Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 234: bait

"That's right!"

Xie Zhi smashed the playing cards hard. At this time, his face was covered with notes, and he turned into a note monster.

"I'll blow it up." Laifu casually threw down four cards.

Xie Zhi was depressed: "It doesn't matter."

"Shunzi, don't care? Take three and two, let's go." Laifu clapped his hands and sighed: "Uncle, you know my computing power, and Xiaoqiang is not bad in this area, why are you doing this?"

Xie Zhi threw the cards in his hand, and said in a muffled voice: "If a person has no dreams, what is the difference with a salted fish? If I can win even you, then the nature will change. You can grow your hair and comb it back, eat chocolate , Walking comes with BGM!"

Laifu scratched his head: "I don't understand, I can do this even if I can't win."

Xie Zhi said solemnly: "This is called feelings, although I can't remember the reason, but I know this is a very important ceremony, and I can get a new life achievement-gambling god!"

Laifu suddenly raised his head: "Uncle, the spaceship is already approaching the wormhole."

"Okay, that's it for today." Xie Zhi tore off the note on his face, got up and walked to the cockpit.

Yes, Xie knows that they are in the universe at this moment. In fact, they have been flying for about a month. Not only is the distance far, but they are also far away from the monitoring points arranged by the hunters in the universe. Fortunately, these are not secrets within the hunters. is recorded in .

After a long month, being away from his family, Xie Zhi was bored to the core. Apart from daily practice, he could only fight against the landlord with Laifu and Xiaoqiang 008.

And what they were on was still a large integrated spaceship of the hunter race, but they were extremely careful when sailing, and they sailed silently, so they must ensure that they would not be discovered.

Fortunately, they knew the basics of the hunter race, and this race was really boring. They basically relied on hunting for fun. They didn't have much time to do business, but they rushed to their destination smoothly.

However, the spacecraft still stayed near the wormhole for a while, nothing else, such an important location, not only has a monitoring point, but also an outpost nearby.

So Laifu has a job to do, take the shrunken spaceship to sneak over, hack the system, tamper with the information, so that their spaceship will not be found when passing by, and not only on the side of the wormhole, but also on the opposite side of the wormhole Repeat this type of work.

The matter is of great importance, and it is impossible to be careless. When Laifu returned, the spaceship flew towards the wormhole.

At this time, Lai Fu said: "According to the data, the process of jumping through the wormhole space will affect the body of the creature, um, it's not very comfortable."

"Can the hunters bear it?"

"The hunters are fine, a little discomfort, similar to mild motion sickness."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "Then I'm fine, come on."

Xie Zhi is not bragging. For such a long time, I have already tested Hunter's body. As a result, his physical fitness is similar to that of Bucky in the past. He has obvious advantages in many aspects, such as metabolism, digestive system, and immune system. In terms of strength alone The degree is only slightly stronger and limited.

And Xie Zhi was better than Baki in all aspects when he checked his body in Umbrella World, and now he has practiced Rama's magic skills. promote.

Compared with the hunter's physique, Xie Zhi is more like an alien.

Therefore, after entering the wormhole, Xie Zhi didn't feel any discomfort, the only feeling was that his stomach and intestines were rumbling and he had the urge to exhaust gas.

On the contrary, in the process of traveling through the wormhole, the scenery is indeed unique and radiant, and what the eyes see is a bit distorted. At least in his eyes, Laifu has become an exaggerated caricature mode, just like looking into a distorting mirror.

But this process ended soon, and the process of traveling through the wormhole was very fast, just like stepping through a door, and as soon as you opened your eyes, you arrived at another star field.

Xie Zhi rubbed his eyes, everything was normal.

Can't help asking: "Laifu, do you see any changes in me?"

Laifu shook his head: "No, traveling through wormholes will have a certain impact on vision, but this is a normal phenomenon, and it doesn't matter if it is short."

Xie Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, the handsome appearance was preserved."

Leaving here quickly, the spacecraft once again sneaked around in the universe.

The destination is what the hunters call the border area.

And in the case of hiding yourself, it is impossible to use similar spaceships to find the other party, so you have to get some bait.

After wandering around for about three days, Laifu chose a relatively perfect hunting ground, surrounded by a large number of meteorite belts for hiding, and an unstable star, which interfered with the signal to a certain extent.

A small spaceship was dropped here, and it continuously sent distress signals into the universe in the way of hunters. The interfered signal was intermittent, and naturally it was impossible to tell what happened. Anyway, just hurry up, and you will die.

And Xie Zhi's spaceship was not only in a silent state, even the power source was turned off, and it anchored silently in the meteorite belt, like an assassin in the dark, silently waiting for the prey to take the bait.

But waiting is not unlimited. Xie Zhi doesn’t have much time to waste, up to five days, if no one comes, you have to change places, and you can’t afford to wait.

Luckily, on the fourth day, there were hunter spaceships arriving, and not just one, but three.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} one large ship, two medium ships.

The spaceships of the hunters are all shaped like crustaceans. The large spaceships are like shrimps without legs, and the medium-sized ones are like beetles without legs.

Xie Zhi watched the three spaceships enter the hunting zone. At this moment, he still had nothing to do. Open to play.

But Xie Zhi also thought about it, he must learn to fly the spaceship of the hunter clan later, if it is not possible to control it by remote control, it can be used as a drone, he does not want to miss such an exciting air battle.

However, the three spaceships gradually slowed down and slowly approached the small spaceship floating alone in the sky. Suddenly, in the void hundreds of kilometers away from them, the steel cake suddenly became bigger and appeared on the scene!

That's right, it's really a shining debut, the streamer on the surface of the steel cake flickers like a flashing neon Turn on the show mode, for fear that the other party will not see it.

Immediately afterwards, the steel cake began to accelerate, rushing towards the three spaceships faster and faster.

The three spaceships reacted very quickly, and at the same time they turned around quickly, they also sent a communication to the steel cake. Regardless of whether they can communicate or not, this number shows that the hunters are aware of the seriousness of the situation, and at least think that the spaceship that appeared suddenly can be equal. The civilization of communication, they may even be afraid, nothing else, they don't have the technology that suddenly appeared, and the other party's technology is obviously higher.

Of course, the steel cake didn't respond at all, and continued to accelerate and charge, assuming that the visitor was not friendly.

Faced with this situation, the three spaceships chose to open fire! And coming up is full firepower! Not only the thick energy stream fired by the high-energy main gun, but also the tiny laser beams emitted by countless secondary guns, and larger energy bombs similar to shoulder guns.

Moreover, the three spaceships changed their formation and spread out. The intention was obvious. They wanted to attack the Steel Cake from three angles, so that even if the opponent avoided it, they would always be under fire.

But Steel Cake doesn't hide at all, the only option is to turn off the flamboyant mode, activate the energy-absorbing mode, and resist the bombardment hard!

However, during the charge, the steel cake has not counterattacked, nothing else, no matter the energy cannon of the sentinel robot or the laser weapon, it is okay when dealing with the apocalypse, and it can also strike outside the atmosphere, but it is not a professional space weapon after all, and the range is not enough. As for the captured hunter guns, there is no time to install them on the steel cake.

But now the longest range is the electromagnetic weapon with more mature technology.

So when it got close to the firing range, the scaled outer armor of the steel cake continued to break, and a huge electromagnetic gun was protruded out, and then, it opened fire!

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