Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 469: this is the truth

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Why are you so angry with Bucky?

Without him, the European countries have not done anything serious in recent years. The only thing they do is war and fight each other.

And the reason for the war was completely unexpected by Xie Zhi and Bucky, so creative!

When European countries, as well as those returning to their ancestral lands such as Laomei and Australia, woke up, they also knew the truth. The initial stimulation was indeed not small, but the infrastructure was still willing to provide assistance. In any case, we can’t just watch hundreds of millions of people starve to death. no.

The wave of suicides has indeed been prevalent for a while, but at the same time, a saying came out of nowhere and became popular.

That statement is... everything is false because it doesn't make sense.

First of all, how could the Indians in America mix well? It doesn't make sense.

Infrastructure civilization has become the strongest in the world? Want to go to Mars for construction? It doesn't make sense.

The United States, a superpower, has all the people returning to Europe, which is even more unreasonable!

What? How many years did they develop first? It doesn't make sense to develop for a hundred years first! White supremacy!

What? Arranged by the savior of different time and space after saving mankind? It's even more unreasonable! Because there is only one God who can save mankind, the correct way to save is to find a family of devout believers, build a big ship, and then start over after the flood. Without a big cleansing, what is the salvation of the world?

What's more, the only God who saves the world has to send an angel, right? Where are the wings? fraud.

So since there is only one truth, then it turns out that... this is another matrix, a matrix within a matrix, within a matrix.

Maybe this is the conspiracy of the old Russia, look, the old Russia produced nesting dolls, and found evidence!

Then the truth is, everything that happened in front of me is all fake! does not exist!

There are no people of insight in Europe? No one understands? No normal person? Of course there are, and there are many.

But the problem is that I just experienced the stimulation of the subversion of the world view, and many people's huge wealth is gone, and their minds are being blinded.

What's more, I don't know if the person who was the first to wake up from the stimulation and spread this rumor was a fool or had ulterior motives, but it did succeed. It is false, lie, conspiracy, etc., and then the truth is summarized, eh, it is regarded as the truth.

As a result, the spread of this statement was astonishingly fast, because demonstrations and protests are their strengths, and there is no need to organize them. As long as they take action, countless people will join spontaneously.

As for dispelling rumors or mobilizing the police force and the army, don’t even think about it, because the matrix is ​​fake, and the people in power, the police, and the army are naturally fake, so don’t admit it! rearrange!

But at this time, this rumor has a new direction of development, and I don't know which wicked person thought it up, claiming that the matrix, if you think about it carefully...isn't it just a virtual game!

So this is the truth! It makes sense that everything is a game. Think about it, the so-called one strong and two super, isn't it just a new map!

Obviously, returning the American continent to the Indians is self-explanatory. It shows that the old American players in Europe are... the beginning of Novice Village!

So what are you waiting for, level up, go up, do it, explode your equipment! Brush game achievements, such as...unify Europe! Be the emperor! Just think about it.

What are you afraid of when you die, change your account and continue!

Many people even think that the only way to break the dream is to die, and that is the real freedom.

But there is another way of saying that this is an opportunity to test who is the real savior. After all, according to Hollywood truth, 90% of the saviors who save the world are unreliable. When the world needs to be saved, it is unreliable. It means saving the world!

That's right, reliable people can't save the world. Coincidentally, buddy, I seem to be unreliable in all kinds of ways. Doesn't this mean that I am destined to become a hero who saves the world!

Then don't waste time, smash a few nails on the stick first, and the magic costume to save the world is ready!

As a result, Europe was in chaos. It was more than fighting. Since it was not a reality, he could do whatever he wanted. Indulgence to the extreme!

The infrastructure, old Russia, and Indians are not ignored, they have also mediated, and sent peacekeeping troops, but unfortunately it is useless.

Without him, people have begun to despise the three great powers, thinking that they are all slaves living in illusion, looking at the three great powers with the eyes of fools.

There is really no way to persuade me. The whole world conspired to deceive me into a terminal cancer, which cannot be cured.

What's even more exaggerated is that countless people regard the peacekeeping force as an elite monster, holding back their thoughts and preparing to explode their equipment.

When the voice of madness covers up the voice of reason, there is no way to guide it, and instead it develops towards an intensified trend.

What? What about eating? What are you afraid of, there are still life players, grab it! Just grab food and no one to farm? Then turn life players into slaves! work!

In the end, there was no other way. The three major powers could only accept refugees and give normal people a chance to survive.

So in Europe, universal oil nourishment has really been realized, the government and laws no longer exist, and there is no need to be responsible for any actions. In a word, it is really fragrant to do whatever you like.

As for the refugees who fled the chaotic land, the Three Kingdoms also gave them a choice, either to immigrate, or to find a piece of land for them to establish their own country.

The problem is that the latter option is not easy to arrange. Now that there are owners in various places, the only option is to reclaim land from the sea.

But if you say that you are all sensible people, what is the current world structure, and you can’t catch up, let alone before the land is built, don’t you have to wait, you can’t wait.

So they all chose to immigrate. Unfortunately, Jijianguo, as always, is the most difficult country to immigrate to, and Indians have **** feuds with Europeans.

So most of them immigrated to the old Russia, and the old Russia indirectly achieved the goal of defeating the old enemy, and it was defeated without a fight.

As a result, this chaos has not ended until today. No matter whether you still believe the rumor or not, you have already gone crazy and red-eyed, and no one can solve it.

And Bucky nodded when he heard Xie Zhi's reassurance: "We have to think about it from another angle. If this is still the original world pattern, this mess will probably involve the whole world, let alone Indians, fools are contagious. Otherwise, the whole world will become the world of 'players'.

Paralyzed! I am also convinced, why everyone regards himself as the protagonist, and thinks that the whole world is lying to him, why is his face so big, and his freedom is so awesome! Unbelievable stuff! "

Xie Zhi sighed: "You can't go too far in anything, and something big will happen if you pass it. Forget it, don't be angry. Let's take a look at the third brother, and the mood will be better."

"It makes sense."

As a result, after reading the history of the third brother, Bucky is really in a good mood, and the third brother is still able to bring joy as always.

However, after the third brother woke up, after he learned the truth and received assistance, his performance shocked the three major powers. Without him, he sang and danced happily.

I asked with some puzzlement, but the third brother replied that since the infrastructure can become a superpower, the third brother country will be fine, because the third brother has always been stronger than the infrastructure, a hundred times and a thousand times stronger, what the infrastructure can do, The third brother can surpass it easily, so it is nothing to develop a few years earlier, the third brother is number one in the universe!

As long as you drink Ganges River water with full resistance plus what else is so rare to live with the third brother... huh? How did the Ganges water become clear? You are really busy!

It's okay, we still have cows... where are the cows? No, we must help our country’s live cattle, otherwise we will persecute our country, worrying that we will get all-round blessings and easily catch up with you!

The Three Kingdoms are very grand, isn’t it just a cow, a giant cow from Skull Island, send it off.

The third brother is so happy, this is a real cow! Bigger than an elephant! Cow dung is enough.

Ever since, the most accidents in Sange's land were all kinds of drowning by giant cow dung.

PS: Thank you book friend "Shan Xinyu" for your kind reward! Thank you for your support! 666.

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