Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 322: one hundred and forty two

The drunk woman swayed and said as she walked, "Oh, it's not popular to ride a big dog now, but to ride a big cat. That's right, big cats are cuter..."

But before she finished speaking, the drunk woman stepped on the ground and fell directly from the hatch, smashing into the garbage dump with a loud crash, and scraps of copper and iron flew up.

Xiao Yu shook her head and sighed: "One drop of wine for the driver, two lines of tears for the relatives."

Ryan nodded: "It seems that the local traffic management is too negligent, and this kind of stuff is left to God."

A hand suddenly stretched out from the garbage dump, amidst the clattering sound, the drunk woman stood up in embarrassment, patted her body, hiccupped her eyes dimly, and said, "My old lady is just hiding, you can find her from such a distance." Come on, yes, there is a super shameless **** who looks blind all day long, why doesn't he have the eye of a needle! Listen up, little girl, don't bother me, my mother is retired! I don't owe you any more!"

"Our family? Do you know us?" Xiao Yu tilted her head and looked at the drunk woman up and down, narrowing her beautiful eyes: "Or do you know this hammer?"

"Nonsense, your family..." The drunk woman suddenly stopped talking, blinked her eyes, seemed to wake up a little, and patted her forehead: "Ah, sorry, I got confused and admitted the wrong person, goodbye."

Xiao Yu said: "Excuse me, can I ask you something?"

"No time!" The drunk woman waved her hands behind her and stepped onto the spaceship.

Ryan yelled: "Oh, it's strange, is your hammer drunk? Is it going out of control? Will it knock down flying things? Is this an accident?"

The drunken woman paused, turned around and glanced coldly at the two women, and said with a sneer, "Using a hammer is nothing! If you have the guts, do you dare to...reasonable?"

Lei En and Xiao Yu nodded together: "We dare."

"Good job! I admire reasonable people the most. Feel free to ask if you have anything to say. You're welcome." The drunk woman sat down on her buttocks, as if I was easy to talk to.

As the two women approached, they sighed secretly, this cute girl is really unique.

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "It's still the question just now, you know us and this hammer, right?"

The drunk girl lazily said: "I know this annoying hammer, but I don't know you, you haven't been born yet, but who am I, it seems that your parents haven't told you, so forget it , not to mention it makes sense, it happened a long time ago, there is..."

Talking about this drunk woman, she was a little confused: "How many years? Forget it, I can't remember. Anyway, I am no longer a Valkyrie. Now I am scavenger warrior 142, just call me 142."

Xiao Yu and Lei En couldn't help but wink at each other. These words contain a lot of information. At least this woman knows who the original owner of the hammer is, and she even regards Xiao Yu as someone's daughter. As for the Valkyrie, what's her nickname?

At this moment, the drunk girl scratched her head again: "Hiss, you don't look like... Well, let me pretend that I didn't say anything, and I will never get involved in your family's mess."

"Come on, we won't ask who you are, can you tell me where this is?"

"This is Saka Planet... Oh, I see." 142 pointed to the wormhole in the sky, and said, "You all got here after falling into the wormhole, isn't it an accident?"

"Yes, has it always been like this here?"

"You mean wormholes? Yes, there are wormholes everywhere. It is said that this place is surrounded by cosmic pathways and is the junction of the known world and the unknown world. Anyway, in a word, this small galaxy has no way out, only endless space turbulence. All People or garbage that come to this place come from wormholes."

Renn was surprised: "Can't you fly out?"

142 smiled and said, "Of course it can, but I don't know where it will be swept up by the space turbulence."

Ren asked again: "Then is there a way to leave here?"

142 Hearing this, his pupils shrank, he looked at the second daughter, and smiled strangely: "That's a good question! Do you really want to leave here?"

Xiaoyu felt that something was wrong, but she didn't know what was wrong. Did Ryan say something wrong? It sounds fine.

Xiao Yu couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean?"

"Don't be nervous, hehe, it's okay. Let me tell you, simply put, you can go out as you came. You can fly out from the wormhole, but you need a strong enough spaceship. Do you have money?"

Xiao Yu said: "Do you have a way to make money?"

"Well, it's a secret, but it's not impossible to say..." 142 looked around cautiously, and gestured at the second girl with his hand: "Let me tell you, if it weren't for knowing the hammer, most people would not tell her…"

Before the words were finished, 142 suddenly exploded, pulled out a pair of spikes, and stabbed Xiao Yu's hand holding the hammer!

And its movements are not only abrupt, but also surprisingly fast! The one that caused Xiao Yu to dodge was also very reluctant, narrowly passing the blow.

But even though he passed, it still made Xiaoyu get goosebumps in an instant. Without him, 142's speed was no slower than hers!

You must know that Xiao Yu has never met anyone who can compete with her in speed since she achieved great success in martial arts. Maybe Xie Zhi can do it in the future, after all, she has a strong foundation, but she can't do it now.

What's more, now that Xiao Yu is blessed by the Tai Chi ring, her speed is no longer comparable to what it used to be, it can be called a qualitative change! But this woman's speed is actually at the same level as her own!

And it wasn't just Xiao Yu who attacked 142, the other hand also threw out something during the stabbing, and it shot Renn's neck squarely!

That thing is a mechanical device the size of a round button, which is only buckled around Ryan's neck.

Ryan's reaction was that she couldn't keep up with the drizzle, but she didn't care. Although the family's battle suits exposed their heads and necks, they could be implanted through nodes. In fact, the necks and heads are not without protection, but just a simple energy stealth mode. This is the same as the mechanism of the Green Lantern Warrior's suit. No one is used to covering their head and face all the time, so the lack of protection is just an appearance.

So she didn't care about posting something, after all, the enemy was too fast, and she wanted to help Xiaoyu.

Everything happened in an instant, but Drizzle's counterattack followed, enveloping 142 like a storm!

In an instant, the two girls had fought countless times, but they could not see their movements clearly only after shadows and crackling sounds.

But even though 142 succeeded in one blow, she couldn't bear Xiao Yu's counterattack at this moment, so she could only avoid and block it. The main reason was that she was in awe of the hammer in Xiao Yu's hand, and she never dared to touch it. The guy really suffered a disadvantage. Passive The result was a downfall.

On the contrary, Xiao Yu was even more frightened in the fight. No matter the strength, speed, or even combat experience of this drunk, he was beyond imagination! In all fairness, Xiao Yu thinks that without the blessing of the Tai Chi ring, she will definitely not be able to keep up with the opponent's rhythm in terms of strength and speed, and it is only a matter of time before she loses.

However, Renn also followed and attacked, and 142 was decisive enough to choose to be hit with a hammer abruptly, and was immediately blasted far away, but it was also considered to be out of the fate of two-on-one.

But a green light belt suddenly to 142 and pulling her back again!

This green energy also startled 142, no matter how he tore and cut it, it didn't stop for a while!

But there was no time. Seeing that she was about to be hit by the drizzle's hammer, there was a sudden squeak, and Ryan twitched like an electric shock. The blood vessels on his face and neck were bulging, and the blood vessels were thick in color, purplish red! (Note 1)

142 shouted loudly: "Stop! Do you want her to die!"

Xiao Yu didn't hit her with his hands, but he was also polite. The green energy instantly bound 142 firmly with a ready-made chain.

This once again confused 142, can this thing change?

Xiao Yu directly pressed the hammer head against 142's face, and said coldly: "No matter what you did to her, stop immediately if you don't want to be struck by lightning!"

At the same time, Ryan had already twitched and fell to the ground, rolling his eyes.

142 didn't care about it, and said with a smile, "Oh little girl, I only have one request, don't use a hammer, let's have a fair fight, dare you? No matter win or lose, I will let her go."

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