Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 316: A murder caused by a kitten

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That's right, the people surrounding them had more decent equipment, and each of them was holding what appeared to be projectile weapons, such as guns and the like, but there were many tricks.

The same is true for races, there are all kinds of appearances, but the dress is much more uniform, and it is clearly an organized society at the interstellar level.

Xie Zhi sighed and said: "It seems that it will be endless, let's go, call outside."

Of course, the whole family would not work here. Will they be compensated for breaking things? If you don't pay, you won't take it. If you pay... Is the 20 million you just got enough? If it is not done well, it will have to be posted upside down.

To be honest, now Xie Zhi can't figure out Gugu's hidden attributes, whether it is a beckoning cat or a money-losing cat.

Before the newcomers approached, the family stood up from the ground in an instant, telling them to fly away, like a missile exploding.

But Youde's battle suit wasn't flying fast enough, so Xie Zhi pulled him along.

This caught the bandits by surprise, too fast and too sudden.

It was obviously too late to shoot, but these aliens could also fly, relying on technological equipment and various small individual propulsion devices, they rose into the sky one after another and chased after the five of them.

"Hit! Don't let them get away!"

Someone yelled, and all of a sudden guns fired, and all kinds of ammunition flew in the air. Not only were the materials different, but the sound and light effects when firing were also varied, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

But shooting high-speed flying targets in flight is not something everyone can do. It is too difficult to shoot Xie Zhi and others, especially because they not only fly fast, but also change their flight trajectory extremely flexibly, and their maneuverability is beyond the limit. The individual weapons of the star robbers seem to have no guidance function.

It's just that the buildings in the barren land were unlucky, and they were hit, exploded, and damaged one after another.

And Xie Zhi also opened the communication link during the flight, and the one who contacted was Ti Feng.

In order to make money, they leave communication codes with each other, similar to phone numbers.

"Mr. Tifeng, you see, we didn't do anything, we don't care about the damage."

Tifeng still had a dead fish-eyed expression: "I can see it. I will collect the bill from the shooter. Is there anything else?"

"It's okay, goodbye."

The surrounding area was full of flames and explosions, but it was not over yet. People in the city below continued to fly into the air, as if they wanted to block Xie Zhi and others, and even more and more.

However, the old Xie family did not want to lose money by not firing, but it does not mean that there is no other way to fight back.

Xie Zhi directly manifested dozens of high-speed rotating knife wheels, gathered in front of the formation to open the way, sensible ones quickly avoided, and those who didn't open their eyes would deserve it.

As a result, anyone who is stuck in the front and has no eyesight to see will be twisted into **** mist by the knife wheel in an instant! The formation of the knife wheel is unstoppable, without even a trace of lag, and the meat grinder rushes out a **** path!

And through the holographic screen, Tifeng, who has been watching the battle, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself: "It's a bit interesting, I think that ring is very special, 300 million is not overestimated, this kind of weapon is unheard of, but it is a bit like reality... no, It's different, much weaker, but the effect is similar. Where did this Dongfeng 17 come from?"

The whole family went on a rampage, no one could stop them, but people were strangled one after another, and they flew out of the barren land unstoppably.

However, after flying out, they ran into even greater troubles, and saw that in space there were no longer aliens flying with guns, but spaceships of various shapes!

At a glance, there are at least hundreds of them, and a few giant spaceships are still releasing small spaceships, flying towards Xie Zhi and them.

"Damn it!" Ren scolded, "Do all the cosmic robbers fly launch ships?"

Bucky sighed: "It's probably similar to the van used by robbers on Earth. The standard configuration, I guess the spaceship in this universe is not worth much."

Xie Zhi looked at the cuckoo in Xiaoyu's arms: "The spaceship was used just for a kitten, this can be regarded as a murder caused by a kitten."

As he said in his mouth, everyone is not idle, just do it, and it's not like they haven't met aliens in the green light world.

Seeing that Ryan summoned a black horse, the couple rode together and galloped rapidly in space. The black horse is fast enough to serve as a mount, which is perfect.

Then the couple showed their own weapons they were good at, machine guns and sniper guns. That's right, they had to use more powerful weapons to fight the spaceship.

While maneuvering to evade, keep pouring firepower on the small spaceship!

But unlike the green cannonballs fired by Renne's cannon, Bucky fired yellow energy bullets, and the spaceship hit by Bucky, the yellow ammunition had no destructive power, and penetrated the spaceship like an invisible object, and the spaceship immediately With a stagger, the flight path became chaotic, and some even turned their heads and ran away! Apparently, fear energy isn't bad at scaring people either.

Xie Zhi and his wife did not summon the spirit totem, Xie Zhi showed more than a hundred flying swords, yes, there was no big scene, the last time they dealt with the Yellow Lantern Warrior, the scene was grand, but the feeling on top was not very pleasant, So enough is enough.

The flying swords were dispersed, flying around in space flexibly and at high speed, but they were like guided missiles, chasing small spaceships, and they were in groups of three or four, organized and formed.

The battle situation escalated, artillery fire roared, flying swords strangled, and soon several small spaceships were blown up!

However, everyone also discovered the problem, and their mouths were not idle during the battle.

Bucky said: "Is it the brand or the manufacturer? Some of these spaceships are like pieces of paper, and some are really strong! Some are fast, some are slow, look at that ship, is that a patch? The iron sheet is welded to pieces Is it okay to fly in space?"

Ren said: "Hmm, it's purely a motley crew, like... Oops! This ship is very powerful! The energy-absorbing shield is about to fail!"

While speaking, the shields of the couple were blown up, but the dark horse turned flexibly and avoided the attack, and the couple also manifested new shields. Anyway, they had enough energy, so if one was blown up, two more would manifest.

But Xie Zhi said: "The difference is quite big. The robbers also have money and no money, but these spaceships don't have shields. Without shields, they can't withstand our strangling...Damn it!"

I saw the powerful and strong spaceship explode suddenly! Hit by a high-speed flying object, instant kill! And that thing didn't finish crashing and blowing up a ship, it went around in a circle and smashed all the spaceships along the way! All are instant kills!

The thing turned around and flew towards Xiao Yu, and she grabbed it. Yes, it was the hammer that picked people.

Renn yelled: "Handsome! This thing is still strong enough! It will be broken when it hits it!"

Bakizan said: "The destructive power is strong enough! What material is it made of?"

This is not over yet, Xiao Yu carried the hammer and lanyard, turned the hammer wheel like an electric fan, and rushed towards the gunfire, and no matter how strong the firepower was, it was smashed to pieces by the high-speed rotating hammer!

Xie Zhi murmured: "Attack and defense are integrated, is this hammer flawless?"

And the hard-top gunfire doesn't count, UU Reading Drizzle directly fits into it! The man, the cat, and the hammer directly hit a hole in the spaceship and passed through. The spaceship swayed a few times and exploded into a fireball!

But Tivon, who was watching the battle at this time, was dumbfounded. He called up the zoomed-in close-up, looked at the hammer and said in amazement: "This is... the hammer of Prince Asgard! How could it be in the hands of that woman!? I haven't heard of that prince's hammer. I lost the hammer, it would be a big deal if someone stole it, no, I used the hammer to identify someone..."

Speaking of this, Tivon narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Maybe that old guy Odin made more than one hammer, this woman... Could it be Odin's illegitimate daughter? Well, if it is the guard of Her Royal Highness, This combat power makes sense, tsk tsk, there are so many messes in their family...By the way, Karina, did I have any faux pas just now?"

The pink-skinned girl respectfully said: "Master, your attitude is neither humble nor overbearing, it's perfect."

"It's fine if you're not rude, don't meddle in the affairs of Odin's family, so as not to get into trouble, it's very troublesome..."

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