm so honored! My God, you actually came to my house! Am I dreaming!?

I held back a lot of questions, how did you transform? Or is that an exoskeleton mech? The material doesn't look like metal..."

"Calm down, take a deep breath." Xie Zhi pressed his palm: "I came to see you, I have something to trouble you..."

"What's the trouble, please talk if you have something to do, my greatest strength is my cleverness, no, I'm very clever..."

"Childish." Xiao Shitou rolled his eyes: "Is being cute something you do at your age? That's the business of three-year-olds, no, five...eight-year-olds."

"Oh, sorry, I, I, I... I'm not very good at interpersonal communication, I chatter when I get excited."

"It's okay." Xie Zhi smiled, snapped his fingers, and a holographic projection suddenly appeared in the air.

In the projection, there is a man in the light, wearing a red armor, not only made of some material, but lightning all over his body.

At this time, the picture is frozen, and the eyes and mouth exposed by the man's mask are very similar to Barry Allen.

But the one with the mustache was obviously much older.

"Uh... who is this person? He looks familiar."

Xie Zhi spread his hands: "It's not surprising, because he has a high probability of being the future...Barry Allen, you."

"Huh? Mr. Siez, you are taking a big joke. How is it possible? I don't have time."

"With your big tongue, I'm sure, Barry, please say the name Xie Ai."

"Does it matter? Cher."

"It's not running away, it's you."

Little Stone rolled his eyes.

Barry doesn't know why.

Pa, Xie Zhi snapped his fingers, and the freeze frame began to play.

The man in red shouted, "Bruce! It's Xie Er! It's Xie Er! She's the key..."

That's right, it was the anomaly experienced by Bruce when he was at home last time, and someone from the future sent him a message.

Of course, the follow-up line also involves "Syez".

Barry was dumbfounded, originally, he still couldn't hear his own voice.

Xie Zhi slapped his hands: "So, you have the ability to travel through time. I know you can run very fast, very fast, even close to the speed of light. So, have you crossed that critical point?"

In fact, Xie Zhi is clear that he knew everything about Barry through the mind reading last time, but there is no need to expose this point, no one likes being mind read.

Barry shook his head: "How do you know about my situation?"

"You call me an idol, it's not difficult to get to know the fans."

"Okay, you're amazing... Well, beyond the speed of light, I didn't dare to take that step, because when I was closest to the speed of light, a very strange abnormal situation appeared, and I didn't know what the consequences would be.

So... beyond the speed of light, time really goes backwards! ? "

Xie Zhi nodded: "It is right to be cautious, but we have observed the superluminal speed through technical means, and time has not flowed backwards. Maybe it is because of technical factors that caused different results, or there is something unique about your own ability. That's why it happened to you."

"Wow, can you show me FTL technology too? Mr. Siez!"

"Straighten your mouth, my name is Xie Zhi, are these two words so difficult to pronounce?"

"Sorry, sorry, Xi...qi...eggplant...eggplant!"

"Okay, okay, it's better than Siez, let's get down to business."

Xie Zhi's expression became serious, and he raised a finger: "First, even if you are curious, don't use this ability lightly, because traveling through time will cause a butterfly effect, changing many things, good or bad.

I have investigated you, we know about your father and your mother, and you have the ability to go back to the day when your mother had an accident.

But have you ever thought about why your future self has the ability to go back to the past to transmit information, but your mother's situation has not changed? "

Barry had been aroused by Xie Zhi, but his face changed drastically when he heard this: "Yeah, why?"

"It's very simple." Xie Zhi spread his hands, "It can only be have already done it.

And in the future, you know what will happen if you do it, and finally, you accept this cruel reality.

I don't intend to stop you. It's human nature to want to save your parents. I just want to remind you to be mentally prepared. "

Xie Zhi doesn't seem to worry that Barry's return to the past will affect the old Xie's family.

Because the current situation is a reality that has already been affected. After all, whoever has the ability to travel through time has to try to save his parents.

But Barry's mother is still dead, which can only show one thing, that is, this is the choice Barry made, and the act of saving his mother will definitely bring more terrible consequences.

Needless to say, this is a heart-wrenching choice.

Although Barry is a funny guy, it is because of his personality. Not only is he not stupid, but he is also very smart. As soon as Xie Zhi reminded him, he thought of it.

After a long silence, Barry raised his head with firm eyes: "Mr. Siez, even if I think of it, I still have to try it."

"Understand, just be mentally prepared."

"Thank you... Oh, you just said number one, what about number two?"

"Second... Look at your phone and remember today's date and time."


Xie Zhi looked around for a while: "Well...the future you didn't show up, which means nothing major happened."

"Just for this?"

"That's why."

"If something happens, the future me will choose not to pass on the information."

Xie Zhi grinned, raised his fists, and squeezed them crisply: "Trust me, you'd better make a different choice, otherwise I will be reasonable, my fists will be unreasonable, and I will send you to the ICU~"

"You just said not to use this ability lightly."

"Yes, I said it, but isn't this coming to the old beauty, you have to do as the Romans do, fists and double standards are standard equipment, don't you feel that idols are much more friendly."

"Uh... Is there a third one?"

"Really, the third..." Xie Zhi put a green ring in Barry's hand, and patted him on the shoulder: "Young man, this is a communication tool, bring it with you later, if I can't find you when I look for you...give it to you in advance." Buy yourself health insurance."

"That... Actually, you don't need to bully me, I really admire you..."

"Worship is another matter, and how can you say that I bullied you? Let me analyze it for you. Have you ever beaten a Kryptonian?"

"I can't beat it."

"Is this over? I defeated the Kryptonians and saved the earth. You owe me one life, no, at least four, and your father's life, your future wife's life, and your future child's life." .

I didn't even count the life of your grandson, and you divorced, remarried, divorced and remarried, and the lives of seven or eight children would be interesting enough.

And according to the tradition of Laomei, how can a family have less dogs? Look, I didn't count the dog's life, and I will give it to you.

If your family has two dogs and they give birth to puppies, the puppies will grow up and give birth to puppies, and there will be endless shortage of children and grandchildren, so this is a great favor.

Come, look into my eyes and tell me, are you embarrassed not to return this favor? "

Barry didn't look into Xie Zhi's eyes, but looked at Xie Zhi's fist, and swallowed a bit: "Gudu~ Sorry for not returning it."

"Oh, this is called understanding human reason~ I don't understand human reason, of course my fist will be angry." Xie Zhi nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Of course I know, you may be a little unconvinced in your heart, you are the fastest Hurry up, can't you still run if you can't beat it?

In this way, you can use the speeding ability now, try it. "

"Don't try, I trust you."

"Try, be obedient." Xie Zhi clenched his fist again.


As soon as the words fell, lightning flashed around Barry, as if he activated the super speed ability, it would induce an electric current.

But even though Lightning appeared, his expression was distorted and his body remained motionless.

"how so!?"

Xiao Shitou said lightly: "It's not surprising, I pinched you, but you ran away."

Yes, the little stone did it, she locked it, mobilized the magnetic field to pinch Barry, don't be too easy, at her level, it doesn't matter whether the other party is magnetic metal or not.

And it was very gentle, otherwise Barry would really have to go to the ICU.

So if Barry is the Monkey King, then the little stone is the Tathagata Buddha, regardless of your speed and strength or somersaulting clouds, don't even think about turning your palms out.

Of course, at such a short distance, Xie Zhi can also do it. For controlling objects with the force, you just need to pinch it before Barry activates it. However, Xie Zhi still wants to see the strength of the eldest niece.

After Xiaoshi released the control, Barry put the ring on his finger without hesitation, and said excitedly: "So I officially joined the team, right?"

Xiao Shitou was stunned: "Doesn't it need a process for you to change your attitude?"

Barry said earnestly: "Miss, I understand! This is a test and a warning, let me know my own ability, never use this ability to do bad things, this is to draw a red line for me.

The team that saves the world must have strict requirements on character! "

"Well, you guessed it... right."

"That's right, in fact, after being in touch with me for a long time, you will understand me. I don't even dare to fight. The most I can do is rush over and give me a light push."

Xiao Shitou's upper eyelids drooped: "You can just say you're cowardly."

"Your description is very precise!"


Xie Zhi guessed why Barry was rushing forward. Even though he only had a rough understanding of the mind reading last time, he also understood his inner desire.

Barry longs for the same kind. He is a technical geek himself, or a technical nerd without friends. After acquiring superpowers, it is even more difficult to open his heart to others. Instead, he has a strong urge to make friends with people who also have supernatural secrets.

Even this guy himself had a big brain hole, thinking that it would be great if there was a superpower team, and he had to join with his own dry food.

Of course, Barry's character is well known, and if it's not a funny temperament, he is a good guy, so as long as he is not dragged to do bad things, he will not have any resistance.

So don't look at Xie Zhi's threats with his fists, but Barry made up his own mind, this must be a test, or if he is a great hero who defeated the Kryptonian invasion, his style is rigorous!

And Xie Zhi said: "In addition, the team said that it is small, we are an organization, but since you guessed that it is a test, I might as well tell you that you are indeed getting started now, but you are still in the investigation stage, first hang out on the periphery and perform well .”

"Peripheral...Okay, I will work hard! West...Idol, what is the name of our organization?"

"Called..." Xie Zhi scratched his and raised his finger: "Tiandihui, yes! The periphery you belong to is called Qingmutang, and other members will contact you in the future."

Barry's eyes lit up: "Tiandihui... I didn't understand, but I was shocked! Is there a password for the connection?"

"Yes, the visitor said, 'Earthquake Gaogang, a school of western mountains and beautiful scenery', and then you will say, 'The door faces the sea, and the three rivers flow together for thousands of years'.

This proves that you are one of your own and can be trusted. "

"But this code is in Chinese, right?"

Xie Zhi straightened his face: "That's right, it's Chinese, learn it quickly, if you don't straighten your mouth, you won't be able to pass the inspection period."

Barry nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, I'm still very good at studying, and my grades are very good.

There are also idols. Although I am only a peripheral member, I am very self-motivated, so can I know what the purpose of our Tiandihui is? "

"Fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty...cough cough, you don't understand Chinese yet, you can understand it as...doing good deeds without leaving a name."

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