Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 643: blind date

King Nereus' face was a little ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything, but Xie Zhi's passive mind reading learned what was in his heart.

Immediately Xie Zhi was upset, without him, this guy actually thought: "Nonsense! My daughter is a princess, and my husband's blood must be noble!

But with your appearance, you can imagine what your daughter looks like, do you still need to worry about others thinking about it? Ugliness brings trouble…"

Xie Zhi remained calm and didn't say anything, but he had already made up his mind: "Old man, originally I didn't plan to take care of other people's weddings and funerals, but you are being unkind, and even arranged my daughter's appearance, You're so ugly... Bah! I'm blinding your dog's eyes! You're bad luck!"

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi secretly activated his mind control ability.

Yes, Xie Zhi didn't plan to use it at first, because the existing ability will disappear afterwards, and in the arrangement of major events, showing strength is more effective and has a far-reaching impact.

After all, this kind of event that can be recorded in history can make generations of people aware of it.

But the influence of controlling the mind is only at the front, and it is not safe in the long run, unless Xie Zhi has this ability forever.

But now, Xie Zhi intends to do "good things".

That's right, Xie Zhi knows Mera's thoughts. This beautiful girl also has a heart that yearns for free love and hates arranged marriages. Unfortunately, due to the influence of her living environment and traditions, and her strong sense of responsibility, although she is extremely unhappy, But he also resigned to his own marriage.

So Xie Zhi's plan is... to arrange a blind date for this girl.

Of course, if people are forced to brain control to arrange a husband, it is no different from an arranged marriage. Xie Zhi thinks that he is not that wicked.

So Xie Zhi's plan is to give Mera a little psychological hint, don't accept fate girl, true love is very important.

Anyway, the plan is to arrange for mariners to visit the terrestrial world, and the first stop is Jijianguo, so the time of this investigation can be made more flexible.

For example... This time it will be a trip for Mera to fight against arranged marriages, or a trip to find true love. If you don’t find true love, and it’s the kind where you dare to marry the king, the investigation visit will not end!

Xie Zhi believes that she will definitely be able to find the right one. After all, the country has a population of 1.4 billion. Half of the women, those who are not of the right age, are married, and the number of single male dogs is also in units of 100 million. Less than right eye?

This move made Xie Zhi very happy. It can be said that it will serve multiple purposes. It will not only make the old gangster mad, but also intermarry with the land people, which will also help to deepen understanding, enhance the relationship between the two parties, eliminate misunderstandings and confrontations, and maintain world peace!

And with the precedent of Atlanta, the rebirth of the next legal successor of mixed blood will shorten the distance between land and sea, and maybe a new version of the Belt and Road will be created.

This is called, true. In the name of love and peace.

As for King Nereus, Xie Zhi also arranged a psychological hint for him. The old man is still a staunch supporter of arranged marriages, but... he will not take any opposition actions. Yes, he will be very upset if he just watches, but he can only get used to it.

As for why it was arranged in Jijianguo, Xie Zhi said that it was definitely not out of the mentality of not letting the rich and the water flow to outsiders.

It's simply because the population base of older unmarried youths is large enough to give princesses more choices. It's true Yuelao's professional ethics.

Of course, Xie Zhi arranged these things not because he was bored.

The strength of the marine people is still very strong, except that they have not set foot in the space field, but the technology used in the atmosphere is almost to the extreme.

And the technology in weapons is also very powerful. Ground combat is not inferior to aliens. Coupled with their strong individual strength, in Xie Zhi's view, the Kree people will also have to be beaten, not to mention the world of the force.

Of course, this refers to the level of the army, and the higher-end combat power depends on the specific opponent.

But such a powerful force, Xie Zhi didn't think he could subdue it, unless he didn't go anywhere and didn't undo his transformation.

And even if it is necessary to subdue it, Xie Zhi doesn't have the time. After all, it involves four huge countries with a large population. It takes a lot of time and energy to govern the country, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But as the strongest army on the local earth, after being checked and balanced, there will be a lot of room for manipulation in the future.

Even if diplomatic relations are established between land and sea, there will still be competition and hostility, which cannot be eliminated, after all, interests are eternal.

In terms of overall strength, the land people cannot compare with the sea people, but there is still a Kryptonian adopted son Clark on the ground. After all, Clark grew up on land, and in terms of tendencies, he must be inclined to the land people.

Then there is Diana and Paradise Island. The relationship between the Amazons and the Seamen is not very good, and the ancestral contradictions.

In this way, the balance of strength between the two sides will be balanced.

But Xie knew that the appearance of this party had already changed the balance, and their family was the strongest force in the area!

At least, that's how it looks to others.

Then after the establishment of diplomatic relations was facilitated, Xie knew that this side's inclination has become a decisive existence that both the sea and the land have to consider.

Indeed, the possibility of the two parties cooperating to deal with Xie Zhi cannot be ruled out, but the probability is still relatively low. After all, this choice is too stupid, and alliances, since ancient times, have never been united and not infighting.

On the contrary, it is very likely that the two parties will not be as close as a family, so Xie Zhi has a lot of room for manipulation here.

Now Xie Zhi hasn't figured out how to use this relationship, but it doesn't prevent him from planning in advance, maybe there will be opportunities in the future.

But at this moment Atlanta coughed dryly and said, "Then Mr. Xie Zhi, I also want to know what you plan to do with... my son."

"Oh, your son started a world war, and the consequences will be devastated, even destroying the whole world. Logically speaking, it is not a pity to die ten thousand times..."

"Mr. Xie Zhi! You promised before!"

Xie Zhi smiled and raised his hand: "Don't I keep my word and I won't kill your son."

As he spoke, Xie Zhi turned his head to look at Aum, who was extremely angry and had veins all over his face, and said with disdain, "Why are you staring? I know, you think your mother is plotting against you, and you are really a filial son.

Boy, if your mother hadn't tried her best to save you, you would have died long ago.

You know, I gave you a chance back then, otherwise why do you think your mother came to persuade you to stop? It's a pity, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes.

It's okay, I can see it from the look in your eyes, you still feel that it's all other people's fault, and you are the only one who is fine.

It's a waste of time to reason with you, go reflect on yourself slowly. "

As he spoke, Xie Zhi snapped his fingers, and a space door appeared, and on the opposite side of the door was the hidden sea in the center of the earth.

Xie Zhi looked at Atlanta: "Your Majesty, I keep my word. Your son will not die, but he will be imprisoned for life. As for whether he has the opportunity to visit and let him go, after ten years... I will see how reflective he is. ,we'll talk about it then."

Atlanta sighed and bowed her head slightly towards Xie Zhi: "Mr. Xie Zhi, thank you for your kindness. The Kingdom of Atlantis will appreciate your kindness."

As soon as the words came out, even if they didn't say it clearly, other people understood that it was obvious that Atlanta had made some kind of deal with Xie Zhi. Thinking about it, this Xie Zhi was not as talkative as he said, and it was no good. Save Aum's life.

PS: Thanks to the book friend "The North of Pollution" for your kind reward! Thank you for your support! 666.

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