Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 326: Boat

"Ha! This wine is okay, what's it called?"

"I don't know, I bought it casually." 142 dealt with Ryan casually, his eyes were mainly on Xiao Yu's face on the other side of the wine table: "In Saka Star, there are many ways to make money, but there are no good ways to make big money , can only depend on luck.

If you are lucky, you can earn a lot of money if you find good things while scavenging, or if you catch a super powerful one, you can make a lot of money by selling it to the master.

What's more, it's just a gamble. If the arena opens, it's also a way to make a fortune by beating an upset, but it's basically hopeless, because the outcome of the championship game is actually controlled by the grandmaster. "

Xiao Yu said: "The arena... how much money can you earn if you win the competition?"

142 hurriedly said: "Don't even think about this road! Ninety-nine percent of gladiators are prisoners. Free gladiators don't exist, but if you show strong fighting power, the master will not let you go. He likes it." Shaping wrestling stars, the arena is actually a tool for him to maintain his rule, which can effectively let people vent their emotions, so the champions are all controlled by him."

Ren said: "Is the Grandmaster's army strong? Is there a chance... to vote for him!"

142 gave her a blank look, and before he could speak, Xiao Yu said first: "Until there is no news from Lao Xie and the others, let's not make troubles, and try not to cause trouble if we can. In fact, we don't need a very good spaceship, as long as it is fast enough." .”

"Yes, successful rendezvous is the most important thing." Ren nodded, understanding the meaning of the rain, flying out of the wormhole and relying on the defense of the Tai Chi ring is enough. That's how they came in. As for the spaceship, it is mainly for long-distance travel As a means of transportation, you can use Pym particles to shrink it and put it on your body.

142 scratched his head: "If you don't need a very strong spaceship, it would be easy to handle. My spaceship was dug out of the garbage dump. Later, I asked the manufacturer to renovate and repair it. Even if I couldn't find a suitable one, Sakar Star There is no shortage of accessories, and you can find a merchant to assemble one.”

Ryan shrugged: "Oh, it sounds as easy as putting together a car."

Xiao Yu said: "Okay, tomorrow we will go with you to pick up waste."

Bucky said, "So, you've been picking up junk for twenty days?"

Ryan replied: "What is picking up junk, we call it picking up leaks and digging treasures."

Xie knew: "Have you found the baby?"

"That's not true." Xiao Yu said: "But I found some valuable things. After all, we have sentinel robots. The garbage dumps in the deep sea are generally untouched, but we can send sentries to dig below, and the spare parts are almost the same. It won’t be long before we can create a long-distance spaceship.”

Bucky said, "What about 142? She didn't play tricks?"

Ryan said: "No, it's probably because I was convinced by the eldest sister... Ah, let's stop here. After talking so much, my mouth is dry. Now that I've contacted you, I'm relieved. Let's go to sleep."

Xiao Yu also said: "I can't finish talking about twenty days, please contact me tomorrow, it's getting late, good night."

Interrupting the communication, Xie Zhi and Bucky looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Jet lag is annoying, well it's just the two of us, bored again."

"Yeah, the surroundings are pitch black, boring, why not... find Youde to continue chatting?"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "Forget it, chatting with him is too much electricity, and he can't use the ring."

"That's right, how about...playing cards?"

"Is the will manifested? Don't be funny, you cheated."

"You said that you didn't seem to be out of money. Who beat Wang Zang twice last time?"

"You still have the nerve to say that pair 2 is all hearts, and you don't cheat when you cheat... Well, what is that?"

Bucky then looked at Xie Zhizhi's gaze, staring and said: "Is it a star?"

"No, my eyesight is very good, the reflection is different from the stars, let's go and have a look."

The two turned and flew towards the target direction. The area where it was located happened to be the only small galaxy with stars in the star field, and the distance was not too far at the moment.

As they approached, the two could see clearly that it was a metal object with a smooth surface, which caused reflections.

It was the shape of the thing that surprised the two of them. The thing was incomplete and part of it was obviously destroyed, but even the remaining structure looked like a ship.

The problem is, it's literally a boat! Not a spaceship.

Bucky said: "Is it a coincidence? How do I look at it... It looks like a Nordic Viking-style ship. How could it appear in space?"

"It's just boring, let's study it."

With the voice, Xie Zhi released the green dragon, the green dragon flew faster, rushed over first, and flew back with the ship in its mouth.

Get it back and look at it, it is really similar to the Nordic boat, but the whole body of the boat is made of metal, and there is a wing-like device at the stern. According to the structure, it should be a pair, but the other side is seriously damaged. Got knocked out.

"Look here, this is a projectile weapon, right? Cannon?"

Bucky pointed to the outer edges of the two sides of the bow. Each side was built with two gun-like things, a total of four guns, and each gun had multiple muzzles.

"Yes, but this thing is not big, it can seat four or five people at most, and it doesn't even have a shed. Does it fly in space? Is it not afraid of a vacuum environment?"

The two came to the deck of the ship and found that there was something similar to a rudder, but it was not the disc rudder, but an ancient single-rod rudder, but the material was obviously more high-end, and the technology was quite advanced. It is a seamless whole, and the technological content is not ordinary high-end.

"Interesting." Xie Zhi tried to fiddle with the rudder a few times, but unfortunately there was no response.

"It seems to be broken, take it away, take it back and give it to Youde for research."

Bucky suddenly said, "Old Xie, look over there."

Xie Zhi turned around and looked, and saw a planet just passing by the sun, and in the arc light on the edge of the planet, there were a large number of black spots moving, obviously affected by the planet's gravity, forming a state similar to a satellite.

But it's definitely not a satellite, it's too broken, more like space junk in orbit.

"Hehe, it seems that the information obtained by Youde is not accurate, there is civilization here!"

The two sat on a dragon claw respectively, took the Azure Dragon Express, and flew towards that planet at high speed.

As it approached, the black dot had turned into a giant, which was countless broken wreckage.

Xie knew: "This is a war? Wow, it's really big, it's the wreckage of the spaceship."

"There are still corpses." As he spoke, Bucky showed a green light belt, and pulled two of them over.

From the perspective of body structure, the two corpses are very similar to Both are wearing black and white clothing, the material is unknown, but the structure of the silver-white part is obviously armor.

The strange thing is that the mask of the corpse is a mask in the shape of a human face, with all the facial features, except that the eyes are two round lenses, just like wearing sunglasses.

Bucky pulled off the mask of the corpse, and then raised his eyebrows: "Mummy, it looks similar to human mummy. Thank you, did you find out that the aliens in this world all look similar to people on Earth."

"Yes, there are only a few with strange shapes... What is this?" Xie Zhi took off a hanging object from the back waist of a corpse.

Bucky said: "What is this for? According to our habit, ordinary grenades are hung there. Do aliens do the same?"

"Who knows, it's really too small to hold water, and it's only a mouthful of food. Could it really be a grenade? Hmm."

Xie Zhi seemed to have touched a switch, the thing suddenly beeped, and then a red light glowed from the inside to the outside, and the flash became more and more rapid.

"I suggest you throw it away."

"What a coincidence, I thought so too."

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