Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 321: If you do immoral things, you will be struck by lightning

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Xie Zhi sighed: "Okay, let's not talk about other things, what we need to do now is to meet up as soon as possible, um, the coordinates are calculated, Youde, I will send it to you."

After a while, Youde's voice with a wry smile came: "It seems that rendezvous is still a bit troublesome. I analyzed the star chart. If everything goes well, it will take at least seven months for us to meet. There is no way, the distance between us is too long. Far.

And the premise is that the two of you can get a spaceship and fly with the power of the ring, how long can you last? Do you not eat and drink and sleep? Of course, you can take the spirit totem, but I don't know if the spirit totem needs to rest, and you haven't tested it. "

Hearing this, Xie Zhi and Bucky were dumbfounded. They knew that they shouldn't put all the spaceships on Youde, and kept one of them.

Xie Zhi rubbed his forehead, deeply angry: "Then lady, can you get a spaceship?"

Xiao Yu said: "There is no problem on our side."

Xie Zhi sighed helplessly: "That is to say, it is the end of 1992. When we meet, it will be at least the middle of 1993... Well, Youde, can you tell us about the civilization near us?"

"Let me see...the jumping point closest to you. At your speed, excluding the rest time, it is estimated to fly for about three months. As for civilization, don't even think about it. The star field you are in is called the dark zone, which is equivalent to In the no man's land in the universe, the star field you are in is huge, but the entire star field has only one star, which is not suitable for the development of civilization."

Xie Zhi looked at Baki: "Fortunately, there is no shortage of food and drink."

Bucky shrugged: "There is no shortage of alcohol and tobacco."

"Yes, let's fly with will first, persevere, and you will arrive sooner or later."

The matter has come to this point, and we can only talk about it first, but Bucky took the white wolf away.

Nothing else, the two decided that it would be more appropriate to fly in shifts. They had never tried to make the spirit totem last for a long time before, and they really didn't know how long it could last, so they would switch shifts, and when they were tired, they would change to the spirit totem.

Apart from flying for the time being, there was really nothing to do, so the two chatted with their daughter-in-law and asked them what happened before.

twenty days ago.

As soon as Xiaoyu and Renn were thrown out, they found themselves still in high-speed motion, as if they were involved in some strange passage, and they were filled with clouds and mists of various colors, as well as bright lights, like a nebula.

And there are some messy things around, unknown sundries, which look obviously man-made, that is, some are complete and some are wreckage.

The second girl rode her mount and turned on the shield, constantly resisting and dodging. Fortunately, the two of them and the spirit totem can control the flight and maneuver flexibly. The debris on the same road is completely dead and drifting, so it is not difficult to avoid it.

During the process, they kept contacting Xie Zhi and Xie Zhi with rings, but unfortunately they couldn't get in touch at all.

Finally, the passage came to an end, and the two girls rushed out together with the sundries.

Looking at the surroundings, there is the earth and the sky, which means that it is on a planet.

But there are mountains of sundries piled up everywhere on the land, and after the second daughter let go of the sundries, they saw that it was also raining sundries from the sky.

The source of the miscellaneous rain is the circular holes in the sky, as if holes were opened in a painting, and the content projected inside is completely inconsistent with reality, and it looks extremely incongruous.

This phenomenon has been experienced by the second daughter in the Green Lantern World. Yes, it is a man-made wormhole, but it is opened in space.

But here, it looks like a wormhole, but it is different from a man-made wormhole, and it is impossible to judge whether it is man-made or naturally formed.

The colors of light in the openings of each wormhole are different, and they are all spreading sundries outward one after another. Some sundries rain, and even fall from above the clouds. Given the scale and height, it looks quite spectacular.

Renn was surprised: "What the hell? Why are there so many wormholes! Are they all formed naturally?"

Xiao Yu frowned and shook her head: "I don't know, but we obviously came here through a wormhole, let's keep in touch."

While calling Xie Zhi and Bucky, the two girls rode their mounts and landed beside a mountain of debris.

But they still couldn't get in touch, and it has been proved in the Green Lantern World that the communication distance of the ring is almost unlimited, and it doesn't matter how many sectors they cross.

Ren tremblingly said: "Is there anything wrong with them?"

"Don't panic." Xiao Yu took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly: "It's going to be okay, maybe they haven't been thrown out of that strange place yet, even if... we still have a time machine!"

"That's right! You can restore it with a time machine! Use it now!"

Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "No, we don't know where this place is. On Earth, we can freely choose the azimuth and coordinates of our destination, but we haven't tried it in the universe. It's better to leave here and return to Earth for use."

"That's right, let's see what this place is..." Ryan looked at the debris around him: "Metal, plastic, and fabric... These are all garbage, right? Is there so much garbage in space?"

"God knows, anyway, this looks like a garbage planet. Look, there are mountains of garbage everywhere. There are also a lot of aircraft, which look... like scavengers."

"There's one flying over there."

Following the voice, an aircraft landed near the second daughter. Its shape was not aesthetically pleasing, like a can of luncheon meat.

The cabin door opened, and a group of people came out, dressed in fancy clothes, not to mention tattered, but definitely dirty and old, wearing masks, holding guns and sticks, they didn't seem to be kind.

The leader took off his mask, and he looked like a human on Earth. He smiled and said, "Woman? Is it a woman? I like it. Are you fighters or food?"

The other party used a mainstream interstellar language, so the second daughter could understand it, and Renn said angrily, "Get lost!"

"Hehe, then you are food, give me...get off the big animal! Kneel down! Be obedient, if our brothers have a good time, maybe you don't need to be food, haha."

Following the voice, everyone raised their guns and aimed at the second woman and the giant beast.

"Things that don't have long eyes..." Ren's eyes were cold. The two beauties were not in a good mood at the moment, and these **** hit the muzzle of a gun.

However, before Ryan could do anything, suddenly, the sky exploded with thunder, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky!

It is thundering in the center of the bandits! In the flash of lightning, a group of people all flew away! They flew far away with black smoke, forming little black dots.

Lei En looked at the hammer in Xiao Yu's hand, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, if you do immoral things, you will be struck by lightning."

And Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes: "There is another ship, there are so many people who don't have long eyes."

Sure enough, another aircraft flew over, but this one has a much cooler shape. According to aircraft design rules, appearance equals combat effectiveness, and this aircraft should not be low in combat effectiveness.

And the flying speed is very fast, it is the reckless flying posture that makes Renn complain: "Drunk driving?"

The facts are just like what Ryan aircraft made a U-turn when drifting at ultra-low altitude, hit a lot of garbage, and the landing was not gentle at all, that is, it was not high from the ground, otherwise it would not be called landing, it should be called Damn, the pilot's flying style is reckless enough, if you can't see the fine operation, it's just rough.

Then a mechanical **** extended from the high hatch, and then the hatch opened, and a person staggered out. It was a woman in black leather armor. Her facial features were no different from those on Earth. She had a wheat complexion, forehead to the eyes, There are many white strips of oil paint painted, I don't know what they represent.

And this swaying woman was still holding a bottle, and the second girl didn't speak, first raised the bottle to her mouth, then raised her neck and poured it vigorously.

Ryan said: "What did I say, drunk driving is fine."

Snapped! The woman threw the bottle away, babbled and babbled, acting like a drunkard: "I said why there was thunder on a sunny day, but it turned out to be a brat playing with a hammer. Coincidentally, I hate both of these! Err!"

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