Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 235: combat

The first salvo of the 120 electromagnetic guns of the steel cake was aimed at the medium-sized spaceship at the seven o'clock direction. Of course, in the universe, there is actually no up, down, left, and right, so this direction is only based on the direction of the spaceship. Gyroscope is standard.

The cannonball burst out, obtaining a more perfect rate of fire in a vacuum environment. Although it was still far away from the speed of light, it was enough to break through the long distance between the two sides and hit the opponent.

After the cannonball flew for a few seconds, eye-catching flames burst out from the target spaceship!

That's right, after flying for so long, there is no way. The distance of the space artillery battle is far beyond the scale on the planet. This is the result of the electromagnetic gun's firing rate far exceeding that of the Changsheng weapon, so after firing, the shells have to fly for a while.

But even if they hit, not all of them hit, only a dozen shots were hit, which is less than a fraction. Although this is already the result of Laifu's calculation of the advance, it is the first space artillery battle after all. The data is not enough. After all, there are still variables. For example, the opponent's spaceship also has a supercomputer to calculate the evasion angle, and the space for evasion is very large.

Although the space warfare data that Laifu has come from the Hunters, the problem is that they don't use electromagnetic guns.

So actual combat is the best place to test the effectiveness of weapons.

However, what Xie Zhi didn't expect was that the spaceship of the hunter clan was very...unbeatable! (Note 1)

That's right, the spaceship was punched with more than a dozen holes in one wave of artillery fire! There are still flames emerging in the hole, obviously there is still a lot of air inside the spaceship, and it may still burn for a while.

Xie Zhi guessed wrong, it won't last long, if the first salvo is a test fire, the second fire of the steel cake will start the continuous fire mode!

The electromagnetic cannon fired endlessly like a machine gun. Although the spaceship was still struggling to support and evade, debris kept flying in the air. From a distance, it looked like a clod of dirt hit by a slingshot. .

In just two minutes, the spaceship was shot into briquettes, and then exploded into countless fragments.

I was a little surprised that the opponent's spaceship was so untouched, but it was no wonder that Xie Zhi's captured spaceship was his own. It was so precious, and his own home was not willing to use it for experiments.

It's a pity that the picture is very explosive, but there is no air in space as a medium for sound transmission. Xie Zhi can only watch it as a silent pantomime. There is no sound, and the atmosphere is much worse.

At the same time, the Steel Cake was also shot countless times, and the energy absorbed was rising steadily, and it was estimated that it would reach its peak in two minutes.

At this time, while the blue light of the steel cake was flashing, the energy shield was activated, but it was blasted away by the artillery fire in an instant, and it was broken in seconds, but it was propped up again in the next second, and it was still broken in seconds, but it was endless. Lose.

The test results prove that the energy shield technology in Elysium still has huge flaws, at least it is too weak in space-level artillery battles. Although theoretically, continuous energy supply should be invincible, but obviously there is still a problem to be solved , That is, whether the instantaneous strength can support the continuous function, and how to improve the instantaneous strength has become a design bottleneck, and there is still a long way to go in this regard.

But it's not useless, instant resistance is also resistance, and as a big energy consumer, the role of the shield now is to consume more energy-absorbing pressure. The firepower is not even a tickle, pure enemy.

At this time, the two sides were firing at each other, and the steel cake was gradually approaching, and suddenly rushed towards another medium-sized spaceship, and it was advancing at full speed!

This posture is clearly a collision!

No matter how surprised the aliens are, it is impossible to avoid them at this moment. Nothing else, they are flying too fast. They were together for life!

The two are colliding like an egg and a stone at this moment. Who is the egg? Of course, it was a Hunter spaceship that couldn't even hold a cannonball, and was directly smashed into the front by the steel cake! Then there was an explosion!

But the instant explosion was like a video playing backwards, and it retracted, and was dragged away by the steel cake. The orange-red flame was gradually retracted into the steel cake's body like a tail.

Xie Zhi couldn't help admiring: "Tsk tsk, the name of steel cake number is right, it's really hard enough! But it's really like sucking egg yolk, um, egg filling cake?"

This result is not entirely due to the hardness of the steel cake. The moment before the impact, the steel cake opened the shield, so the opponent hit the shield first, and the shield was broken under the impact force, and the opponent was also deflated. , the opponent's hard shell is broken, and then there is no need to accept the strongest hard attack.

After that, the steel cake number relied on the toughened tempered mode, strictly speaking, the metalized mode, because the metallized ability of Colossus is very special, called steel, in fact, the composition of the metal is unknown, Youde did a test and found its toughness It is extremely high, and it has blocked electromagnetic weapons before. Although it cannot be blocked when it is concentrated, it is caused by thousands of robots firing continuously.

The final test results show that the strength of this tempering mode is second only to Edelman alloy. Of course, it does not mean that it is the second child. It is currently the second known material, and there may be stronger ones between the two. But I haven't found it yet, and it's a pity that this is the result of a supernatural ability, so it can't really be processed as a material.

Therefore, the hunter spacecraft can't even stop the electromagnetic gun, and the tough gang really can't fight the steel cake.

After the explosion, part of the scale armor of the steel cake switched to the energy-absorbing mode. With such a huge volume, the simulated armor distributed on its surface is actually modular, and different abilities can be used locally. screen.

At this moment, there is only one spaceship left, and the moment the two sides staggered, the distance has been pulled far away.

But it is still within the firing range, just turn the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun and shoot at the rear.

But this time, another attack mode was tested, so three shells were fired directly.

And none of the three shells hit, but the steel cake did not continue to But just in front of the opponent's spaceship, three huge figures suddenly appeared in three directions, they were three nearly 100 meters high super giant sentinel robot!

That's right, the shell is just a vehicle, the purpose is to send the Sentinel robot there, and when it reaches the right place, the shell case explodes, and the passengers make their debut.

At this time, it was too late for the opponent's spaceship to evade, there was no way, it was too close, so close that the spaceship rushed towards the three giants by itself.

According to the calculated advance, the three rushed over directly, just hugged the passing spaceship, and then... swung their fists and punched them all!

And not only the hammer, but also scratching, scratching, and ripping off people's clothes... The giant ship cannons are bombarding each other, and it looks like the leader of the palace is beating the mistress.

Riding on the body of three men, the other party can only use one word to describe it at the moment, miserable.

I saw that at the same time as the crazy output, I kept switching various power modes one by one, high temperature, low temperature, tempered, diamond... etc., etc., for testing, collecting data, and seeing which effect is the best. Of course, it is inevitable Shot in the face.

Xie Zhi even zoomed in on the zoomed-in screen, and he could see a Sentinel robot inserting its fiery red arm into the spaceship, swiping and pulling it. I don’t know if it found the baby. Anyway, there is continuous flow of molten steel from the breach, floating into space .

After a lot of tossing, a few minutes later, the spaceship was dilapidated, more than two-thirds of the armor was gone, and the interior was completely in a mess, with molten and condensed strange-shaped metal, and huge ice lumps that were completely frozen, and big holes. There are countless small holes, completely useless, and there is nothing to repair.

But even so, the spacecraft did not explode.

Not long after, Lai Fu informed Xie Zhi: "Uncle, we checked thoroughly, and no one survived. Part of the monitoring system left images, which can be used as clues for investigation."

"Okay, then evacuate, change to another place, and continue."

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