Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 297: witness

Xie Zhi smacked his lips: "We have experienced twice as many things. For example, in the world of mutants, we have double Xiaoqiang 008. This is a sequela of messing with time, but three of you, how did this happen? of?"

Steve smiled and pointed at Xie Zhi: "Because of you."

Xie Zhi said helplessly: "Okay, the ancient one said it, I am a variable, but the specifics...can you say it?"

"It can be said that part of the other Steve is very special. I have communicated with him and studied it..."

Bucky couldn't help but interrupted: "Wait a minute, do you know another Steve? Are you still communicating? Aren't you embarrassed? Wait, let me guess, the way you meet and greet, isn't it 'I can say hello' all day'."

In the latter sentence, Bucky is simply an imitation show, with a majestic and upright face.

Steve looked helpless and embarrassed, it seemed that Bucky's guess was pretty close.

Finally Steve sighed, shrugged his brows and said, "It was a bit awkward at first, but then it got better... Do you want to listen to me?"

"Say what you say, I won't interrupt."

"Where do I start? Let me think about it... wait a minute."

Steve went to the bookshelf, came back with a book, and put it on the table.

"We regard this book as the world and time." Steve turned the first page and said, "So when the story begins, there is a character from the future, but it's not written, where does he come from? The last page of the book."

As he spoke, Steve opened the book, rolled it up, and pinched the last page with the first page.

"The beginning and the end are synchronized, so at the beginning of the story, he existed, but it was hidden very deep, like a punctuation mark, no one noticed him, so even if the result is like this..."

Steve flipped the book halfway, snapped, tore the book in half, and dropped the second half: "Just as I hate this autobiography of a real estate tycoon, this guy can brag..."

Then he cited the first half of the book and said: "Look, the back is gone now, but it doesn't affect his existence, because as long as the first half of the story is still there, he exists. This phenomenon is very strange, but existence is existence. ( Note 1, there are many words in the annotation, I still hope to read it.)

The lost second half is either the erased reality, or another branch of reality. It is impossible to verify which one it is.

And Steve Rogers, who appeared at the beginning of the story before me, is the only witness of that period of history.

As for tearing the story in half, it was not my hand, but Xie Zhi, when you appeared, the latter part would be gone, only a new story could be rewritten, but the first half would not be affected.

In the new story, at the end of the part about me, I made the same choice, going back to the past, but no matter how many realities the future will branch out, there seems to be only one past.

I say that, can everyone understand? "

Xie Zhi nodded and said: "Of course, our hammer is the proof."

Indeed, after experiencing the Terminator world, not only Xie Ai, a kid, has a big daughter, but even John Connor dared to kill his mother and his past self. Everyone understands that the grandfather paradox does not exist, and has discussed it Youde believes that this problem is not only a matter of time, but also involves the dimension of space.

It was too profound for people to understand. At that time, Youde used a phenomenon in an oriental mythology to explain it. It was not the truth, but it was relatively vivid, that is...jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements.

At this time, Steve's expression became dumbfounded: "But I didn't expect that a Steve would have arrived first, so the trouble is here."

Bucky suddenly realized: "You... You came back because of Carter? Oh my God! Dude, Carter is the only one, you can't be..."

Steve glared: "Shut up! There are children here! There are also old people, don't you blush when you make such a joke with the old people?"

Then he pointed to the picture frames on the wall angrily, and said, "Didn't you see it? I have a wife, a child, and a grandson."

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, so're willing to give up?" Bucky smiled, the so-called sorry was insincere.

"It's not giving up." Steve was very indifferent, raised his eyebrows and said: "I just want to understand, in fact, what I want is to return to ordinary life and enjoy a peaceful life, and Carter has his own life, I don't want to give up." It's time to disturb her happiness.

The two Steves are both Steves. We have different experiences, but there is no difference in personality. We are one person. Then, if they are happy, it means I am happy, and I, why not try another life. ?

The result is... Hehe, I have to thank him for taking the first step, which gave me the opportunity to meet my wife, although she is not Carter, but the important thing is, she is her, our life is very happy, very beautiful, that's enough up.

So, when I am leaving in the future, please don't stop me. "

"Okay, this is your choice, but..." Bucky grinned and grinned: "One day we get together, three of you, what should I call you? Boss, old, second, and third? Hahaha... this will be enough for me for a few years of!"

When Steve heard this, he said solemnly: "Don't think about it, it's impossible, it will only change the future again.

Don't even think about the other Steve. My communication with him is limited to the two of us, because we are both stubborn **** and we both know ourselves. We won't say a word about things that should be kept secret. As for the possibility of meeting Of course he is unwilling to do something that changes history.

Not only him, I will not see you again in the future, in the future, I, um, the old me, have never appeared, which is enough to explain the problem. "

As he said that, Steve took off the Tai Chi ring and put it on the coffee table: "Leave it to the young Steve, I don't need this anymore, you have to look like you're retired when you retire."

Bucky was silent, and Steve said again: "What do you look like? Don't do stupid things before the young me"

Bucky smiled, and said with complicated eyes: "Why, you did all the stupid things."

"Ahem!" Xie Zhi waved his hand: "I think you two misunderstood a question, Steve, how do you know that you have not appeared in the future? You know, you don't know what happened after you traveled through time, so that time period What happens later is not considered a butterfly effect.

So, leave an address, visit later, and wear the ring back. Since it is a gift from me to a friend, there is no reason to take it back. "

Bucky's eyes lit up: "That's right, turn around and cross with your front foot, and I'll go find you for a drink with your back foot."

Steve shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head: "Let's make an appointment then, I have a very busy schedule, and I'm probably changing the diaper of my great-grandson at that time, so I don't have time to talk to you."

Neither of them mentioned the medical bed, neither did Xie Zhi and the others. Obviously this was Steve's choice, otherwise Xie Zhi would be stingy and not give it to a friend.

That's right, they must be friends. Although it's the first time we met and I'm still not familiar with each other, Xie Zhi doesn't think that I will give away the Tai Chi ring casually. If I don't have enough friendship and understanding, the most I can do is give a green light ring.

At this time, Xiao Yu asked, "Mr. Steve, you knew that today's meeting would happen, right?"

Steve nodded: "Yes, you gave me a reminder before I left in the future, so I know this meeting will happen.

I understand what you mean, since we met, we must explain something, but I have been thinking about it for many years, and I can't talk about the future, and the same is true for everyone's reminders, so what should I do?

But after discovering one thing, I understood..."

PS: Thanks to book friends "I'm looking forward to~" and "Fat Fat Otaku" for their rewards! Thank you for your support!

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