Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 595: the world is safe

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Although the fire on the drilling platform was staggering, and even though it was about to explode, it was still a breeze for the old Xie family to rescue the survivors.

It's just that the time is tight, and the drilling platform may explode at any time, so Xie Zhi's choice is not friendly.

He took the initiative to rush into the fire, and after finding the survivors, he used... Goo Goo.

Yes, the Devouring Beast opened its mouth and swallowed all the survivors.

At the same time as this scene happened, the eyes of the young man on the fishing boat in the distance narrowed: "Is this saving people? Eat people?! It's too late now, your cats better have other abilities, otherwise..."

After Xie Zhifei came out, a rubber raft permanently materialized on the sea, and let Gu Gu spit all the survivors onto the rubber raft, and it was done, let's go.

When the family of three disappeared completely, the young man had a strange expression: "This way of saving really amazing, and they all can fly... Well, it's amazing to be able to fly, but I can't, but I remember your voices..."

After a while, the family of three flew to the nearest land, released the transit cabin, and all members left the cabin.

The old rules, scouting local intelligence.

This is easier for Laifu who is upgrading again.

Yes, just like how Xiaoqiang was upgraded in Bucky's hometown, Laifu's body has also been transformed into a Transformer through the Fire Seed Source, and his abilities in all aspects are not what they used to be.

Youde still keeps it as it is, nothing else. First, he cannot be completely classified as a robot. It makes sense to call him a synthetic human. Second, Youde himself is not interested in body upgrades. Anyway, he can become stronger by wearing a mecha .

Not long after, Lai Fu tilted his head and smiled: "The local time is 2013, and no abnormal supernatural existence has been found, but the names of many famous cities in Laomei are different, such as Star City, Central City, Metropolis, Gotham...etc. .

The world structure is similar to most worlds, and the known technology is not surprising, which is in line with the current era.

But there is a mysterious and special celebrity. In Gotham City, there is a vigilante who has existed for many years, just like the ancient chivalrous knights, fighting crime and helping the persecuted. Well, there is also a nickname, called... Bat Xia. "

Xiao Yu couldn't help feeling nostalgic when he heard the words: "Xia Ke... Hehe, I haven't heard of it for many years."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "My lady is a fan of the authorities, and our family has a lot of chivalry, but it is usually at the level of saving the world. Laifu, what kind of chivalry, oh, Yanba Tiger Xia, how strong is it?"

Laifu raised his brows slightly: "Based on the known reports, my guess is that he is an expert among ordinary people. He has some special combat equipment, but it is only at the level of elite special forces."

Bucky said, "Is there anything similar?"

"Batman is the existence of very sufficient witnesses and evidence. Others are either criminals with a similar level to Batman, or belong to the category of urban legends. There is no evidence to prove that they really exist. The description of strength is the observation angle of ordinary people. , and there are many contradictions, which have no reference value."

Xie Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Batman, is he famous?"

"It's very big, after all, the local area has also entered the information age."

Xie Zhizhiran, the reason for asking this is because he has long suspected that the world he crosses has something to do with the movie, at least part of it is a movie, so if the local area is also a movie, Batman completely fits the image of the protagonist, which makes logical sense .

But if the protagonist's strength is only at the level of top special forces, it means that this world is at the level of conventional action movies, not high-end at all.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xie Zhi smiled and said: "Well, fighting criminals, vigilante police... There is no supernatural combat power, no alien invasion, no big monsters, at least for now, this is a safe world, which is good.

Laifu, you continue to dig deeper, mainly the old US intelligence agencies, the Pentagon and the like. Generally, the real secrets will be recorded in those places, and you may be able to find some unique technologies with local characteristics. "

Ryan hugged the small stone and yawned, "Then according to the plan, live in Antarctica first?"

Yes, this is what everyone discussed before. If there is nothing special in the next world, we should hurry up and create a cross-border wormhole, and then fight with Hulk. The next world can also be...until the wormhole is completed, and it goes straight to Bucky’s hometown ,settle down.

Xie Zhi nodded: "Of course, um, Laifu, arrange for a few intelligence personnel to go to Gotham City. I'm still a little interested in that Batman. I'll take some material and watch it as a show."

Afterwards, everyone flew to Antarctica and lived here temporarily.

After that, the life of the family continued as usual, the children took off and the dogs jumped, and the adults should do scientific research and fight when they should.

It's just that Xie Zhi had a little more fun in his spare time.

Without him, the intelligence personnel of the combination of Decepticons and Terminator quickly found out the mysterious Batman. After all, the technology is crushing.

This move is not only for entertainment, Xie Zhi also wants to pay attention to whether this Batman looks like the "protagonist".

Unexpectedly, Xie Zhi was just looking around at the beginning, and then the family gathered more and more. Without him, the "story" of this Batman is quite interesting.

And the story is really interesting. The true identity of the heroic Batman is actually a well-known super rich man in the world today, and he is at the level of the richest man in the world.

Being a **** during the day, he becomes a night ranger at night, and uses his own company to develop a lot of high-tech equipment. Of course, this high-tech is relative to criminals, not to mention the technology of the old Xie family, and the technology of Iron Man. Far apart.

And this Mr. Bruce Wayne, regardless of his identity or past experience, has similarities with the sons of Howard and his wife. Much younger than Tony, and witnessed the murder of his parents.

Perhaps because of similar reasons as their son, the couple became enthusiastic about this "drama".

Ever since, the old Xie family started to watch dramas when they had nothing to do. Except for the children, after all, Gotham City was quite dark. Even if there was Batman doing justice, villains would emerge in endlessly, and the abnormality index of the villains was still high. It's quite tall, so it's not suitable for children to watch, and it's not suitable for children.

They even passed the material to the matrix, and there were professionals editing, color-grading, soundtracking, and producing special effects. Anyway, there are many talents in the matrix, so it is no problem to turn it into a serious TV series.

Of course, in view of Batman's strength, the family is even more keen to comment and complain.

At the beginning, the focus was on skills. For ordinary people who have not undergone special strengthening, the family is quite tolerant. After all, they have been fighting for justice in Gotham City for more than ten years, and they are all middle-aged, and their physical fitness has begun to decline. Downhill, understandably.

The main complaint is that there are no martial arts masters in this world, and this level is barely good.

It's just that the standard for this master is a bit If you directly compare it with Master Xiaoyu's level, there are of course no outstanding masters in this world.

Afterwards, everyone focused on the equipment, chattering all over the place, and from time to time came up with ideas for improvement.

But that is to say, no one intends to really support Batman's high-end technology. After all, in terms of the technical content of Batman's own equipment, it is already bullying criminals, which is enough.

The most important thing, of course, is the judgment obtained after several days of collecting information. This world is really safe.

Until, one day a new episode airs...

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Wan Yang 0318" and the book friend "Yong Teng" for their generous rewards! Thank you for your support! 666.

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