Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 317: Become famous

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The battle lasted no more than ten minutes, and Xie Zhi and the others had already destroyed more than forty small attack ships.

But the number of spaceships on the battlefield has not decreased but increased, and without him, a giant ship will come from time to time, and then continue to drop small spaceships.

Obviously, the allure of this big deal was too tempting.

However, according to Youde's observation and analysis at this time, the troops who came were all miscellaneous troops, probably pirate-like organizations, interstellar-level, so don't look at the quantity, but the quality is really bad.

During the battle, Xie Zhi and others also discovered this early on. Some spaceships with strong firepower can pose a certain threat relatively speaking, but the key strike is that even if some are resistant to beating, these spaceships are not strong enough overall.

If the regular armies of various cosmic civilizations in this world are also at this level, then it will be nothing special, let alone relying on the ring, relying on the Hunter spaceship may not be at a disadvantage, not to mention the modified steel cake that is good at defense.

Moreover, the achievements of Xie Zhi and the others at the moment are not without deterrent effect. Some of the giant ships that arrived first have already begun to retreat silently. Yes, stop chewing on hard bones and let the newcomers take the top.

It's just that the newcomer didn't understand the situation, so he rushed forward without fear.

Xie Zhi and the others don't care. For them, this is a rare opportunity to practice their mobile phones in actual combat. The enemy is not too strong to deal with, and the space battle is very different from the battle in the planet.

That's right, when fighting on a planet, the speed must be restrained, because there is a problem with the reaction speed. If you go too fast, you may not be able to react in time, and if you hit a mountain or a building, it is tantamount to self-harm.

And this kind of limitation is especially obvious when you are close enough, so you can score points quickly. The two fight face to face, and try to use a supersonic dash. The enemy doesn't know what happened. Reaction force, weeping can only hold on.

Therefore, in close combat on the planet, if the reaction cannot keep up, it must be lower than the speed of sound. For long distances, it is enough to maintain the speed of a supersonic fighter.

But in space, the nature is different. You can let go of your hands and feet and accelerate as fast as possible, because the battlefield space is wide enough, and when the space distance is enlarged, the reaction speed can relatively keep up.

Because the distance is large enough, the time to hit something in the planet may not be enough to calculate in microseconds, but in space, it takes several seconds or even minutes to catch up with the enemy ship. The time is extended, and the natural reaction come over.

However, the firepower of the spaceship is indeed extraordinary. After all, the weapon platform has changed, so it can naturally carry heavy firepower weapons limited by its size, so the energy-absorbing shields can still pose a certain threat to everyone, and some can even directly break the defense.

Fortunately, energy of will is a cheating level weapon. As long as it has enough energy, strong will, and quick response, then it is nothing more than a question of how many shields to realize.

The result is that Xie Zhi and the others are killing and killing in space. They have strong defense and fast speed, and they don’t fly by spaceships, and the size of the human body is too small as a target in space. The gangsters on the spaceship were very uncomfortable.

All kinds of small spaceships were destroyed one after another. It was like a firework party in space. It was really exciting, but every firework represented the destruction of life. The old Xie family was merciless against those who came to rob!

During this period, Xie Zhi and others gradually changed from being familiar with space warfare to researching and developing creative tactics. Simply put, they are playing tricks.

For example, Ryan began to display various gun-level weapons in various calibers, and the firepower index continued to increase. Obviously, the phobia of insufficient firepower was greatly satisfied.

Bucky, on the other hand, has played tricks in ammunition, ultra-high temperature, ultra-low temperature, corrosive, and guided. Not only must high power, but also high precision.

As for the drizzle, the hammer flew up, not only smashing, but also sweeping with the hammer from time to time, countless green lights spread and flew out from the hammer head, as if the light belt connected dozens of spaceships, and as long as it was connected, no matter what Flying as fast and as far as possible, it is as if it is glued on, and the light belt will only extend but not break.

Then the green light suddenly burst into light and turned into violent thunder and lightning in an instant! Explode all the spaceships in seconds!

That's right, during the research, Xiaoyu has discovered that this hammer can summon thunder and lightning, and it can also release powerful lightning itself, but in a vacuum environment, lightning can't be produced. Now they have changed their way, using will energy to create Lightning conductor, which does not prevent the hammer from releasing lightning.

As for Xie Zhi, he is keen on catching people alive. That’s right, I saw him shoot green lights randomly into space, densely packed, and then the green lights disappeared. When a spaceship just flew to that position, it suddenly exploded. A giant net wrapped the spaceship tightly!

It's like catching fish, but it's not over yet. Follow the flying sword and kill it. This time, you won't destroy the spaceship. After getting into the spaceship, kill the aliens inside and leave. When you come out, you will drag the spaceship with the net Ask Xie to know, and Xie Zhi is like a hard-working fisherman, shrinking the spaceship caught in the net and putting it away.

After Bucky found out, he couldn't help but said, "Thank you, what are you doing?"

"Make money! It's a pity that it's all blown up. It's a little bit of money. Even if we don't sell it, we can tear it apart by ourselves. Maybe it can be used. You beat yours, don't worry about me."

Ren sighed, "Sister, that guy in your family really knows how to live."

Xiao Yu: "That is, diligent and thrifty housekeeping, a fine tradition."

With the battle like this, even if there are new giant ships, they can understand the situation, and these people can't afford to provoke them!

Smarter people also figured it out, 100 million is a super tempting number, but they didn't sell it to Typhon, what does it mean, they have nothing to fear, and the situation on the battlefield also proved this point.

And in the porthole of a giant ship, there stood a blue man and a little boy.

I heard the blue-skinned man sigh: "Hurry up and hurry up, and only now do you realize that the trip is for nothing. See, the most important thing in the universe is to have a good trick, and you have to see clearly who can mess with whom." Don't mess with them, just don't mess with these people.

His grandma, how could such a group of strong people come out? Dongfeng 17... Really awesome! After this battle, they will be famous on the road. "

The little boy nodded again and again, but his eyes were full of longing: "How many people are so powerful in the universe?"

"Not too many, it depends on luck. If you are not lucky, you will always meet one. If you are so lucky, you will never meet one. Hey, I think I was the same back then... Forget it, let's not mention it."

"Can I hang like them?"

The blue-skinned man's eyes changed, and he suddenly said irritablely: "What are you thinking! It still takes half a minute to pick the lock. As a predator, you can't even understand how to pick the lock. Isn't it embarrassing? Practice!"

" The little boy curled his lips and left.

The blue-skinned man looked at the little boy's back, and said to himself: "It's a good thing for others to become stronger, but if you put it on you... then it may not be so, um, let's do a good job as a thief."

At some point, the battlefield stopped, and there was no longer a small spaceship attacking, but small spaceships kept withdrawing to the giant ship.

And all the giant ships are also slowly retreating, the meaning is obvious, stop fighting.

Ryan said: "Is this cowardly? These giant ships haven't fired yet."

Baki smiled: "They didn't dare, because there is a barren land behind, using weapons like cannons, the nature will change, it's declaring war on Typhon."

"That's right." Xie Zhi raised his left hand and said, "Look at the Tai Chi ring, it has received the breath of fear consciousness, and the ring smells like food."

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