Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 597: fishing

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Xie Zhi sighed: "Okay, I won't argue about talking, let's get to the point.

Laifu, raise the level of intelligence gathering. From now on, all information including urban legends, myths, religions, strange stories, etc. must be investigated. "

"Good uncle."

At this moment, Bucky said: "Speaking of investigations... let me state first, I don't mean to make trouble. After all, there are now visitors from the future, which means that the world is doomed to be unstable, but I don't know how big it is.

Well, in fact, we can be more proactive, it doesn’t matter how big the action is, how about fishing law enforcement? "

Xie Zhi snapped his fingers: "That's a good idea, let's manifest another monster and bring out someone who can fight."

"Inappropriate." Xiao Yu shook her head and said, "We watched the video of you helping Tony build momentum last time. It was a bit too much. Some adults even peed their pants in fright."

Xie Zhi said embarrassingly: "The main reason is that I thought it would not be too exciting in broad daylight, this... a small flaw."

After all, it was to help her son that time. Maria was a little embarrassed when she heard the words, and said, "How about Transformers? Robots don't look so scary."

"It's not good either." Youde shook his head and said, "The current equipment, the Transformers version of the mecha is the most advanced, it's already a standard configuration, it's too recognizable, it will become our iconic equipment.

Whether to actively expose is our choice, but neither bait is suitable for the other party to contact us.

Therefore, even if fishing, it is best to use disposable bait, and there will be no sequelae after use. "

Howard said: "Why don't we develop a one-time robot that doesn't have the characteristics of our commonly used robots."

Bucky shook his head: "It will also have associations. After all, we have the most robots. Why don't we find a condemned prisoner and wear hunter equipment to make trouble. Anyway, that equipment is outdated."

Bucky's opinion was also rejected, and everyone was talking about it, making various suggestions.

"Ahem!" Ryan cleared his throat and said with a smile, "Well, it's actually not that troublesome, I'm the most suitable."

Xiao Yu said, "How do you say it?"

Ryan raised his eyebrows proudly: "Why do we have to bring out a big villain? We can change the way. If there is such a kind of existence, no matter good or bad, everyone likes it. Do you think he will pop out?"

Xiao Yu and Maria said in unison: "No!"

Lei En hurriedly said: "Listen to me, I'm not talking about dumplings and glutinous rice balls, I'm also reluctant, Gun Gun is our treasure, and it's not a lie to lead to Ji Jianguo.

But, our family also has a super handsome, have you forgotten? think about it.

Well, let me just say it, my spiritual totem, yes, the most handsome horse in the world! You have to admit it.

Think about it, a steed from a divine steed to an invincible steed, walking gracefully in the sky, just like a scene in a fairy tale, that is a god! Who is not excited? Are you not excited? You are not moved..."

Pointing to everyone and asking around, everyone nodded thoughtfully.

Xie Zhi smiled: "Not to mention, if it was the first time I saw it, I would also be interested in that steed."

Xiao Yu also nodded: "That's true, if it were me... Well, I have to admit that Ryan's dark horse is indeed beautiful. Although it has a funny personality and a dark belly, people who don't know it don't know it, and it is very confusing."

Renn didn't care about the second half of the sentence, and said proudly: "That is, think about it, your spiritual totems are not good, dragons, wolves, tigers, tsk tsk, even hammering angels, They all looked fierce.

The first instinctive reaction of witnesses is probably a strong sense of threat. My black horse is different. No matter how fierce the horse is, no one feels threatened.

And our Black Whirlwind is as fast as Lao Xie's Qinglong. After catching a fish, even if we can't beat it, we can still run away. What's more, the spirit totem can be taken if you want, and no one can get it.

So, I'm the best fit for this, right? "

"Sounds good."

"But try not to start a fight, hook up and see what's good first."

"You can't just walk around, the black horse must be equipped with monitoring equipment."

"Leave this to me."

There was a lot of chatter, it was decided.

After some preparations, the black horse took off, and the fishing plan began.

Ever since, in the days that followed, mysterious flying horses appeared in the sky all over the world, and it immediately became the hottest news in the world, dominating the headlines all the time.

It has to be said that the appearance of Ryan's dark horse has indeed achieved the expected effect, not that it caught the mystery, but that it did not cause large-scale panic.

Although this news ignited the enthusiasm of people all over the world, panic and negative voices did not occupy the mainstream, and more were debates about religion and mythology. After all, myths and legends about Pegasus exist almost everywhere in the world.

Of course, even so, sensible people still think of the serious consequences brought about by the appearance of the mysterious black horse. Unfortunately, the vast majority of human beings give priority to vision and look at faces first.

Of course, the old Xie family had thought of the consequences of detonating religious enthusiasm, but they also had backup preparations. Regardless of whether there was a hidden special existence, the end of this matter proved to be a farce, but it was a drone and a holographic projection.

The old Xie family can still afford this price.

There is also a small episode, when the whole world is discussing which myth system Tianma belongs to, the thief of the country is very fast, and immediately stated that Tianma is a thief of the country, and they have murals to prove it! And quickly submit documents to the United Nations, requesting a World Heritage application.

Inside the Batcave, Bruce threw down the screwdriver, wiped his hands and watched the picture in the news.

An unusually handsome black horse walks gracefully in the air, and mythical creatures appear in the world.

Alfred walked in with a tea tray, noticed the young master's eyes, and raised his eyebrows: "Well, she's a beauty, black."

Bruce smiled: "Yes, black, it suits me well, doesn't it?"

"It's suitable for Bruce Wayne, I reserve my opinion on bats, and..." Alfred shrugged: "Even if they are caught, the Wayne family's horse farm does not have suitable stables, nor does it have a groom who can raise Pegasus."

At the bar, a muscular curly-haired young waiter, while busy, heard the chatter of the drinkers, and glanced at the TV, and suddenly showed a look of excitement.

At this time, a drinker said loudly: "Tsk tsk, the cowboy who can trap Pegasus must first be able to fly."

The curly-haired youth sighed: "Yeah, it must be a flying cowboy, what a pity..."

The passing waitress happened to hear it and said with a smile, "Why, you can't fly, or can you lasso a horse?"

The young man smiled: "I don't know. I used to be a farmer, and I'm good at driving tractors."

Pentagon, Combat Command.

"Whatever that is, find it."

After the Minister of Defense issued the order, he pondered silently: "Why haven't I heard that there are such creatures on the earth before? Is it a remnant of the old gods?"

In the vast sea, a man with long hair and beard was lying on his back on the sea, looking at the black horse passing by the sky, and whistling to the sky: "Hey! Come down and play for a while, swimming is fun, I invite you to eat fish, uh... Horses don't eat fish. the sky is not my place, riding a seahorse is just right for me..."

A young man eating pizza walks across the road and looks at a black horse flying over the city.

Nunuzui, then lowered his head to look at the pizza: "I've worked three jobs, I'm quite busy, but a horse... a luxury, I can't afford it, I can't afford it."

For three days in a row, there was no movement.

Just when everyone in Old Xie's family thought that the fishing plan had failed, Ryan's voice sounded in the communication: "Yes, yes! Someone is chasing the dark horse! A big fish has been caught!"

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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