Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 618: Where is the reason?


In the distance, the dragon roared suddenly, full of anger, and Qinglong soared into the sky, looking down at the crowd of Kryptonians, with deep displeasure in his eyes.

To the satisfaction of Xie Zhi and others, the surprise of the Kryptonians was that Qinglong also seemed unscathed. Also perverted enough.

At this time Zod said: "No matter who you are, I will never allow anyone to stop me from rebirthing Krypton, but I am willing to give you another chance and count how many of you there are, and we have an absolute advantage." .”

Xie Zhi tilted his head: "Six to four, there are five more in the sky, more than people, I'm so scared, unfortunately, our family has... bear children."

Following the voice, Xie Ai's voice appeared again, this time in the sky: "Ahahaha! I have appeared again!"

But when Xie Ai waved his hand, countless small black spots spread out, and in the next second, countless... sentinel robots appeared densely in the sky!

This is not over, there are still bigger robots that suddenly become bigger, each one looks different, yes, Transformers!

Bakiyan raised his chin: "Now you count, whoever is more."

Zod's serious cold light flashed: "Kill them all."

In an instant, the battle began.

Everyone moved.

The sentinel robots in the sky opened fire immediately, and the dense artillery bombarded the Kryptonians.

Clark charged at one of the Kryptonians, who also rushed towards him.

Xie Zhi and Bucky also bumped into their opponents.

Qinglong jumped down and confronted a Kryptonian.

Feora and Zod, both jumped up like cannonballs, and rushed towards the robot army.

Everything happens in an instant.

But just for a moment, the earth was like a carpet bombing, countless explosions exploded at the same time, and the opening scene was a big scene of intense war! Just two words, spectacular!

And the scenes on the battlefield are even more dizzying.

Countless figures flickered, but they couldn't see the entity clearly. There were figures being blasted far away, and figures were chasing after them. There were even more explosions in the sky.

Yep, the Sentinels can't stop the Kryptonians at all!

In the energy-absorbing mode, facing the power of the Kryptonians, the limit is exceeded in an instant!

In other worlds, Sentinel 2.0 can be called cheating, but facing the Kryptonians, there is only one ending, instant kill!

That's right, it's useless even if they are combined into a combined formation, as long as they are touched by the Kryptonians, Sentinel 2.0 will be smashed to pieces in an instant!

But after a short fight, both sides discovered a problem, that is, Clark can fly, but other Kryptonians can't. They can only jump with strong strength. Although the jump height is exaggerated enough, it is really not flying.

Xie knows that he is feeling sorry for Sentinel 2.0. After all, the loss of this scale was only the last time he played against Tian Qi.

But it was Zod and the others who were even worse. Without him, except for the huge number of mass-produced robots, other opponents could not be defeated!

Yes, Kryptonian attacks can be prevented!

This is thanks to the Mandalorian. Xie Zhi and Bucky's mecha, no matter how the Kryptonians attack, let alone breakage, there is not even a scratch, and it can withstand it completely.

The same is true for the Transformers troops. After scanning the Mandalorian iron, they were fully upgraded, which also made it impossible for the Kryptonians to break through their defenses.

So the situation of the battle made the Kryptonians depressed. Although they surpassed each other in all aspects, they just couldn't kill these enemies, which was so annoying.

But it's okay to say that the big robot can't be killed, but it doesn't matter.

The key is that the two three-meter-high ones, painted in red and black, are very difficult to deal with, and there are endless tricks.

Yes, it's Xie Zhi and Bucky. The old Xie's partner training for several months is not in vain. Although Kryptonian is faster than Hulk, but the reaction can keep up, then some will fight.

Seeing that the Kryptonians who were fighting Bucky at this time were one against two, they not only had to fight the black mecha, but also faced a giant wolf also wearing a mecha.

Yes, that is exactly Bucky's spiritual totem. During the process of practicing with the monster version Xie Zhi, Bucky developed this kind of coordination style of play. As for mechs, it doesn't bother me.

So I was able to deal with Xie Zhi for a minute at the beginning, but now that the defense of the mecha has been upgraded, it can naturally last longer.

At the same time, the energy of will, the energy of fear, and the force are all used by Bucky in turn, causing all kinds of troubles to the Kryptonians and interfering with their performance. Although they can't kill the opponent, they can fight evenly, and no one takes advantage, but It doesn't hurt either.

And Xie Zhi was singled out, but it made the Kryptonians even more annoying, without him, there were too many flying swords flying around!

Although it couldn't break through the defense, that kind of force couldn't be dispelled, and it seriously involved the energy of the Kryptonians.

So even though it was a one-on-one fight, Xie Zhi's big move had an advantage over Bucky's two-on-one attack, and the frequency of counterattacks was significantly higher.

As for Clark, who is also a Kryptonian, he performed well. Unfortunately, it seems that his combat experience is too weak. Although he fights back and forth with his opponent, he relies entirely on his physical fitness and is obviously not as good at fighting as the opponent.

But Kryptonians are annoying, Xie Zhi they are even more annoying.

Being unable to break through the defense is a two-way street, and you have nothing to do with the other side.

The most annoying thing is that the Kryptonians have no tricks, but they are simply strong! Strong to the extreme!

Really in line with the slogan of the Olympic Games, faster, higher and stronger! Invincible physical fitness! This is the most intuitive feeling of Xie Zhi et al.

What's even more disgusting is that the omnipotent fear energy can't arouse their fear, and the Kryptonian's willpower is equally sturdy!

How could it be reasonable to meet such a flawless opponent?

Xie Zhi, it's not that Bucky doesn't want to use the black hole grenade, the problem is that the opponent's speed is abnormal, and he can't throw it, unless the Kryptonian is stupid and catches it with his hands, but this is betting on the opponent's IQ.

And even if it succeeds, it will only be once or twice at most, and killing one or two will not solve the problem.

As for Clark, although he was evenly matched with the opponent, he was singled out. It was impossible to expect him to kill all the Kryptonians.

Of course, the old Xie's family still has two useless big killers, one of which is naturally Xie Zhi crushing monster stones to become a monster version of Super Xie Zhi.

But Xie Zhi still plans to take another look at the situation for the time being. After all, there is a time machine cheating device at home. UU Reading has the confidence to overturn the table, so don’t worry, it’s best to find the weak point, after all, there are only stones left Once a piece is used up, it's gone.

As for the other big killer, it was Xie Ai.

Yes, quantum phase transition has almost no solution!

Coupled with Xie Ai's ability after transformation, if you really want to kill these Kryptonians, the little girl is the most suitable, and if the high defense is invalid, you can completely take out the opponent's brain!

But there is a problem. All the parents are unwilling for their children to kill people, let alone use such cruel methods. If you open it, it will be difficult to accept it.

When she grows up in the future, she can be responsible for her own choices, but now, to let her children learn to kill is to be a parent who is not sensible.

But he said that Xie knew that he was looking for the Kryptonian's weakness. Although he hadn't found it yet, he still had something to gain.

On this tragic battlefield, not only was the Mandalorian iron unable to penetrate the defense, but the Kryptonian armor was also unscathed and the paint did not peel off.

Of course, this aroused Xie Zhi's interest. Needless to say, let's scan the simulation first.

As a result, during the battle, the Transformers saw every opportunity to scan from time to time, and successfully converted the material. Although the Mandalorian Iron can prevent it, there are not too many excellent materials.

But Zod was not idle either. As a general, his strategic vision was indeed extraordinary.

Within a minute, Zod discovered the problem: "Feola!"

Whoosh! Feora appeared next to Zod in the blink of an eye.

After explaining a few words, Feora stared wide-eyed and said, "General, in this case..."

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