Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 435: hostage

"What's a lightsaber?"

Xie Zhi took off the hilt of the sword at his waist, and shot out the blade to show off: "This is the only thing, haven't you seen it before?"

Murphys shook his head and said: "Mr. Xie Zhi, it seems that you have misunderstood, the not in reality.

And when it comes to prophets, we have to start with the matrix..."

After Murphys narrated for a while, Xie Zhi continued in a timely manner: "If I understand correctly, this so-called matrix is ​​a virtual world, and the human beings who act as batteries live in the virtual world. Another hit is a lifetime."

Morpheus frowned: "Virtual games? That's a concept before the war. Although there are people in the matrix who are researching VR games, the matrix is ​​not a game.

What is constructed there is an imperceptibly false world. Everyone thinks that they are living in reality, born, go to school, work, fall in love, get married, have children, until they grow old and die.

Generations change, living in a so-called reality made up of numbers, living a so-called normal life, no one in the matrix thinks they are playing a virtual game. "

"Wow, to build a completely real world, to accommodate the lives of more than seven billion people who think they are real, drunk and dreaming... It's really a big deal. It seems that the super AI is really extraordinary."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi pointed at everyone: "Then what about you? How did you survive?"

"When the matrix was first built, a person was born who can change the matrix at will according to his own wishes..."

Xie Zhiwenyan's eyes lit up, thinking that this is a bit like changing a dream.

"It was he who liberated our ancestors, told us the truth, and saved us from generation to generation, only then did we humans who lived in reality, those who were liberated, and the new humans who had not entered the matrix remained... "

Morpheus pointed to the metal jack on the back of his head: "New humans, there is no such thing. And after the person who saved the ancestors died, the prophet predicted that he would return again. He is the savior, but it is different from you, the prophet refers to Is the savior born in the matrix.

But later, the Prophet predicted that there would be an external variable that would change everything. It was an external savior, which was different from the savior in the matrix. Regarding the outsider, the prophet’s prediction was much more accurate, and he mentioned the name, thank you. "

"Well, I want to meet this prophet, but why is the prophet still living in the matrix? Don't come to the real reality like you?"

Murphy's eyes flickered for a while, and said: "Because the not a human being."

Xie Zhi leaned on the back of the chair and made a "what do you mean" gesture.

"Programs, Trojan horses, worms, plug-ins, redundant information, etc., have become special beings in the matrix. With wisdom and self-awareness, no one knows what the prophet is thinking as an AI, but Prophets are indeed helping humanity.

It can be said that without the help of prophets, human beings in reality may not be able to survive to this day. The importance of prophets is no less than that of past saviors. "

"This is interesting. Artificial intelligence that awakens self-awareness is not new, but it is the first time I have encountered one that can predict the future. Do you know how a prophet can do it?"

"If I knew, I'd be a prophet."

"Yeah, you have a plan?"

Murphys was taken aback: "What plan?"

"Save the peril, don't you?"

After a moment of silence, Murphys said: "The first thing most people need to ensure is to survive and not be slaughtered by squids, that is, the kind of robots you killed, and secondly, to rescue suitable people in the matrix, and gradually develop and grow in reality. Humanity.

And some people, like me, are committed to finding the savior in the matrix, because in the prophecy, he will end this war between man and machine and save mankind. He is hope. "

Xie Zhi did not comment on this kind of plan. Although I don’t know much about it, but from the old spaceship, the crew’s shabby clothes, and the combat effectiveness of the robots, one can imagine the living conditions of the local people. It’s great to be alive. up.

If there are no accidental factors, such as extraordinary abilities, such as genius scientists, the local humans are really embarrassing.

In short, in Xie Zhi's view, the human beings in this world are facing hell-level difficulty, which is not much better than the earthlings who were invaded by aliens in the previous bee clan world.

Xie Zhi thought for a while, and said: "Those robots are not difficult for us to deal with. We have the ability to completely destroy them, but the problem is... If I'm not wrong, the human beings who are the batteries may also become hostages, right? Bar?"

Murphys nodded: "That's right. If the matrix wants to kill everyone, it's too simple. Just create a natural disaster in the matrix, because the consciousness in the virtual can also affect the body in reality. If you die in the matrix, you will die in reality."

"So this is a bit difficult to deal with. The hostages are not one or two... We have to study and study."

This is indeed the first time to know that the opponent who felt embarrassed, even Tianqi back then, was just trying to kill him, no matter how strong he was, he could always think of a way to deal with it.

But this so-called matrix is ​​so strong that it is not so strong, it is not difficult to kill, and it can be handled by throwing bombs, but the key is that it is covered with meat shields, which is disgusting, and it is not bad for those who are not dark enough to use it.

As for the crew members who had been silent all this time, someone spoke up: "Are you really willing to help humans?"

Xie Zhi glanced at the crew member, and said with a smile: "Give up the 'really', besides... well, usually we don't disclose too much information, but given the situation you are in, I guess I don't want to do anything. Thinking wildly and then treating us as a more terrifying enemy, I am afraid that not a few people will scare themselves crazy.

Let's be honest, we're from other worlds, but we're not aliens, we're human just like you guys at the DNA level.

If you have a chance, you can check the information, or ask scientists, the scientific hypothesis of the multiverse can erase the word hypothesis, yes, there are many similar universes, the same has the earth, the same has human beings, not only the same genes, Civilization is also similar.

And we only have the ability to travel in the multiverse, and the scenery here is too bad, and it gives me the feeling that you are raising the same kind as So even if it is not out of humanitarianism, it is purely for I feel at ease, I have to unplug those **** charging piles, don't you worry? "

Xie knew that these words contained too much information, and while everyone was astonished, they also had to digest it for a while.

And a young man named Mouse pointed at Xie Zhi up and down: "Are all human beings in your universe like this?"

Xie Zhi waved his hand: "Oh, these fogs are minor problems, we are just like you if you want to get rid of them every minute, of course, I belong to the handsome type.

The gap in appearance is indeed quite big. If you feel ashamed when you see me in the future, I sincerely apologize. Please believe me, I really didn’t mean to be hated for my looks. "

No one knows what humans in other universes look like, but the crew members have learned how shameless they are.

In any case, at least Xie Zhi's gags are different from the first impression everyone saw him before, but whether it is a demon who likes to use violence to solve everything, or a villain full of conspiracy and tricks, it will not be Xie Zhi's style , at least there is no such type of villain in the inherent concept, so at least everyone has relaxed a lot of mentality.

Xie Zhi got up and said: "Okay, let's talk here first, everyone go with me to a place."

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