Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 646: Matryoshka

Following Xie Zhi's voice, the surface of the seven deadly sins has turned red, and the inside is glowing with high temperature, as if the statue is made of magma.

At the same time, Xie Zhi's eyes also shot out green light, scattered and gathered on the Seven Deadly Sins, just like the process of re-engraving Di'an's Vulcan sword and creating the divine version of the Pishui sword.

Obviously, Xie Zhi is using multiple approaches to enhance the effect of changing reality.

It may be that the force applied was not strong enough, and Xie Zhi even used the Tai Chi energy pool, and a massive amount of will energy surged out, rushing towards the Seven Deadly Sins continuously, making the color of the hall more and more dark green.

Accompanied by the screams of the Seven Deadly Sins, Xie Zhi comforted softly: "Enough, you have to change your body and start a new life. It is quite painful to think about it. Nezha also experienced it back then, but after that, he changed his shotgun and became a fairy Ben, be good, you will be different after an operation."

The red and black mist rolls, undulates, and shrinks, and at the same time interweaves and shines with a strange streamer of splendor.

And this mysterious sound and light effect lasted for a long time, until the seven statues began to show signs of concentration, and the screams disappeared, indicating that the transformation process had come to an end.

When the mist shrinks and disappears...

Seven figures appeared in the hall.

It is still a statue, but its shape has changed completely. It has double buns on top of its head, wears a red apron, small bloomers, bare feet, fleshy arms and legs, its face is even more chubby like two apples stuffed, and its eyes are even more squinted. into two lines.

That's right, the seven deadly sins have become seven chubby... small dolls, or female dolls, exactly the same, but the poses are different, in short, all kinds of cute.

And the images of these seven female dolls are familiar to everyone in the infrastructure. They are basically the Fuwas in the New Year pictures, which is called a celebration.

Xie Zhi nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad, cute and cute, it's a rarity to look at, from now on you will be called... Qi Fatty."

It is indeed fat, the eyes of the seven little girls are not in a line of laughter, they are fat at all, and they seem to be overnourished.

But Fuwa's appearance is just a superficial image. The seven-person combination that Xie Zhi thought of was the spider spirit from "Journey to the West".

Since she is a spider spirit, logically speaking, she should be portrayed as a classic **** beauty, referring to the setting of Journey to the West.

But after Xie Zhi thought it over, he considered that his daughter-in-law could not misunderstand his character and affect the harmony of the family, so let's make it into the image of a little doll, festive and cute, so attractive.

Moreover, it is also appropriate to shape the image of a doll, because the consciousness of the seven deadly sins has been completely erased, and it is indeed a new life, no, a demon, so in terms of consciousness, it is really a doll.

However, the process of erasing the old consciousness is really not easy, not only the red envelopes that can change reality, but also the energy of will, Xie Zhi’s super telepathy is also used, otherwise it can only change the composition, but I’m afraid it’s impossible to change the consciousness. possible.

To be able to achieve such a feat, it can only be said that Xie Zhi, the current version of the demon god, has this ability. It is not only a matter of combat power, Xie Zhi's various methods also increase by a huge amount.

In addition, as the master of Yumanji, Xie Zhi also has some understanding of the concept of shaping NPCs in the world of Yumanji. Now, coupled with the knowledge obtained from the meditating mite, and combining all abilities, it is possible to realize this extraordinary goal. possible remodeling.

The reason why the spider spirit was chosen was to condense and streamline the abilities of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Xie Zhi has roughly understood the composition of monsters like the Seven Deadly Sins in the process of using red envelopes to infiltrate and understand their composition.

In fact, they can be said to be energy creatures, or in other words, magical creatures. Their forms can be transformed, and they also have consciousness. These monsters are not small, and they have many tricks.

But Xie Zhi didn't intend to use the original abilities of the Seven Deadly Sins, mainly because they were too many and too complicated, and some abilities were too **** and brutal, even disgusting, but it was also in line with his identity as an evil monster.

But the problem is that after being absorbed by the Tai Chi energy pool for many days, the Seven Deadly Sins have been tortured miserably, and their strength has shrunk by at least one-third.

So Xie Zhi felt that instead of wasting their magic power on messy abilities, it would be better to focus on them.

And after this battle with the Kryptonians, Xie Zhi discovered that facing such an overly tough opponent, one ability is very important.

That is... a powerful field control technique.

Yes, there is no shortage of lethality in the old Xie family, but in terms of field control, it seems that if Xiaoyu hadn't shown Baihu's unique move, relying on willpower and force to control objects alone would not be enough for an opponent of Kryptonian level.

So when he was thinking about how to reform the Seven Deadly Sins, Xie Zhi started thinking in this regard.

After much deliberation, spiders weaving webs and catching bugs became the source of inspiration, and then it reminded me of the spider spirit in Journey to the West.

Then let the seven new versions of the spider spirits ignore other things and concentrate their magic power to shape the spider web, which should be quite powerful. If the plan is feasible, then there is no need for the spider spirits to fight, just let them spin silk to trap people.

At that time, even if Xie Zhi doesn't have the transformation stone, he will have another field control skill. If he can reach the level of the white tiger, then he will have much more room to maneuver when he encounters a pervert like the Kryptonians .

Of course, the original essence of the Seven Deadly Sins cannot be thrown away.

At least two things are very good, one is the ability to transform form, which can be materialized or gasified, this kind of ability is quite flexible, and in real combat, the ability to switch states is very important for self-protection.

It makes sense that the Seven Deadly Sins are hard to kill. With this trick alone, it is not easy even for Kryptonians to crack it. It is absolutely disgusting.

Second, the Seven Deadly Sins can possess the host. After possessing, the host will obtain the magic power of the Seven Deadly Sins, just like Xie Ai obtained the magic power of Shazam, and all aspects will be strengthened.

Only these two tricks ~ ~ to subdue the seven deadly sins are worth the fare.

But it's not enough just to turn the seven deadly sins into seven fat girls, because the real core is the magic pupil.

This thing is very weird, and Xie Zhi doesn't know how to define it simply.

It itself is composed of strange energy bodies, and it also has the characteristics of affecting consciousness. However, this kind of influence is to amplify the evil side of people's hearts, so it is not slanderous to say that this thing is evil.

From Xie Zhi's point of view, it is like a programmed chip that is responsible for turning the host into a villain.

Yes, the host, the magic pupil will parasitize in the eyes of life, and the possession of the seven deadly sins can only be the possession of the target that the magic pupil parasitizes.

In fact, the magic pupil is the unique residence of the seven deadly sins. Once the seven deadly sins are free, they will be sucked into the magic pupil. Of course, they can come out if they want to.

However, the magic pupil seems to be also sealing the seven deadly sins, they are completely controlled by the magic pupil, as long as the magic pupil is suppressed, it is equivalent to suppressing the seven deadly sins.

The annoying thing is that once the magic pupil finds a parasitic host, as long as there is one of the seven deadly sins in the magic pupil, then don't even think about detaining it from the host.

So Xie Zhi had to find a way to gain control of the magic pupil, otherwise he would have to rebel if this thing failed.

And the current situation is that the magic pupil is also sealed, and the seal comes from the magical stone pier under the magic pupil. In short, the seal is sealed... the nesting doll.

So if you want to control everything, what Xie Zhi has to do is... continue to nest.

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