Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 617: Still convinced?

Following Zod's voice, the bald Kryptonian on the Kryptonian flagship bridge issued an order: "Start the world engine."

This scene was naturally seen by Xiao Yu, yes, Xiao Yu did not leave, but Xie Ai was no longer here.

Xiaoyu sent a message: "It doesn't sound like a star destroyer weapon, Youde, what did you find?"

Youde responded: "It was observed that the Kryptonian spacecraft split into two and broke away from a flying object."

Xiao Yu looked at the flying object outside the huge porthole: "I see it now, keep monitoring, if there are signs of a star destroyer weapon, destroy it immediately."


On the other side, the Kents.

Clark held Louise's hand, kept stepping back towards her mother, looked at the six Kryptonians who got off the spaceship, and said, "What are you going to do?"

Zod said indifferently: "Kal-El, I want to save Krypton. Everything I do is for the people of Krypton, without a trace of selfish desire."

"And what about Earth? What will happen?"

"Even your father thinks that the rebirth of Krypton must be established on a certain planet. He sent you to Earth, which means that he chose Earth. Don't you understand? Earth will become Krypton."

Clark shook his head and said, "No! It's impossible! I've seen my father's consciousness. He didn't say that. There must be other ways. There are so many planets in the universe!"

Zod said: "You have lived on the earth for thirty-three years, and you are the evidence that the earth is most suitable to become the new Krypton."

"No, I can't let you do that!"

There was pity in Zod's eyes, and he said: "As the few remaining Kryptonians, I don't want to hurt you, but when necessary, I will.

Especially when everything needed for the rebirth of Krypton is already available.

So surrender, for your father's sake, he's my friend. "

"What if I say no?"

Zod sighed: "Your father is an honor to die."

Clark's expression was startled: "You...killed him?"

"It was me, I haven't had a day of peace in my heart since then, but again, I'll do it again."

Regardless of his tone or eyes, it can be seen that Zod is speaking the truth.

Bucky in the ring cockpit couldn't help saying: "This Zod... is a man with a strong will."

Xie Zhi nodded and said: "Yes, this also shows that he is stubborn enough, and he is not a bad guy in the conventional sense, but when it comes to the survival of the race, there is no room for compromise on either side."

Ryan said: "Actually, we can solve this deadlock. It's enough to bring the Kryptonians to other universes, and the demands are all satisfied."

Xie Zhi smiled, shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's enough to rely on fooling around this time. The entire race consists of a dozen people. Who would dare to put such a big event on the gambling table? It's too childish."

Bucky continued: "That's right, the key is, why do people believe us? The race is going to be extinct, and if it were me, anyone who stood in our way would have to die endlessly. We should fight, we still have to fight."

Ren sighed: "I don't like such enemies, what a tragedy."

Xie knew: "Then try your best, nothing is perfect."

And Clark looked at his mother and reserve girlfriend, and then at the crowd of people, and said in a deep voice, "You guys, what are you waiting for?"

Zod said: "Kal-El, you are very important, but your corpse is enough. I am giving you a chance out of kindness."

"I'm not talking about you."

"He's talking about me."

Xie Aide's voice suddenly appeared, and amidst the sudden sound and light effects, Xie Ai suddenly appeared behind Clark and made a face at Zod and the others.

Zod frowned and said, "Foreign aid? Karl-El, this is your reliance..."

But before Zod finished speaking, Xie Ai, Martha, and Louise's bodies turned translucent and disappeared.

The corners of Clark's mouth curled up slightly: "Coincidentally, I won't tell you everything."

Immediately afterwards, with two sounds, the two Kryptonian spaceships suddenly shrunk.

This time, the expression of the six Kryptonians finally changed. Although they found the small spaceship that fell on the grass in an instant, it was as big as an ant, so how could they get in?

At the same time, Xie Ai stood where the spaceship disappeared, with his hips on his hips and said arrogantly: "Haha! I have appeared again!"


A gust of wind suddenly blew past Xie Ai, passing directly through her body, so fast that it was almost impossible to see the phantom.

Xie Ai was taken aback, and murmured: "Duck? Why is it faster than me?"

But what was even more surprising was a group of Kryptonians, because the figure who just passed through Xie Ai was Fiona.

They really have never seen an enemy with only a phantom but no entity, a holographic projection?

What was also shocking was that Xie Zhi and the others, without him, captured the data in an instant and gave them an unbelievable answer.

That is, the speed of the Kryptonian is actually comparable to the monster version Xie Zhi!

Yes, Hulk can't! Neither can Xie Ai! (Note 1)

Fortunately, Xie Ai was obedient this time, complied with the requirements of his parents, and maintained the state of quantum phase transition at all times. Of course, the little girl is not stupid, and usually uses this trick to bully the two juniors, so of course she knows the benefits of using this trick.

Otherwise, at that moment just now, Xie Ai might suffer a big loss. This is still based on the premise of not knowing how strong the opponent's destructive power is, otherwise the consequences may be even more serious.

While both parties were extremely shocked, Xie Zhi gritted his teeth and said: "The plan has changed! Ren, from now on, you are responsible for leading Xiao Ai, maneuvering around the periphery, communicating between our side and Xiaoyu's side, play by ear, Bucky and I Go ahead!"

Ryan realized that the situation was beyond expectations, and he recovered his capable expression: "Understood!"

At the same time, Xie Ai made another grimace at the Kryptonian: "Haha! I disappeared again!"

What followed was a thick roar!

Suddenly, a gigantic green figure jumped out of Clark's lead ring, and directly hit a crowd of Kryptonians!

Immediately, all the Kryptonians were knocked into the air, like shells fired, and they continued to undulate and eject on the ground like floating in water.

That's right, it is Xie Zhi's spiritual totem, Qinglong, who makes his debut.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Zhi and Bucky also appeared beside Clark, and Clark said angrily, "What are you talking about!?"

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "You have to make sure which side you are on."

"Satisfied now?"


At this moment, with a bang, Qinglong was also sent flying!

The two figures appeared in front of Qinglong as if teleporting, maintaining the posture of punching while the other four came back in an instant, but stood not far away and watched without making a move.

The speed at which Qinglong was hammered away was also exaggerated, astonishingly fast. Although Xie Zhi and the three of them got out of the way, the Clark family's harvest this year was gone.

Yes, the crops were directly plowed by Qinglong's huge body.

Looking at the two Kryptonians again, they were unscathed. Although Qinglong's blow was fierce, it did not cause any damage!

You must know that before Xie Zhi turned into a monster version, Qinglong's power was always the best in the family!

As a result, apart from knocking the opponent into the air, it did not cause any damage!

Speed, strength, and defense all gave Xie Zhi and others the most intuitive display in a short moment.

This is an enemy they have never seen before, showing three characteristics at this moment, but each of them has achieved the ultimate in the ultimate!

Xie Zhi smiled wryly: "Still persuading? It's not bad if we can win...Brother, do you think such an enemy will be made by me?"

Bucky said in a deep voice: "Brother, admit it, I still remember what you said back then, you said you don't believe that there are enemies that can't be killed by nuclear weapons, I don't know if they can be killed by nuclear weapons, but I know this Karma you planted for many years."

Note 1: In super-English movies, Kryptonians have the strongest individual fighting power. Some people must express dissatisfaction, but they are in the strongest echelon, so there is nothing wrong with it, right? Even if it is Doomsday, it was made with Zod's body and Kryptonian technology. Dachao was able to win in "Man of Steel", mainly because his Kryptonian compatriots suffered a disadvantage in not adapting to the earth's environment. Zod only adapted to the earth's environment for less than a day, and he was also ruined. If you give more time, There are many people in the family, and if Dachao doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, he will die.

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