Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 468: future

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The place they chose to cross was an uninhabited island not far from the American continent.

And the time is chosen twenty years later.

First of all, they also planned to visit America first to see what would happen if the Indians changed their destiny. Of course, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, both of them adopted the invisible state.

However, before approaching the mainland, the two saw a huge monster floating in the sky.

That's... a giant mountain!

Yes, mountains floating in the air.

In fact, the two were not surprised by this technology, but they didn't expect that someone would use anti-gravity in this way, and it looked really beautiful like a fairyland.

Out of curiosity, the two flew into the air and rushed towards Feishan.

As we approach, we can already see a lot of sci-fi-like aircrafts entering and exiting the giant mountain.

When you get closer, you can see a city built on the mountain, but there are not many modern buildings in the city, more of them are classical architectural styles, oriental classics, which complement each other with the suspended mountains. Beautiful and very artistic.

But the two were also a little surprised. It is said that this place should be the territory of the Indians. Why do oriental buildings occupy the main body?

It quietly landed in the city, which surprised the brothers even more. The place is very prosperous, with many stores, strong commercial nature, and a variety of high-tech equipment, but the words on the signboards are all Chinese characters!

Pedestrians wear different styles of clothing, including modern, avant-garde, casual, and even Hanfu.

However, there were also people wearing Indian-style clothing, which made the two of them sure that the Indians were still there. It seemed that the infrastructure team hadn't done too much.

Not only that, although there are many people with Asian appearance, but there are also many who can be seen as Indians. Sparsely, you can also see other races, which is relatively rare.

In short, the clothes of the passers-by are very nice, and the faces of the people are healthy and full of smiles, obviously living a rich and happy life.

There are new tricks on electronic equipment. The devices similar to mobile phones used by pedestrians are all holographic projections, but this did not surprise Xie Zhi. They have seen more advanced ones before. However, the urban design layout has a feeling of familiarity and strangeness. , the combination of classical and futuristic is quite coordinated, and it has a special flavor.

The two decided to find the source of information first, and happened to see a bookstore, so they stepped into it.

The interior decoration is antique, and there are many people who choose books. It seems that despite the advanced electronic technology in this era, there is still room for physical books.

The goal of the two brothers is to look at the historical trend and the international situation, quietly avoiding the monitoring equipment, find some related books and read them.

As a result, nothing happened. The infrastructure construction party kept its promise. After completing the infrastructure construction, it gradually woke up the people of all countries when the scheduled time came.

And this flying mountain does belong to the Indian Republic, but it is a cooperation project aided by the infrastructure construction party.

Nothing else, even after 20 years, the population of Indians will only be close to 100 million. This is already the result of crazy births, so the proportion of talents is still incomparable with that of infrastructure. They started with 1.4 billion. It has developed rapidly, and there is no way to catch up.

And now, the population size of the infrastructure country has reached 4 billion!

That's right, let go of the second child, Ji Jianguo's current national policy is to open up the birth! And to encourage births, the state also provides maternity subsidies!

Even the subsidy has been issued until the child grows to eighteen years old! You can give birth, you can give birth as you like, the cost of raising children is covered by the state, it is so arrogant!

As for why births are encouraged so much, it’s very simple. Xie knows that it’s only been a year since they left, and the infrastructure has started the Mars project!

Yes, Mars is now one of the lands of infrastructure, and every planet belongs to others, so why worry about the large population? It is too little, but more!

Although the environment of Mars is not suitable for human habitation, the construction party's consistent style of construction is generous, isn't it suitable? Then change it to fit.

Moreover, it is possible to build a sealed base in the early stage and move it gradually, not to mention that there are still a large number of robot laborers. The reconstruction project will be completed in five years, and the artificial atmosphere has been generated. There is no problem in farming. Yes, it is a traditional craft, so don’t worry about planting first.

Although there is still a lot of work in all aspects, it is already possible to immigrate on a large scale, and improve while living.

As for the other planets in the solar system, an exploration team has also been dispatched, and those that cannot change the climate at all are regarded as mineral stars.

And once it enters the space age, the speed of development will be even faster, and there will be no shortage of resources at all, so it's up to you to do it reluctantly.

As a result, there is no civilization on the earth that can catch up with the current infrastructure. The gap is so big that it is unreasonable. You are still racing, and others are already playing spaceships. This is directly changing the track. Shit.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand words, the stars and the sea are king!

Because the national power is so strong that there is no rival, Han culture has become the mainstream culture. The so-called civilization, elegance, and high class are actually related to national power, such as red wine. Followed by a high-grade label.

So even though this city belongs to Indians, its purpose and location are all in Chinese. Yes, Chinese is now the international lingua franca.

Correspondingly, it also led to the construction of the suspended mountain, although there was an Indian-style design, it was not selected in the end, and the main body still used the oriental classical style.

At this time, the two also knew that the so-called floating mountain is not only for the innovation of living environment and tourism, but more importantly, it takes into account the three-dimensional transportation in the atmosphere, which can make long-distance transportation more convenient, which is equivalent to the sky airport .

Of course, the various problems of high-altitude life, such as thin air and cold temperature, have been solved at the beginning of this design, otherwise it will not assist the application.

Correspondingly, it is conceivable how high its technical content is, so if you want to build a floating mountain, you can only turn to infrastructure.

However, although the Indian Republic is not comparable to the Jijian State, its level of prosperity, even the old beauty in its heyday, has to be left behind by eight streets, and there is no comparison.

So now Indian is the third most powerful country on earth, yes, third.

The second is... old Russia.

That's right, although the old Russian people did not wake up earlier than the Indians, but the fighting nation has a strong foundation and a lot of talents, and they quickly caught up, and then they caught up.

The key point is that Ji Jianguo not only did not do any suppression, but also supported and supported quite a lot, and it is also a ancestral He is not arrogant when he gains power, and he is willing to extend his hand to the backward brothers. Of course, the premise is that the infrastructure should not be provoked. up.

Therefore, although the two countries had many conflicts in the early years, they got closer and closer. ,never mind.

In fact, the main reason is... There are many intermarriages between the people of the two countries, and there is an old Russian in the country, so they are already relatives.

As a result, the current world structure is one superpower and two powerhouses.

When he saw the situation in Europe, Bucky was immediately enraged, and couldn't help but cursed: "Is this still a human thing? How can you be so stupid! I thought that I might continue to be worthless, but it's too useless to be so worthless." It's too much!"

Xie Zhi also sighed, and finally patted his brother on the shoulder and said: "You have to think about it and look at it from a different angle. Fortunately, I listened to you this time. Otherwise, human beings would be in great trouble. You saved all human beings."

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