Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 312: invest

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"Is it okay to bump?" Ren curiously pointed to the playing cards in a space-folded state.

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "It's okay, just touch it casually, this state only applies to playing cards."

After Lei En touched it, as Xie Zhi said, there was no problem with the fingers, but the suspended playing cards slowly floated away like weightless.

Ryan smiled and said, "It's very interesting, but the touch is still paper, and the appearance is not very good, will it appear to be a drop in price?"

Xie knew: "The price will drop for sure, but this is just a sample. I will make a handicraft later. Well, how about a lucky cat? It can also attract money at home, and the merchants like it."

Cuckoo: "Meow."

Bucky curled his lips: "Come on, aliens know what a lucky cat is? It's useless even if you get a Jesus."

"Ah, I thought of it." Xie Zhi slapped his hands and said excitedly: "Do you still remember the flashing yo-yo that Xiao Ai played? It glows. It should be more fun if it is connected by a rope."

Xiaoyu blinked and blinked: "Yo-yo... I don't know if Tifeng has any relationship with us, but I know he will be taken advantage of."

"Good idea, the operation code name is taken advantage of, so it's decided, then, let's talk to Ms. Hakuna now."

five minutes later.

Hakuna said a little excitedly: "Really? We... We haven't heard good news for a long time. Are you adults really willing to help us?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Yes, we are willing to help you, don't call me an adult anymore, call me a friend, the principle we believe in is win-win cooperation and making friends, not zero-sum game for hegemony."

Following Bucky imitating Steve's Wei Guang positive expression, he said: "But Hakuna, if you only help less than twenty people, it's too easy, it's a bit like charity, sorry, we didn't mean to insult you, of course we don't. Without really wanting to sound like an insult, we'd like to be more...well, constructive."

Hakuna was a little confused: "Sorry, we just want to find a safe home, so isn't this constructive enough?"

"No, no, no." Xie Zhilian shook his head: "This requirement seems to be very low, but it is actually very high. Otherwise, Mar-Vell wouldn't end up dying in a foreign land, right?"

Hakuna's eyes were sad: "Yes, we are the ones who have implicated Ms. Marvel, a safe home. This wish is really not easy to achieve."

Xie Zhi added: "Actually, it's also very easy. It sounds contradictory, but the ease and difficulty depend on your actual needs, whether you can live a subsistence life or have an independent development area.

The former is relatively easy, you can transform, find a civilization that is willing to accept you, and you can incarnate as a local, even if they don’t want to, as long as you are careful enough and keep a low-key life, you can survive, I guess your other surviving compatriots It is also hidden in this way.

The latter is too difficult. We believe that relying on a new engine is very unsafe, and it can even be said to be unreliable.

There are many reasons. According to what you said before, there are too many powerful forces in the universe, so unowned planets must be very scarce. Even if they are found, who can guarantee that they will not be discovered? And once the news gets out, do you think the Kree will come to you again? (Note 1)

Taking a step back, the places you go with the light speed engine are far enough away that no one will find you, but who can guarantee that there are no undiscovered interstellar civilizations where you go? Will people treat you as intruders? What do you do? keep running? There must be no danger in the process of running? What should I do if I run out of supplies? What if the spaceship breaks down? How to solve the problems of people's livelihood?

In short, there are too many problems, and even unexpected problems are possible. Safety is only relative, not absolute. "

These words made Hakuna's face turn greener, and she said in embarrassment: "Yes, you are right, what do you... friends mean?"

Xie Zhi raised two fingers: "I have two plans, but the implementation of the one depends on your own choice, we will not force it.

The first solution is to provide some necessary resources for survival out of humanitarian and charitable help, so that everyone can survive and live without perishing.

The second option is investment-type help. Our relationship is equal, but investment must be rewarded, and investment will also give you the opportunity to develop powerfully. Of course, it may also create a group of enemies. But Investment is risky, and we are psychologically prepared for this.

So now the question is, are you willing to accept investment or charity. "

Hakuna became silent, thinking, and everyone did not urge her. Of course, the matter is important and must be considered clearly.

After a while, Hakuna raised her head and said, "I don't know how powerful my friends are, but do you know how powerful the Kree Empire is?"

Baki said: "We don't know, but this investigation has allowed us to confirm one thing, we are stronger than Marvell, and we are definitely stronger than the Skrulls, you admit it. Don't worry, our decision to invest does not mean that we have the same The Kree Empire fought hard, but we also considered their threat."

Hakuna nodded and said, "If we choose to invest, what kind of help will you provide?"

Xiaoyu said: "First of all, we want to give you a suggestion. You should not think about the matter of the ownerless planet, but to recuperate and recuperate. You must first ensure your life and survival before you can consider development and growth. The people here are asking for justice.

As for the land, you can borrow it from others, or build enough spaceships to form an interstellar fleet, or you can divide it into two steps, a small number of people are responsible for finding homes, and most people are responsible for development.

Of course, the premise is to hide your identity, which shouldn't be difficult given your talents.

In any case, there are many people with great power, and they are scattered all over the universe. How can a mess of sand develop? So first of all, we are willing to help you contact your lost compatriots in the universe, gather together, and keep warm in groups. As for whether to gather them all together or divide them into several gathering places just in case, these details can be studied in the process of doing it.

But we also know that there are risks in contacting your tribe, which requires trust. If you don't trust us, there is no basic premise for investment. Just pretend that we didn't say it, it doesn't matter, we are still willing to provide some kind help. "

"Can you tell me about the follow-up?"

Xie Zhi shook his head and said: "Actually, the follow-up is just an intention. We need to understand the actual situation of the Skrull people before we can decide the investment range and investment method. Now we only know that you are don't know the specific situation. "

After thinking for a while, Hakuna seemed to have made up her mind, and said sternly: "I thought no one would be willing to help us except Marvell. Now that you have appeared, we have nothing, so we are not qualified to negotiate conditions, but for the sake of Clan, please forgive my rudeness, I only have one request, please make are not lying to me."

Speaking of the latter, Hakuna's voice was choked with trills, which made people feel sour. That's right, her request was so low that what she wanted was just a verbal guarantee.

Everyone looked at each other and understood that this alien woman had bet everything.

Xie Zhi sighed, and said solemnly: "We will not deceive anyone, and we also know how much risk you have taken in this decision. I promise, we have not deceived you."

Hakuna choked up and said, "Thank you, although we have nothing now, but I also promise, please believe that the Skuri people are not people without conscience, we are grateful."

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