Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 236: generous gift

eight days later.

Xie Zhi looked at the wreckage of the spaceship rolling in space, and said: "Let's go here, we have killed seven spaceships in a row, and the fire is almost over. If we continue, the large army is probably coming, let's go home."

Yes, Xie Zhi accepted it as soon as he saw it, and beat them piecemeal to gain the advantage, but if he really provoked a large enough fleet, he probably had no way to run away, so hurry up and get out of here.

As for killing the aliens, Xie Zhi has no psychological burden, not because of the different races, and even though the values ​​of the hunters are much more noble than some civilizations on the earth, but the old saying is good, if you don’t offend me, you won’t offend me. Since humans can be used as prey, then in turn, one must have the awareness of being hunted by humans, which is fair and reasonable.

And Xie Zhi thinks that the chances of winning for human beings are greater now, nothing else, while there is no development for thousands of years, there is no lack of vigilance of opponents, and the population is still at an absolute disadvantage. The other side is full of motivation, and there are few times when there is no war for thousands of years, especially good at military skills, and the demographic dividend is about to explode.

So give the earthlings some time, and I'm afraid the good days of the hunter clan will come to an end.

As for the future, although I can't see it anymore, Xie Zhi thinks that it is unlikely that the people on earth want to exterminate the hunter race. The key point is that the universe is too big, and the war has reached a certain level. The final result is likely to be peace talks.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Xie Zhi.

But he said that the way home would be more troublesome, and he almost hit the coming spaceship along the way. To be cautious, Xie Zhi went around and spent a few more days to arrive at the wormhole.

At this time, the wormhole is much more lively than in the past. Fortunately, the hidden instructions left by Laifu are still there, and after a while, there is a chance for no one to pass through.

After spending a month, I finally rushed back to Earth. Xie Zhi couldn't help but sigh, there is no artificial wormhole technology, so don't play interstellar travel as soon as possible, it's too boring, and how much time is wasted.

After returning home, the family members also said that such long-term business trips should be done less in the future, and it took three months.

Fortunately, the result was good, there were no accidents, and the information conveyed by the hunters through the outpost in the form of continuous relay was also received by the outpost on the earth. The hunters were really anxious this time and issued an emergency call , keep notifying the same clans everywhere, the basic meaning is... stop playing hunting, you were hacked, come here and fight!

Attention is diverted, people are scattered, and natural wormholes are very rare, so it is impossible to use the whole territory, such a long journey...Anyway, according to moral judgments, in the worst case, people on earth have at least six years of safe development Time, if it goes well, twenty years will be fine.

And Xie Zhi also got an unexpected news, that is, Ji Jianguo built the first spaceship!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}The family has been shocked. After explaining to Xie Zhi, Xie Zhi also understood that the actual situation is better than he expected, and there is no need for anything else The country, but the people on earth who built the country based on the foundation are also stable.

You must know that the first ship is actually the most difficult one, and the most difficult one is done. With Ji Jianguo's temper, the rest is to make dumplings.

And with the first spacecraft, even if the earth's resources are not enough, there are still several planets in the solar system, which are enough.

Based on Ji Jianguo's performance, Youde conducted another deduction. It only takes two years to build 100 spaceships! And it will get even faster over time!

Xie Zhi is the one who knows the same race best. After being surprised, he thought it was unexpected but it was reasonable, but Ryan and Bucky were quite shocked and deeply shocked by this civilization.

In fact, for so many years, these two couples have been deeply influenced culturally. You must know that foreigners can’t understand infrastructure civilization. Arrogance and prejudice are one of the reasons. Most of them have never been in contact with each other. Brainwashed by the unscrupulous double-standard media, only foreigners who have really stayed in Jijianguo will find that it is completely different from what they imagined, and the longer they stay, the more they will be affected. The cultural heritage of thousands of years is not a joke .

Of course, it doesn't mean that other civilizations don't have the ability to assimilate, otherwise there wouldn't be banana people.

It's just that Xie Zhi, as the leader, has a great favor to both of them. He has great influence, but the one with the greatest influence is Xiao Yu. No matter how rude the ancients are, their etiquette is far superior to that of modern people. Unique temperament, anyway, in the eyes of Bucky and his wife, Xiaoyu is called elegance, not to mention that Xiaoyu is a master, and his bearing and charm are even more unique.

Coupled with the two people's strong interest in martial arts, following the master to practice martial arts, ancient martial arts internal skills are more than just martial arts skills. If you want to truly understand the connotation, cultural barriers are not enough. At least the meridians and acupoints are pure oriental concepts. If you don't understand how to learn ?

Of course, the most important influence is to eat. What are the different tastes? Sorry, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, no matter which one you prefer, we can give you a perfect match in the infrastructure civilization, and the unique taste is no problem. Have you tried zheergen in Yunnan Province? So fishy that you doubt life.

Under the influence of many parties, the couple are now considered half infrastructure builders, but they are still stunned by the speed of infrastructure construction, and praised that they are indeed infrastructure madmen.

Coincidentally, just when everyone was discussing the efficiency of Ji Jianguo, Laifuwei reported that Ji Jianguo contacted them.

Yes, Xie Zhi has indeed left a contact channel here, nothing else, food recipes take a lot of time to sort out, this is not a direct download of computer data.

What everyone didn't expect was that this time it was not only for the handover of food production videos, the infrastructure party said that there were also gifts representing friendship.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}When Laifu finished saying the name of the gift, except for Xie Zhi and Bucky, the whole family cheered, including Xiaoyu who was always moody.

Xie Zhi and Bucky looked at each other and sighed: "Let me declare first, I also like this gift very much..."

Bucky nodded sympathetically.

"But, it's really hard to raise, really, it's harder than raising a child..."

Bucky continues to agree.

Unexpectedly, Fu also stood on the opposite side when he came back: "Uncle! I am responsible! Nothing will happen, and we have medical beds, so nothing will happen!"

Xie Zhi smiled wryly: "It's not just this one, it went to other worlds, if people see this, it's hard to explain.

I am not exaggerating at all, we will not only offend a civilization, but will make people all over the world envy and hate!

The lethality of that In a way, um, I mean the degree of likability, its power is definitely no less than that of nuclear weapons! In this matter, the world's aesthetics are highly unified!

Of course, I am definitely not afraid of being afraid, but it is too unworthy to have conflicts due to misunderstandings, and if it is not good, we will become the big villains in the eyes of the whole world. "

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "No, this is a great kindness. You must know that the infrastructure civilization has not given such generous gifts for many years. All those sent to other countries are leased, and the ownership is still in the infrastructure. When the time comes, they must be returned. , Now it has broken the precedent for many years, we have to admit that some difficulties can be overcome."

Ren also said: "That's right, we'll raise them at home, at worst we'll find an uninhabited island, and if we can't raise them in a spaceship, we definitely won't take them out for a walk to show off."

Xie Tiechui wiped his saliva again and again: "Grandpa, please, I promise to watch over my mother and not let her bully the little one."

Xie Ai nodded fiercely: "Yes, yes, look at me! Huh? Look at what I am doing, I am so obedient, hum!"

Xie Zhi is helpless, it's not that he doesn't like it, in fact, he thinks that Mei's mother in his world, who is envied by women all over the world, is also envied by men all over the world, at least he is jealous.

The problem is, there are enough ancestors in the family, and then there are super living ancestors...

"Youde, what do you think?"

Youde said: "Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it. We must respect the voice of the masses."

"Okay! Then feed yourself... Get lost! Let others envy and hate you!"

PS: I admit it, I'm jealous too...

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