Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 262: What if I say no?

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Xiao Yu said: "The ring is not the purpose, don't try to be brave, the most important thing is to come back well."

"Don't worry, lady, I'm reliable in my work."

In the sound of Xixisuosuo, Xie Zhi's battle suit picked up the green light, and changed shape as he walked over, becoming a larger travel backpack, storing the green light in it.

Xie Zhi put his backpack on his back and released two more sentinel robots, leaving behind to protect his eldest granddaughter, and waved his hand at Xie Tiehammer: "It's late at night, don't run around by yourself, wait for your second grandpa to come pick you up, ah."

"Understood, grandpa."

"I'm leaving."

As soon as the words fell, Xie Zhi lifted the willpower suppression on the green ball force field, instantly soared into the sky, and flew to the sky at high speed.

It didn't take long to get close to the atmosphere, but Xie Zhi didn't suffer from hypoxia and difficulty breathing, and he didn't feel cold at the same time. Although he had a special constitution, he didn't know the heat and cold, which showed that the protection provided by the force field was quite comprehensive.

Even so, Xie Zhi still let the backpack begin to deform and stretch, and then restored it into a battle suit. Although it is guessed that since the force field dares to fly people out of space, there is a high probability of space protection, but if conditions permit, it will not be a disadvantage if it is stable .

Moreover, Xie Zhi discovered that although the ring was wrapped in the battle suit, it did not affect the operation of the force field. Obviously, the operation method of this willpower is very unique, and it may have broken through the conventional concept of physics.

However, after breaking out of the atmosphere and entering space, the automatic detection equipment of the suit gave atmospheric data, and the air composition in the force field was normal and healthy.

Xie Zhi thought for a while, dismissed the helmet, took a deep breath: "Well, the air is very fresh, not bad, but there is not much space here, is there enough oxygen? Or can it continue to create air automatically?"

There is a battle suit detection system, and after flying for a while, I didn't find that the air reserve was insufficient. I can confirm that this aura does have the function of automatically generating air.

Gradually, Xie Zhi found a bright spot in front of him, which was very eye-catching against the background of the dark universe, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

It was not a star, but a glowing swirl of matter.

At this moment, a force came from the ring, Xie Zhi didn't choose to restrain himself, and let the force drive his hand to raise it above his head.

When getting closer and closer to the vortex, the face of the ring suddenly became brighter, followed by a flash of light in the center of the vortex, and then opened to form a cave, an aerosol-like cave.

The force field led Xie Zhi to rush in without any delay, and the fog in the cave surged like ink in the water, with bright light shining through.

"This is... a wormhole? It's not the same as the wormhole in the hunter world, man-made? The technology of this world is really dark enough."

Talking to himself, Xie Zhi soon rushed out of the wormhole, turned his head and looked back, and saw the wormholes gradually merged and turned into a flashing vortex again.

Looking at the front again, there is a huge planet in sight, and there are green beams of light on the surface of the planet illuminating the space, as if the planet is leaking air.

But as he got closer to the planet, something changed. Xie Zhi felt a little dizzy. He shook his head violently, and the helmet recombined. At the same time, he said unhappily: "Play tricks? Let me do it!"

In an instant, the green ball force field stopped and its surface trembled violently, but it still couldn't break free from Xie Zhi's control.

Xie Zhi just stopped outside the atmosphere and waited. He believed that since it was a summoning order, someone would come out if he didn't go in.

Sure enough, a little green light grew bigger and bigger, flew out from the planet, and approached Xie Zhi.

After approaching, Xie Zhi was a little surprised by the appearance of the other party. He thought he would be an alien like Abin, but who knew that this one looked a bit like... a fish, and it was clear that he was not of the same race.

That's right, although the other party also has human-like facial features, they look like fish when combined, and there are fins on their heads.

The other party spoke first, it was a mature male voice, and he spoke Chinese, with a gentle tone: "Frankly speaking, I have never seen a newcomer like you, and I have never heard of it. This is probably the first time in history that there is a newcomer interruption. During the implantation process, the newcomer's willpower can actually restrain the operation of the force field, you have great potential."

Xie Zhi also discovered that the ability to understand is due to the automatic conversion of the ring's power to the language. It seems that the ring also has its own translation室

And this is a vacuum state, there is no sound, which only shows that the ring also has a communication function.

As for... newcomers? potential?

Could it be that the aliens here have super willpower?

Secretly vigilant, Xie Zhi said neither humble nor overbearing: "Sorry, what should I call you?"

The murloc said: "Well, your ring translation function is not bad, I am a Zudarian, my name is Thomas Ray, the guardian of sector 2813, responsible for welcoming you, and one of your instructors, responsible for explaining Basic knowledge."

"Oh, that's great." Xie Zhi nodded, and said seriously: "It's better to clarify some things first. You controlled the ring and let me come here, right? Why did you faint me? And the implantation process, what do you mean? ?”

The murloc's tone was still very gentle, and he clasped his hands together: "First of all, the summoning order is passed on to every guardian, and something important has happened, but if a newcomer is selected by the ring, the ring will automatically lead the newcomer to Oa Star after a period of time, We will arrange veterans to train newcomers to become qualified green light fighters.

You just happen to have both situations caught up, and no one is in control of the process.

As for the implantation, this is a necessary process for newcomers. It is a bit painful and requires stable cooperation, so the ring will automatically put the newcomer to sleep, so as to complete the process smoothly.

The specific implantation is divided into knowledge implantation and node implantation.

Knowledge Implants feed the knowledge you need to master into your brain, and unlock advanced features of the Ring, including the Active Knowledge Base.

Node implantation is aimed at the body, implanting nodes with the same frequency as the ring can make it easier for us to use the suit, and it can be summoned without deliberate construction, which is conducive to combat. "

"Well... what if I say no?"

Thomas was taken aback, wondering, "Why did you refuse? This is a standard configuration, and no one has ever refused in history."

Xie Zhi pointed to his head: "I don't like others to touch my brain, and neither can my body, no matter what the reason. As for none of you who have refused, I guess there is no chance to refuse. I get dizzy as soon as I come up, and then I implant it, why? reject?"

"Uh... That's true, you are the first one not to faint."

"So what are the consequences?"

Thomas opened his arms slightly: "There is no rule about refusing implants, so there are no consequences, you can do whatever you want.

Of course, without implants, you will be very inconvenient. For example, the suit is not only for fighting, but also can block harmful rays and radiation when flying in space, and can also produce the gas needed by the ring owner to survive. It is an integrated multi-function The carrier, even if fainted, will automatically operate.

The knowledge base allows you to understand the basic knowledge of each sector, without wasting time re-collecting information, and records the positions of wormholes in each sector, so that you can quickly enter the destination.

So, are you still refusing? "

" Xie Zhi didn't hesitate for a second, just kidding, planting information in his head? Who knows if you have private goods, whether you are good or bad, no way!

"Well, it's your choice. I hope the equipment you are wearing now is strong enough. After all, the green light suit is energyized, and there is no problem of damage and repair."

Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows: "You mean this?"

With a swipe, Xie Zhi's body surface appeared a layer of sentry uniform, green.

Thomas blinked his eyes, and said in surprise: "You have mastered the ring to such an extent! According to the information, you got Abin's ring in less than three hours...Frankly speaking, I am not as surprised as I am today in the past year many!"

"Then can I be elected as the newcomer king of the year? I don't mind giving out some rewards, such as seven or eight rings."

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