Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 263: choose

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Thomas was a little confused when he heard the words, but his fish-like eyes blinked cutely.

"Is this the rule of your civilization? Sorry, there is no selection for the rookie king, and no rings will be awarded."

"Okay, let's not mention this, are an organization."

Thomas said: "Yes, we are called the Green Lantern Corps. Since ancient times, the Green Lantern Corps has been the guardian of peace, order and justice in the universe. It is a great honor and a great responsibility to be selected to join."

"I heard this from Abin. Wow, maintaining the peace of the universe is an exaggerated job. Mr. Thomas, I just got the ring, so I have to join?"

Thomas said with gentle eyes: "It's not a new thing for newcomers to have doubts at the beginning, but the ring has never chosen a wrong person. There is a reason for choosing you. One day, you will understand the meaning of this."

"One day? Oh, that is to say, I am now, even for a long time... Well, hesitation, hesitation, confusion, and unacceptability will not cause hostility, will they?"

Xie Zhi smiled, a bit naughty, of course, Thomas couldn't see with the helmet on.

Thomas also smiled: "Of course not, we will eventually be comrades-in-arms, brothers, and a family. Everyone who is chosen by the ring will be like this, without exception, so how can there be hostility?"

Xie Zhi gave a thumbs up: "You are a good person, and Abin is also a good person. The Green Lantern Corps are all kind-hearted people like you."

"Uh... There are differences in personalities, but our purpose is the same, to harmonize the universe."

"It seems that you all believe in ring selection, so what are the criteria for ring selection? Based on what characteristics?"

Thomas said: "It is said that those chosen by the ring are all fearless."

Dauntless? Xie Zhi doesn't believe it, because he knows that he is not a person who is not afraid of anything. In a certain way, he is even very timid. In the words of his wife, the older you are, the less courageous you are.

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Is this the only standard?"

"Of course more than that. Willpower is an important criterion. The ring will give priority to finding the strongest willpower within a certain area.

In addition, some heroic traits belong to vague concepts, and the ring judges by itself, and history has repeatedly proved that seemingly incomprehensible choices later proved that the ring was chosen for the right person. "

Hearing this, I know a lot. The selection criterion is related to willpower. Others are open to discussion.

After all, judging from past experience, the ring does not have the ability to read minds, so how can it be possible to know the character of the other party? So the so-called heroic traits... have to put a question mark.

Because in Xie Zhi's view, it is the three views, which are beliefs, that determine the standard of a person's behavior, and it is the willpower that determines whether the belief can be carried out.

Therefore, willpower is used to overcome difficulties, and the behavior of overcoming difficulties often appears to be very remarkable, and can even create miracles!

Such as facing up to difficulties, such as swearing to death, such as... the most beautiful retrograde! For example... people are on the embankment! (pay tribute!)

Are those who make these choices not afraid? Are there no disadvantages? stupid?

No, I am also afraid, I have shortcomings, and I am not a fool, but in the end, it is the will that provides the boost to the belief, and the belief can be carried out and overcome all difficulties.

Therefore, where righteousness lies, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I will go!

Therefore, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, I prefer to go to the mountains of tigers!

However, this is because there are many people in the world who have a bottom line, and those who have no bottom line often have poor willpower. Without him, no matter how low the bottom line is, it means to overcome some difficulties. No bottom line is the easiest, super free .

Therefore, Xie Zhi felt that it was just a person with no bottom line and strong willpower. It was an extremely rare and low-probability event that made the Green Lantern Corps feel that the choice of the ring was reliable, and even beautified this choice. android novel

But aliens are hard to say. Maybe the bottom line standards are different and they have strong willpower. If a scourge is really selected, it will be a lot of fun.

At this time Thomas said again: "I believe you still have a lot of questions, but it is not appropriate to speak in space, and no matter whether you are willing to join now, I suggest that you receive training, which will help you understand the Green Lantern Warrior, and you can Strengthen your own strength."

Xie Zhi thought about it, as far as the current performance is concerned, except for the steps of getting dizzy first and then implanting, the other party's performance is still very friendly.

So he readily agreed: "Then thank you for your kindness."

As soon as the voice fell, the force field around Xie Zhi suddenly dissipated, which made Thomas startled again. He originally wanted to follow Xie Zhi first, and then show him around when the force field disappeared naturally at the destination. The force field is gone, how many records does this rookie have to break?

"Uh... You're welcome, please come with me." Thomas waved his hand and flew away first.

Xie Zhi followed closely behind. He was flying at this time entirely by virtue of the newly transformed sentry suit.

"I already know that rings can create things, so what is the basis?" Since the other party claimed to be one of the instructors, Xie Zhi didn't beat around the bush.

"Will, will is the most powerful force in the universe. It has the ability to turn imagination into reality. To control this power, it also requires strong willpower..." Thomas said, looking at Xie Zhi, with a strange tone: " But it’s obviously not a problem for you, and with the extent of your own exploration, it seems that I can’t teach you much.”

"Thank you, Mr. Thomas, I still have a lot to learn. For example, you and I are gradually accelerating. I didn't use the original equipment, but I used the actual combat suit to fly, but I found that the current speed is faster than the original version. Now, then whether it is the strength of the creation has nothing to do with the original version, but is determined by willpower."

Tomazan said: "You are very good at observation, indeed, but you also need to add the strength of willpower itself. For example, if we create a piece of metal, its toughness is 1, and its willpower is 10. My willpower It's 100, so the metal you end up creating has a hardness between 11 and 111, depending on how tough the Green Lantern wants that metal to be.

Of course, this number is not rigorous, but a clear concept of magnitude can be described with numbers. "

"Understood, but what I don't understand is why all the transformed things are green? Can't you change the color?"

Thomas said: "This is because green is the color of the will. As for the color change, of course it is possible, but deliberately changing the color of the creation is an unnecessary extra burden, and it will affect the concentration of willpower. No one will..."

Thomas was speechless, nothing else, Xie Zhi's combat uniform had changed color, and the color kept changing, gaudy, and finally, it became a taupe-toned ruins camouflage.

"Well, this looks much better, don't you think?"

Thomas said seriously: "The aesthetics are different, I understand, but I will give you a suggestion, the Green Lantern Corps is a militarized organization that values ​​honor, and the green suit..."

"Understood, I also served as a soldier, and military uniforms cannot be desecrated."

Speaking of which, Xie Zhi's battle suit has turned into a green jungle camouflage, which is still green, but the camouflage-style painting is better than the solid color.

And Xie Zhi also had the same logo as Thomas and Abin on his chest, with a circle on the two horizontal lines, which was deliberately manifested. Although he didn't plan to join it, he did as the Romans did. Respecting foreign traditions is a basic courtesy when traveling abroad. .

Thomas nodded in satisfaction: " battle suits have masks to hide our identities, but in Oua Star, no one does that because we are all comrades in arms."

"It's easy to say." Xie Zhi removed the two layers of battle suits and helmets, revealing his true face.

Thomas was stunned: "According to the information in the knowledge base...are you from Earth?" (Note 1)

"Yeah, what happened to the people on Earth?"

Thomas shook his head and said, "The ring has never chosen the young race of earthlings. It seems that you are the bravest person on earth."

Xie Zhi glanced at him inexplicably: "I can't, I'm very timid. There are many people on Earth who are more courageous than me. I'm not a fearless person."

Thomas' expression changed upon hearing this...

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