Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 644: also afraid

The talk here is over, but the matter is not over yet. I still have to talk to the other two ocean people nations, namely the fisherman nation and the saltwater nation.

To make a long story short, the process went very smoothly. After all, the two ocean kingdoms have already agreed, and the Fishermen’s Kingdom has long had the idea of ​​deepening understanding with the people on land. It’s just because other countries are strong, so it’s a bit deviant to do so, and they’re still hesitating. Get off the donkey.

But in the saltwater country, it is relatively troublesome. The sea people in the saltwater country have degenerated into crustaceans, and their brains seem to be very stubborn. They don't care about the union of the three sea people kingdoms.

However, they also have to eat.

So Xie Zhi used the Neptune Trident to vividly explain what food can run, and let the behemoth Karason be a guest negotiator, which is quite convincing, and it was settled.

The arrangements for the people in the sea have been arranged, and after that, they will wait for Xie Zhi's news and hold an epoch-making meeting with land countries.

But Xie Zhi didn't plan to arrange everything for one day to solve the problem of the sea people, and there are other extraordinary powers.

And this time, the destination Xie Zhi rushed to was... the Rock of Eternity.

In the main hall in the cave, the statues of the Seven Deadly Sins are still absorbing fear by the Tai Chi energy pool.

In this regard, the Seven Deadly Sins are more difficult to deal with than the Kryptonians.

But Xie Zhi is not surprised. The seven deadly sins are very special. If you fight, you will definitely not be able to beat the Kryptonians. But these monsters seem to be immortal. It can be said that if you don’t need to be sucked to death by fear energy, Xie Zhi has only one way, and that is to use The black hole grenade destroys the magic pupil, but it's not sure if this method has not been tried.

This also proves that the existence time of the Seven Deadly Sins is probably very exaggerated.

But the Kryptonians are different. Regardless of the abnormal combat power, Xie knows that the Kryptonians are not a long-lived race. The life span is longer than that of humans, but it is not an exaggeration.

So when it comes to absorbing fear, although the willpower of the Kryptonians is strong enough to resist, once the will collapses and starts to fear, the process of being sucked to death will not be more strenuous than humans.

On the contrary, it is the seven deadly sins, and it seems that it will take a while before it can be completely finished.

But Xie Zhi came to this place again, not for the Seven Deadly Sins, but for something he hadn't discovered before.

I saw Xie Zhi stepping out of the hall and came to something placed in the corridor. It was a glass container with stones, soil and grass inside.

Xie Zhi tilted his head to look at the glass cover, and said in a muffled voice, "Come out, little bug."

Following the words, a bulge bulged in the soil, and then a fleshy worm broke out of the ground.

As a meat worm, it is a bit big, about the size of an adult's palm. What's interesting is that there is a mechanical device in the belly of the meat worm, and there is a red indicator light on the surface.

Immediately afterwards, the mechanical device in the meat worm's abdomen made a sound: "I knew that since that little girl appeared, nothing good will happen."

Xie Zhi said lightly: "Well, you can talk, report your name, bug."

"Hey, big guy, we can join forces and conquer the world, trust me..."

Before he finished speaking, the worm floated up, and a bunch of fleshy feet waved wildly. Yes, Xie Zhi pinched it with the force of object control.

"I won't say it a second time, are you ready to become meat?"

The insect panicked: "My lord! My name is Meditation Mite!" (Note 1)

"Meditation mite? Mites?"

Meditation mite tremblingly said: "My lord, I am an advanced intelligent life, not a mindless bug, I am willing to serve you."

"Really? Hehe, you are trapped in this cage, and what you say is very watery, so..." Xie Zhi pointed to his head: "I want to know what is going on in your mind, don't resist, I will Not very patient."

Yes, the reason why Xie Zhi was talking nonsense to it was because he couldn't see the thoughts of the meditating mite.

This is what attracted Xie Zhi's attention. A bug actually has the ability to resist telepathy!

Of course, it is precisely because it is resisting mind reading that this bug stands out like a big light bulb in Xie Zhiman's world mind scan.

"My lord, why bother? We have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges these days... Yay! Don't talk, don't talk! It hurts..."

Seeing the meditating mite screaming and wailing, all its little claws were being pulled, obviously Xie Zhi wanted to give it a... N horse torn body, after all, it had too many claws.

The constant tugging wasn't enough to kill it right away, but the pain was inevitable.

At the same time, Xie knew: "There is no enmity or grievance, but since you were imprisoned here by Shazam, it is obviously not a good thing, and killing you is not too much, do you agree?"

"No, no, you are so powerful. I'm just a bug. You can crush me to death like a bug...Well, I'm a bug anyway. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood, my strength crushes you, you are powerless to resist, I accept you as my subordinate, I don't have to worry, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes! My lord is indeed wise!"

"It's a pity... Although I don't know the specific function of this glass container, it is obviously used to restrict you, let you out, in case you are a villain with a strong enough strength..."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhi was startled, touched his mouth, and sighed: "This matter is troublesome, I'm sorry, my mouth can affect the law of cause and effect, so since I said...the probability of a word becoming a prophecy is quite high. Big, come on, you either give up resisting, or, just die."

Meditation mite's voice suddenly changed, full of resentment: "Then you kill me! Anyway, you will kill me when you see my thoughts! Bah, if you want me to die, you don't want to get any benefits!"

Xie Zhi was silent for a while, and nodded: "Well, since that's the case... If you have the ability, don't use it, it will be invalid after the expiration date."

"What? Ahhh!"

The meditating mite screamed even more horribly, and Xie Zhi's eyes were also shining brightly.

Nothing else, Xie Zhi is using his brain control ability with all his strength, and he is stubborn!

It's good to be able to break the defense, but it doesn't matter if you can't, at least you know how strong your telepathic ability is.

And this process lasted for several minutes. Obviously, this meat worm is not insignificant. You must know that Xie Zhi is no match for mind reading now. No matter what Kryptonians, Oceanians, Amazonians, you can take them all, but a small But the bugs have survived for so long.

But at the end... a pop! The glass cover was slowed down by the green slurry.

Without him, the head of the meditation mite exploded!

Obviously, in this spiritual confrontation, Meditation mite was completely defeated, and it seemed that Xie Zhi's strength was a little directly smashed his head.

Looking at the headless corpse of the meat worm, Xie Zhi smiled: "It's not bad, the harvest is still there, thank you.

But you are not wronged to kill you, as the old saying goes... the righteous Lai Fuling must kill the pests, kill them. "

Yes, Xie Zhi has gained, and it is not small.

In the moment of breaking the defense, with Xie Zhi's telepathic ability, he captured a lot of information in the mind of the meditation mite. Although he didn't get all of it, it was still invaluable.

And from it, it was also confirmed that the bug was indeed bubbling badly, full of evil and perverted thoughts, and it was no exaggeration to say that it was a pest.

And I also know that the strength of the meditating mite is quite terrifying. If it weren't for the glass container restricting its ability, once it comes out, Xie Zhi would not be easy to kill it.

In addition to its own powerful brain control ability, this bug actually knows magic!

And just based on the information Xie Zhi saw, magic is also a variety of tricks, so if you focus on hiding, it will take a lot of effort to catch it again.

And the meditating mite is very intelligent. In fact, in an instant, this worm came up with many poisonous schemes to deal with Xie Zhi. Not to mention whether it was successful or not, it showed its insidiousness and cunning.

It's a pity that Meditation Mite happened to run into Xie Zhi who had a conflicted mentality at the moment.

The so-called contradiction is that Xie Zhi is both confident and not confident.

Without him, although Xie Zhi has a tough mouth with his family, since he saw the Kryptonian's perversion, he is now... afraid of the power of his mouth.

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