Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 298: cycle

Speaking of this, Steve suddenly stopped talking, looked at the ring, and put it on his hand again: "Let me be clear first, I'm retired and I don't work anymore. This is a gift from a friend."

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Of course."

"Speaking of gifts... I also have gifts, or I am a courier. The source of that thing is at the beginning of the story."

This remark made everyone curious, and Steve got up and said, "Go outside, I don't want to ruin the house."

When he came to the open area outside the house, Steve looked at the crowd and smiled badly: "At the beginning, I was tortured enough by this question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Now it's your turn to have a headache."

As he spoke, Steve straightened his right arm and spread his fingers.

One second, two seconds... Ten seconds later, nothing happened.

Bucky said: "Your gift is posing? Is this the popular old-age aerobics?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, my memory is not very good when I'm old. After all, it has been useless for many years, so I have to do this first..."

The yellow-green light of Steve's ring flickered for a moment: "Okay, the isolation barrier is lifted, it should be fine."

When he posed that pose again, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

Xie Ai suddenly shouted: "Grandpa! It's thundering! It's raining, collect your clothes!"

Steve staggered and looked at Xie Ai: "You should call me fourth uncle, naughty."

And then there was a sudden bang! The surface of the lake suddenly exploded! It was as if a bomb exploded underwater!

Accompanied by the spray of water, something rushed out of Fei Gao, then turned a corner, and rushed towards Steve at high speed!


Steve grabbed the thing, and it was very stable without inertia, and everyone could see clearly that the thing was running towards Steve's hand, and it automatically adjusted its posture to facilitate his grasp.

And Xie Tiehammer was the first to call out: "Hammer!"

Yes, it was a hammer, an octagonal square head mallet, and the hammer head was really not small, about the size of a human head, made of gray metal, with exquisite patterns carved on both ends of the hammer head.

That is, the handle of the hammer is not too long, and there is a leather strap at the end.

Steve smiled and nodded to Xie Tiehammer: "Yes, Hammer."

There really is a flying hammer! Xie Tiechui was almost starved to death, but the girl was not familiar with Steve, so she could hold back.

Bucky said at the right time: "This is a gift for Hammer."

"I don't have the final say on who the gift belongs to." Steve said as he let go, the hammer fell to the ground with a bang.

Everyone didn't understand what Steve meant, and Bucky frowned: "When you get old and learn to play tricks, then who has the final say?"

Steve pointed to the hammer, stepped back and said, "The hammer has the final say, whoever can pull it out will own it."

Bucky smiled and tilted his head: "Come on, don't be polite to this old man."

"Then I... took it." Xie Tiehammer walked over, grabbed the handle of the hammer and pulled it out...

With a bang, the hammer only lifted a tiny bit, but it immediately reset.

And Steve nodded with appreciation in his eyes.

"Huh?" Xie Tiehammer frowned, mustered all his strength and pulled out again, but this time the hammer didn't move at all.

The girl's face turned red, and even her feet sank into the ground, but the hammer just didn't move!

Bucky was not happy: "Hey, it's almost done. If you don't bully children like this, what kind of fourth grandfather are you? You don't look like an elder."

Steve spread his hands: "I didn't make trouble, really, if you don't believe me, try it."

"Cut, get out of the way, and grandpa will pull it out for you."

Xie Tiehammer moved away panting, and muttered, "This hammer is disobedient!"

And Bucky held the handle of the hammer with one hand and pulled it out casually, only to shake himself.

"It's kind of interesting." Bucky squinted his eyes, clasped his hands together, and took a more serious attitude.

He suddenly exerted force... Unfortunately, the hammer still didn't budge!

This is evil, even if a hammer is welded to the ground, Bucky can pull it up.

This scene finally moved everyone. It was obvious that there was something wrong with the hammer.

And Steve explained again: "I really didn't do anything."

"I still don't believe it!"

While the green light was flashing, Bucky showed the battle suit of will, and at the same time increased the bonus of willpower to the maximum, leaving no room for it.

But in the end, the hammer still didn't move!

Bucky let go of his hand and stared at Steve: "What do you mean?"

"It has nothing to do with me. As I said, this hammer picks people, just like a Tai Chi ring, but it's not based on willpower."

Xie knew: "Then based on what?"

While talking, Xie Ai hurried over, and heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too.

Steve said: "According to someone, justice, kindness, and people who are recognized by this hammer, but I think the key reason is to be recognized, because I have seen too many righteous and kind people who fit this Although there are few people with the condition, it is not uncommon, but none of them can afford it.

Frankly speaking, being recognized by the hammer is not easy to judge, it is too subjective.

Moreover, this standard of recognition will also change. If you can't get it now, it doesn't mean you won't get it in the future.

Of course, under special circumstances, you can pick up the hammer even if you don't have the three, that is, your own strength exceeds the power contained in the hammer, and you can take it with force. Note 1)

Bucky curled his lips and said, "Since the meeting will definitely happen, then you also know who can pull out the hammer, right? You want to see me make a fool of yourself? It's not kind."

Steve laughed and said, "Of course, when I met you when I was young, everyone already had this hammer. As for whether it was intentional or not, yes, I did it on purpose. It's fun, isn't it?"

"Show off, can you take it?" Bucky shook his head: "This is not like the you I know."

Steve raised his eyebrows: "Haven't you heard of the old kid?"

Xie knew: "Wait, you in the future have seen that we have this hammer, and you gave us this hammer, so isn't this a cycle? The chicken came first...Damn!"

At this time, Youde said: "It's not necessarily a chicken-and-egg problem. I think the problem comes from Gu Yi. Of course, it's mainly Lao Lao Xie is a variable that disturbs the timeline. The messy timeline has sorted out the diversion of reality, but judging from her meaning, it is obvious that she just got a relatively good route.

So it is very likely that there is still an impact on reality, and this cycle may be caused by our actions in a certain time stream, that is to say, the 'us' in each time stream has an impact on reality, causing the current us Enjoy the results of circular benefits.

And Steve and Gu Yi don't want us to know what happened in the future. Obviously, this cycle not only has the best result, but also wants to achieve this good result, we must know nothing about the future. It doesn't matter if you can predict the future, but We predict the future, and the results are terrible. "

Steve clapped his hands: "As expected of you, I analyzed it immediately. I discussed this issue with another Steve for a long time, and combined different real-world information, I finally figured it out."

Xie Zhi glanced at the girl who was pulling out the hammer, and said, "Then this hammer... is very powerful?"

"It should be said that it is very powerful. I think it is at least ranked... Well, I can't say it is ranked. Anyway, everyone will know how powerful it is when you pick up the hammer."

Ryan asked, "Then what's the name of this hammer?"

"can not say."

"You can't even say the name?" Xie Zhi scratched his chin: "It seems that the origin of this thing is not simple."

"Yeah, the background is extraordinary..." Steve looked up at the sky subconsciously, and sighed: "So my friends, after taking advantage of it, leave this world as soon as possible. There is a guy with very good eyes, fortunately... He has only one pair of eyes."

Xie Zhi followed to look at the sky: "So... this hammer is owned by someone, right? If we take it away, won't you be in trouble?"

"Well, it's okay, because the original owner didn't know that the original unique hammer has become a double copy."

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