Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 327: Art

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Xie Zhi threw that thing far away, and the target of the throw happened to be a huge spaceship wreckage in satellite orbit.

Almost immediately after that thing exploded!

But the way of the explosion surprised the two of them. They saw a dazzling burst of light consumption, and then the light shrank rapidly towards the center. At the same time, countless unknown dark energies suddenly appeared like torrents, centered on the place where the light source disappeared, and rotated like a prominence phenomenon, but The flow is faster and more violent!

However, the light did not disappear, shining dazzlingly in the dark prominence, it was the light that was sucked in.

That's right, at the moment of the explosion, a black hole with huge suction was formed!

But the black hole was very, very small, only one point, and the explosion range was not exaggerated, with a diameter of only about two meters, but the wreckage of the spaceship was easily torn apart like pieces of paper! Then it is completely sucked into the black hole and disappears!

The violent gravity makes everything around him look extremely fragile!

About five seconds later, the black hole collapsed and disappeared on its own, leaving a circular crater with a diameter of more than three meters on the wreckage of the spaceship.

After a while, the two stunned said in unison: "Fuck!"

Bucky said excitedly, "Then is that a black hole!?"

Xie Zhi's mood was not stable: "I'm afraid the **** is it! When can even black holes be weaponized!?"

"How powerful do you think that thing is?"

"I'm afraid..." Xie Zhi took a deep breath and sighed: "I don't know, but I guess, it may be infinite! If you simply compete with the peak power, I am afraid that nuclear weapons are also a younger brother."

Bucky laughed dryly: "Hehe, what a coincidence, I thought so too, this thing is terrible!"

Xie Zhi took a breath, regained his composure and said, "I estimate that the duration of destruction is about five seconds, and there will not be too much error."

"Yes, and it takes about five seconds from when you trigger it to when it explodes. Damn it, it's really a grenade!"

"We are about 30 meters away, do you feel gravity?"

"Of course, but very slightly, like blowing a breath."

"I agree, it seems that the gravitational force within the explosion range of this grenade is the strongest, no matter how far away it is, it is almost nothing. The power range of this ultra-miniature black hole is actually controllable... This world is so crazy!"

Bucky sighed: "How advanced a civilization must be to create a small black hole with a grenade?"

"The problem is..." Xie Zhi pointed to the wreckage of the spaceship: "Such an advanced civilization, who made it into this virtue?"

The two looked at each other, thinking about this question carefully! The two couldn't help shivering.

"Okay, let's look around and see if there are any other grenades like this."

Bucky was stunned: "Aren't you afraid that the grenade will fail after a long period of disrepair? What if the wreckage was blown up by themselves in an accident?"

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Don't worry, buddy is a reckless person? Of course, you have to test it, explode a few more, stay away, and see how stable it is. If the power of each one is the same, it means that this technology is very mature. .”

"Sure, that's safe."

As soon as they said it, they not only went up in person, but also released all the sentinel robots. According to the rules of the old Xie family, each person should bring at least 30 robots with him, just in case.

After working for a long time, they rummaged through all the wreckage, fragments, and even a floating corpse. They found a total of thirteen black hole grenades.

In addition, they also found a few strange guns, which were actually usable. They fired energy bombs, which were quite powerful, but the two were more concerned about the black hole grenade. After all, the power of the two was very different.

"Not many, how many to throw?"

"Ten! At least there must be a basic number." After speaking, Xie Zhi pointed to the planet below, and said: "And there are wreckage in the sky, and there are also some on the ground if they are uneven. I will look for it later, maybe there are more."

Bucky didn't object either, for such a dangerous thing, safety comes first.

And this time they both hid far away, leaving 20 sentinel robots for experiments. The reason why they kept so many is to test that in case of accidents, once an unconventional black hole appears, it is necessary to know how far it will be affected. , so the sentinel robots hover at different distances, and some are even only ten meters away from the explosion point.

At the beginning of the test, three grenades were exploded in a row. Through the transmitted video and the detection feedback of the sentinel robot, the two found that the main power of the black hole grenade exploded at two meters. Beyond this range, the suction gradually decreased.

Then the two let the cutting-edge sentinel robot go one step further, only four meters away from the explosion point.

As a result of the test, it was found that although the suction force at four meters is strong, the estimated threat is no longer great. It is estimated that a stronger earthling would not be sucked away if he lay down on the ground and grasped it tightly enough. (Note 1)

Then it exploded until the tenth one, and the two counted them.

Xie Zhi nodded: "It's quite stable, there is no problem with one, of course, this is because we don't have much on hand, if we have more, we still have to try to explode some."

Baki said: "Regardless of whether it is stable or not, let's stay at least ten meters away from the explosion range, just in case."

"That's right, I have to ask Youde to study it later, otherwise I won't be able to rest assured."

Afterwards, the two flew into the planet to explore the place.

It turned out that this planet has an atmosphere, and neither gravity nor atmosphere has any effect on people on earth (Thor's girlfriend is completely fine.), The problem is that the whole planet is covered with dark clouds and poor light transmission, which leads to sunlight The location is also cloudy.

And you can't see plants and animals, which is strange. How is the air formed? The two can only conclude that this place is so strange.

On a relatively large continent, the two made a discovery, where there were a large number of spaceship wreckage.

Before landing on a wreck, it can be seen that the wreckage is more dilapidated than in space, and it seems to grow out of the soil, obviously the buried part is not small.

Xie Zhi squatted down and grabbed a handful of soil, then looked around, and said: "The wind, sand and dust buried this battlefield, so it can be seen that these wreckages are old, but you see, although the wreckage is old, according to the standards of the earth, it is at most like It has been placed for several months without any rust, and this civilization is also exaggerated in terms of materials."

Bucky tapped the wreckage lightly, nodded and said: "It's very strong, the atmosphere is no better than space, and the traces of natural erosion are very slight, which is indeed high-end."

"Okay, let's dig, we can count it as archaeology."

"However, the antiques that others were looking for were works of art, and the antiques we were looking for turned out to be powerful weapons."

"Whoever said that weapons are not works of art, I think black hole grenades are quite artistic."

"According to you, aren't we artists?"

"That is, I have been an artist for many years."

The two didn't do it but enlarged the Sentinel robot. The super-giant robot was more efficient in digging the ground, and it was so grand that it was really spectacular.

Not long after, two huge spaceship wrecks were dug out. It looked like at least most of the spaceships had been destroyed, and it was unknown how big the complete ones would be.

Then there were a lot of bones dug out, but the corpses all had one thing in common, they were all wearing the same clothes.

"Well." Xie Zhi shook his head: "If they are all dressed in uniform, it means that either their enemies did not engage in close combat, or that the other side took away all their own battle damage."

Baki said: "Maybe there is one left, that ancient Nordic style ship."

"Yeah, maybe the civilization that the ship belongs to is the enemies of this civilization." Xie Zhi rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "Let's stop laughing at her, we are also picking up junk now, but just Let's see who is more lucky, touch the corpse, and open the equipment."

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