Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 434: Battery

Looking at the misty humanoid creature outside the window, it looks like a ghost no matter how you look at it.

And the sound of the propeller is not loud, but Xie Zhi's voice can be clearly transmitted.

A crew member trembled, "What does he mean?"

Xie Zhi said contemptuously: "I don't even understand Pengci, do you understand what it means to ask you to stop the boat?"

The black man who looked exactly like Bill waved his hand slightly, but calmly said, "Hello, sir, for safety's sake, can we communicate through the window?"

Xie Zhi tapped on the window lightly: "Can this fragile glass give you a sense of security?"

The captain said: "It's not a consideration of force, but because of... microbes. We are not sure whether there will be a virus infection between us and your Excellency. Can you understand this?"

"It sounds reasonable, but..." Xie Zhi shook his head: "I was hit, and I'm not in a good mood now, so I don't talk very well, can you understand that?"

The captain stared at Xie Zhi for a few breaths, raised his hand and said, "Okay, stop the boat."

The spaceship stopped, Xie Zhi floated up and waited for a moment.

After the hatch was opened, the captain and two crew members emerged wearing gas masks.

Xie Zhi was noncommittal about this, and floated above the three of them straight to the point: "Since I'm not very patient now, let's keep it simple, so..."

Xie Zhi raised his hand to aim at the mountain wall, and a green light shot out, abruptly removing a huge boulder the size of a truck from the mountain!

The energy of will winds around the boulder and floats in, and the energy forms a net, which is suddenly tightened. With the crisp cutting sound, the boulder turns into small stones of equal size, scattered all over the place.

This move beyond cognition really calmed the three of them, and it was obvious that the breathing of the three became heavy.

Xie Zhi said again: "OK, you can save a lot of nonsense by showing your hands, and I want to add that this is out of goodwill.

So if you don't want to get involved, just tell me the truth, about robots, about children, containers for living people, everything.

As for the consequences of lying to me, you can't bear it, it's that simple, can you understand? "

Even through the gas masks, one could see the surprise and displeasure in the eyes of the three of them.

The captain looked Xie Zhi up and down, and tilted his head slightly: "Okay, a very convincing demonstration, but at least...let us know what your Excellency is called."

"Thank you, I'm not your enemy. Not now, but later, it depends on your attitude. The amount of information is enough."

The captain was startled, and suddenly took off the gas mask.

The female crew member exclaimed in surprise: "Captain!"

The captain raised his hand to signal that there is no need to be nervous, he looked at Xie Zhi with great interest, and grinned: "It's okay, Mr. Xie Zhi is... safe.

Nice to meet you. My name is Murphys. These two are my crew members, Trinity and Tank. In fact, we are here to communicate with you. "

Xie Zhi was a little surprised that the other party's attitude suddenly became enthusiastic, and he didn't seem to be pretending at all, and showed sincerity.

Xie Zhi floated to the ground, tilted his head and looked at Murphys: "When you heard my name, your muscles suddenly tensed, your breathing became rapid, and your heartbeat increased. This you know me?"

Murphys shook his head: "No, this is our first meeting, but... I know who you are."

"Yo, tell me."

"You are...the savior."

Xie Zhi stared blankly at Murphys with his mouth open. After a few seconds, he turned to the crew member on the left, the woman named Trinity: "Has your captain been on drugs recently?"

Trinity didn't answer, but also stared at Xie Zhi intently: "Captain, are you... sure it's him?"

The corner of Murphy's mouth curled up: "The prophecy of the prophet has never been wrong."

Trinity said again: "Then which savior is he?"

"No, wait a moment, prophet? Prophecy? If the savior doesn't say it, which savior is there? Is there more than one savior you prophesied?"

"It's a long story. If Mr. Xie Zhi is willing to honor you..." Murphys made an inviting gesture towards the cabin door, and said with a smile: "It is my honor to welcome distinguished guests aboard the Nebuchadnezzar." .

Of course, it's okay to want to hear us explain everything here, but it's not polite after all, and some things are more convincing than seeing them with your own eyes, like the demonstration you just gave. "

"You are so brave, you are not afraid of admitting the wrong person? What if I am an alien attacking the earth?"

"Even if we admit it wrong, we don't have a choice about your strength, do we?"

Xie Zhi nodded: "OK."

They entered the spaceship with the three of them, and Trinity and Tank saw that the captain had taken off their gas masks, so they naturally did as well.

The interior of the cabin looks quite old, with traces of a long time.

Xie Zhi said while walking: "Your ship has a history."

Murphys said: "Yes, the Nebuchadnezzar was made in the United States in 2069, more than a hundred years ago."

Xie knew: "In other words, it is 21 so-and-so year?"

"Probably in 2199. In fact, we are not very sure. Regarding the age, we can only infer it. There is no rigorous record."

Stepping into the bridge, Murphys introduced all the crew members to Xie Zhi.

Then he turned around and pointed to the back of his neck: "Mr. Xie Zhi, do you have this?"

I saw a metal object on the back of Murphy's neck, which was embedded in the flesh, like a special socket.

Xie Zhi has seen this a long time ago, not only Murphys has it, but most of the crew have it.

Xie Zhi shook his head: "No, what is this?"

Hearing Xie Zhi's words, Murphys smiled with the meaning of "as expected": "This is the channel connecting human consciousness and matrix. I know that Mr. Xie Zhi has a lot of questions, so I will start from the beginning..."

Following Murphys' narration, Xie Zhi also knew what was going on in this world.

A long time ago, a war broke out.

Yes, Murphys doesn't know the exact year, and according to him, no one knows.

The two sides in the war are humans and robots. Robots are the enemies created by humans. Simply put, humans lose and machines win.

However, human beings at that time came up with a trick to dye the sky black. The method and method have not been verified, but the result is that dark clouds cover the earth and last all year round.

The purpose of doing this is because the robots back then were very dependent on solar power, and if they blocked their eyes, the robots would be useless.

It's a pity that the ideal is full and the reality is very skinny. The super AI created by human beings is very smart, and people have thought of other ways to supply power.

And this method is also extraordinarily That is to use human bioelectricity and biothermal energy, yes, human beings have become batteries.

This is why there are robots that cultivate humans like farming, and the countless containers that hold people are actually battery sockets.

What's more cruel is that when the human beings who are batteries die, they will be liquefied by the robot into a nutrient solution to supply oxygen to newborns, that is...feeding humans!

Xie Zhi was silent for a moment, and said: "You are living in such a world... you are not crazy, you are strong enough."

A crew member named Cypher lazily said, "Whether you're crazy or not, it's just a matter of time."

Morpheus glared at Cypher, who made a "my fault" gesture.

Xie Zhi said again: "For the time being, I believe you are not lying, but I will also investigate. In addition... people can generate electricity? Is the power supply enough?"

Murphys spread his hands: "Technically, it has been realized. Of course, a small amount is not enough, but when the volume is large enough, such as a population of more than 7 billion, then what else is impossible?"

Xie Zhi nodded: "A fait accompli... Tell me about the Prophet, I hear you can predict the future, so... Does the Prophet still have a lightsaber?"

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