Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 313: barren land

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Afterwards, Hakuna told everyone how to contact the Skrulls.

But she also explained that communication is not safe, and there is a high probability that it will be discovered by the Kree people. In fact, Marwell contacted the Skrull people before his death. At that time, Marwell said that he was looking for a relatively safe Unfortunately, the Cree people rushed to the earth afterwards, which proved that it was still not safe enough.

Moreover, not all the Skrulls scattered in the universe are as weak as Hakuna and the others, they still have some armed forces, even have long-distance warships, and the ability to make trouble for the Cree, and Hakuna's husband Ta Ross is the supreme commander and leader of the survivors.

It sounds like the Skrulls are not defenseless, but the crux of the problem is that having warships does not mean that they have the ability to develop sustainably. They can’t even afford to lose this point. Destroy one ship and lose one ship. No stamina.

Before Marwell contacted Hakuna's husband Talos, the purpose was also to gather the Skrulls, because the light speed engine has achieved a staged success, and it seems that there is hope for a long-distance voyage to find a home.

However, after the analysis by Xie Zhi and others, Hakuna also figured it out. It is not safe to pin her hopes on a single engine. Although in the situation of the Skrulls, finding a partner is also risky, but the debt is too much Don't worry, if there are too many lice, it doesn't itch. They are all blogs. It's not as good as a bigger blog. Maybe a bicycle becomes a motorcycle.

Xie Zhi and the others don't intend to contact Talos in the solar system. Hakuna doesn't need to remind them. After all, it is not wise to recruit the Kree people. Even if there is a fight, the battlefield must be kept far away.

The plan is finalized and the action begins.

Three months later, Xie Zhi and others left the earth.

The reason why it took so long is to modify the new version of the black antelope. With the ready-made information of the light speed engine, of course, the propeller needs to be replaced. Whether it is long-distance voyage or combat, no matter how fast the advantage is pursued, it is not too much.

However, the version made by Youde is an improved version, mainly in terms of materials, and the actual effect has increased by two percentage points compared with Youde's estimate. It must be admitted that Magneto's material formula has really helped a lot. His ability It's very suitable for playing with materials, but it's a bit overkill to use in battle, at least that's how Youde sees it.

In fact, there are small spaceships on the Kerry cruiser. Yes, although there is nothing on the main apron at the entrance, how can such a large spaceship not prepare a small aircraft, and Marvel has to use it to go to and from the earth.

But the Kree's aircraft features are too obvious, so I don't plan to use it.

However, Youde still dismantled two ships, nothing else, the appearance can be used, but there are still good things inside. It is still difficult to say which one is more advanced in technology, the Hunters or the Cree, but as far as this universe is concerned, at least the Cree Its communication system is interstellar universal and can effectively communicate with various interstellar civilizations, so the actual effect is better.

In addition, the cabin is enlarged and the shape is modified to adapt to multi-person long-term space flight. Today's black antelope is far from the original version.

There are quite a few old Xie family spaceships, but it is not suitable to waste time now, so I changed one and set off.

This time, the whole family, including Youde, was dispatched. After all, Youde is the chief scientist of the family, and he is responsible for appraising technological products.

On the Kerry cruiser, two Xiaoqiang 008s were left to take charge of the command, and the rest were sentinel robots, which were sufficient to deal with most situations.

According to the star map obtained from the cruise ship, the voyage went smoothly. With the help of the jump point in the universe, after about a week, everyone arrived at the destination, the so-called... barren land.

Seeing the target, the whole family was stunned.

Ren murmured: "What is that? Is it... a planet?"

Bucky said dumbly: "I look at it... It looks like a creature's head. Is it a space fortress made in this shape on purpose? To be honest, the taste is unique enough."

That's right, the huge celestial body in the universe that is comparable to the moon is like a living creature's head, and it's also a humanoid head!

"No, that's a real creature's head." At this moment, Youde said: "Hakuna doesn't know much about it. In fact, the specific location of this place is based on the information collected by Marvell. According to the spaceship log According to the records, it is said that it is the beheaded head of a certain ancient god.”

And Xie Zhi was surprised: "What the hell?! It's really the head of a creature!? Her third uncle, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Youde innocently spread his hands: "I didn't take it seriously either. Who would have thought that there was such a big creature? I thought it was Marvel who recorded it based on rumors. I was as surprised as everyone else when I saw the real thing. Obviously I overestimated it." My own experience. Besides, you can’t blame me, Marvel has recorded a lot, and you don’t read it.”

"Hehe, isn't it that the reading speed is not as fast as yours? It's hard work for those who can." Xie Zhi turned his head to look at the head again, tsk-tsk said: "Hey, god? How big was it when it was alive? What did it eat? Planets? Yes Isn’t it possible to create an asteroid every time you poop?”

Xiao Yu shook her head and sighed: "The universe is really huge, full of wonders."

Cuckoo: "Meow."

At this time, Youde drove the spaceship and flew directly there, and Bucky couldn't help asking: "Don't you need to communicate with the control tower? Is it okay to go in directly?"

"According to Marvell's records, there is no need to communicate in the 'Barren Land'. This is a relatively well-known black market in the universe. It is a lawless world. It can be said that anyone who dares to come to this place basically has an interstellar criminal record. Identity is a joke.

The most important thing is that the Typhon Group is very powerful, and there are not many people in the universe who dare to provoke them, so although this place is chaotic, as long as it does not start a war, the Typhon Group doesn't care at all. "

The black antelope flew in through the eye sockets of the head, and even the eye sockets were ridiculously big, comparable to a small city.

And this orbital channel is full of man-made objects, such as buildings like the apron.

Flying further in, you can see countless huge man-made buildings. Their volume is exaggerated. Compared with the so-called skyscrapers on the earth, they are like mice on the feet of elephants, which is incomparable.

This is nothing, everyone also saw more exaggerated spine bones than buildings! Compared with others, the Himalayas have become dwarfs!

You can also see countless spaceships flying around inside the skull, and a large number of spaceships with exactly the same shape, more like ants, are constantly collecting on the bones. This is collecting bones as minerals.

Bucky sighed: "It's really eye-opening, this is using the skull as a mine star."

"Yeah." Xie Zhi nodded again and again: "No need to ask, this head is a treasure, it must be valuable! I don't know if there are any in the universe, eh, I don't know where the body is."

Xiao Yu shook her head and said: "Don't worry about it, even if there is, it's not our turn to pick it up, we've only been here for a few days."

Ryan suddenly said: "I have an idea! Let's use Pym particles to enlarge the animal bones to this extent, so we can also mine them... Oh, it's all calcium, it's worthless~ You know it too."

Everyone listened to it as a joke, but Youde said seriously: "Rein's idea is really good."

Everyone was startled, Xie Zhi said in surprise: "Youde, what's the use of collecting a pile of calcium?"

Youde smiled: "Ordinary biological bones are of course useless, and no matter how similar 'divine objects' are in this universe, it is not our turn, but what about other worlds? In case we encounter magical creatures, can we use them? For a moment, the actions of the Tifeng Group reminded me that biological materials are also valuable, even if they are not as valuable as this biological head, but as long as they are precious enough, they are worth it."

Xie Zhi nodded: "It makes sense, but if it's precious enough, it's probably not easy to fight. Hey, it's not sure if we can meet it, let alone if there is, it can even have nuclear weapons..."

"Shut up!" Everyone said in unison.

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