Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 596: Can't say it's unscientific

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As usual, the melon seeds, peanuts, and mineral water were all ready, and they sat in their respective seats and began to watch the newly edited TV series.

The plot progresses until Batman gets a beating. Yes, although the equipment is higher than that of criminals, Master Wayne mainly relies on hand-to-hand combat.

After the tragic victory, he returned to his secret base, the so-called "Bat Cave" located in Wayne Manor.

The butler, Alfred, treated Master Wayne's wounds, and taunted him by the way. After that, Bruce continued to maintain and repair the combat equipment by himself.

Bucky knocked on the melon seeds and said, "What's the meaning of this paragraph? Is it an important plot? It's a bit procrastinating."

Xie Zhi agreed: "Indeed... Laifu, have you read the content?"

Renn said anxiously: "No spoilers allowed!"

Lai Fu smiled and said, "Second Aunt, I won't spoil it, because there has been no important information, and I didn't read it. I just passed the material to the matrix..."

However, at this moment, the background music of the plot changed, bringing out a sense of mystery, like the calm before the storm.

Everyone also noticed this change, stopped talking and stared at the screen.

I saw Bruce Wayne fell asleep leaning on the chair because of fatigue, but there was a phenomenon of a breeze blowing around him, the drawings and books rustled lightly, and there was a slight sound of electricity.

Sudden! The music was passionate, followed by the light, and Bruce woke up, as if he had a nightmare.

At the same time, a thick electric current emerged, and a channel accompanied by the current flash appeared in the air, which seemed to be composed of energy, and the sound and light effects were high-grade.

And in the passage, there was a person leaning out half of his body, wearing a red-based close-fitting suit, stretching his hand towards Bruce, and it seemed difficult for that person to maintain this posture.

The man in red shouted loudly: "Bruce! Listen to me carefully! It's... Xie Er! It's Xie Er! She is the key!"

Speaking of this, the expression of the man in red changed slightly, as if he had discovered something: "I... I came too early! Too early! You must find us! Find Xie Er! Remember! You must first convince Sie Z! This is important! Because Cher is..."

Scoff, the sound and light special effects disappeared, and that person disappeared, as if nothing happened.

Only the fluttering papers and a confused Bruce were left behind.

And everyone in the old Xie family was also dumbfounded.

Ren was chewing on the popcorn, with a dazed look on his face: "We're watching... isn't it an urban action movie?"

Bucky scratched his chin: "Is this a sci-fi movie? Someone in the matrix plans to add drama and special effects?"

Seeing everyone tilting their heads to look at Laifu, Laifu had an innocent face: "I don't know, let me ask... Oh, there is no change in the play, what just now... is true."

Maria couldn't help but ask, "What is that glowing thing?"

Howard wondered: "The man said he came early... through time? Without the actual detection data, I can't judge."

Xie Zhi scratched his head: "Only the video, I'm not at the scene, and I can't feel anything, but since it's true...then this world is different from our previous judgment, it doesn't seem simple.

If the man in red really came from the future, then what he wants to convey must be very important information.

The key is Cher? Laifu, look up the one named Xie Er, who uses "she" and is female, and the one called "Syez", what a strange name. "


The sudden mysterious phenomenon made everyone pay more attention to this world, and then began to discuss what was going on in this world and what the information represented.

Maria suddenly coughed dryly: "You guys, haven't you noticed? Well, maybe I misunderstood."

Xiao Yu hurriedly said: "No, no, Maria, tell me, no one can see everything without missing a single detail."

Maria shrugged: "I'm not sure, it's like this... I don't have any language talent, and I learned Chinese very slowly. When I couldn't speak Chinese well, I couldn't pronounce my Chinese name correctly. I used to call Xie Ai... Xie Er .”


Maria smiled awkwardly: "It might just be a coincidence..."

Xiao Yu shook her head: "No, it may not be a coincidence, if the man in red really came from the future, then it is not impossible to know our existence, especially if we have done something in this world.

The question is...why Xiao Ai? Also, will Siez..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu paused, and subconsciously looked at Xie Zhi, and the others also reacted and looked at Xie Zhi.

The corner of Xie Zhi's mouth twitched: "Siyez, Xie Zhi... well, if it's me, is it a big tongue?"

"If it really refers to Lao Xie and Xiao Ai..." Bucky raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then this matter will be interesting."

You De said: "Assuming that the mysterious man comes from the future, does he have a time machine, it from his personal ability?"

Ren sighed: "The former is Saibotin, and the latter is Ancient One, how come this happens all the time."

"Let me figure it out, assuming first is like guessing..." Xie Zhi slapped his hands: "Then from the moment we saw this scene, the history of this world has changed.

Obviously the original history, what we did, um, let Mr. Bruce find out, he knows Xie Ai, he knows me.

Then... what happened in the future, and Bruce and the man in red are on the same team, speaking of a team... Maybe it's not the time machine, it's the man in red's ability to travel through time, otherwise why is he sending the message? Because the man in red mentioned that to find 'us', obviously there is more than one person.

In short, Xiao Ai is very important and the key to them in the future. As for convincing me, normal, I am her father.

And judging from the word persuasion, they cared about Xiao Ai, probably not out of malice, otherwise it should be 'kill Siez first'.

But we will still leave this world. They will definitely not find us, but Xiao Ai is the key. Could it be... asking for help?

Well, there is nothing wrong with my analysis, right? "

Everyone agreed, Howard said: "I don't know the history and the future, but now it has changed. It seems that Bruce is also very important. We have to find clues from him."

"It's not just him." Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "This world is more mysterious than we expected. Just think about a character like Gu Yi. In Baki's hometown, no one knows about it. Even aliens don't know about it. clue.

Perhaps, there are similar existences in this world. In fact, there is no need to have the level of the ancient one, as long as we have half the strength of our family, it is enough to not be discovered.

Bruce Wayne is just not strong enough to hide completely. "

"Elder Sister is right, if you look at it this way..." Lei En shuddered suddenly, staring fixedly at Xie Zhi.

Xie Zhi wondered, "What's wrong? What did you find?"

Ren sighed: "Boss, do you still remember what you said before? This has no supernatural combat power, no alien invasion, no big monsters, it's safe and good."

Xie Zhi's face darkened: "Don't say it's from our side, I don't believe that there is a person who travels through time and space, but because I said it, aliens invaded and big monsters appeared..."

"Shut up!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Xie Zhi wronged Bala and said: "You are purely feudal superstition, not scientific, Howard, you are a scientist, you judge the truth."

Howard looked up at the ceiling: "I have actually discussed this with Youde. Taking your past example... We think that you have abnormal factors that affect the law of causality, and the main feature is reflected in your mouth. Therefore, you cannot It's unscientific."

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Wan Yang 0318" for the reward! Thank you for your support! 666.

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