Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 647: beep beep

That's right, Xie Zhi plans to find another way to control the stone pier.

Fortunately, Xie Zhi has rich experience in forging artifacts and reforming the Seven Deadly Sins. What's more, the enhanced red envelopes make it even more unreasonable to change the reality.

The key is that from Meditation Mite, Xie Zhi has a deep understanding of the concept of magic, and at the moment his super brain is not a decoration, he has learned a lot by inferring other cases from one instance.

With multi-faceted support, he has generally figured out the principle of the stone pier's seal, but the stone pier itself is not simple, it is considered a treasure, and naturally it cannot be damaged, so this is a time-consuming delicate task.

The old way, still use all the enhanced means, and the Tai Chi energy pool will continue to supply energy.

The surface of the stone pier also gradually turned red, and a large number of red threads stretched out and intertwined, as if they were weaving into something.

When the appearance of the thing gradually took shape, it was already possible to see what it was, and it was really a colorful... old Russian doll.

Xie Zhi made it like this purely for the occasion. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the shape is, but the matryoshka, which is nearly half the height of a person, looks like a handicraft. The decorations in the old Xie’s house are also the same.

After the matryoshka is fully formed, Xie Zhi's goal has been largely achieved. Simply put, to get the magic pupil, you have to break the doll first, but this thing is made by the demon version of Xie Zhi. It can be said that it does not have the strength of a Kryptonian. Don't plan to brute force.

The matryoshka itself also has the seal effect engraved from the stone pier. At the same time, Xie Zhi added a self-understanding magic door lock, and there are more than one locks that need to be opened, as well as force locks, will locks, and fear locks. In short, as long as it is not People from Lao Xie's family, don't try to open it.

Of course, Xie Zhi also understands that none of this can stop one person, that is his own daughter, and the quantum phase change can't stop it.

So this set of dolls is still only a semi-finished product, and it is still not finished.

Seeing that Xie Zhi waved his hand, the doll suddenly made the sound of glass breaking, and countless mirrors appeared around, and the doll disappeared during the mirror movement.

Yes, Xie Zhi brought the nesting doll into the mirror space, and followed him into it.

With a wave of his hand, the shell of the nesting doll in the space cracked as if dissolving, revealing the magic pupil and stone pier inside.

This is where Xie Zhi has to deal with Motong, it is much safer.

And Xie Zhi stretched out his hand to the magic pupil, the hollowed-out sealing cage split open by itself, Xie Zhi took the magic pupil out, raised his hand, and approached his eyes.

Then, Xie Zhi smiled: "What are you resisting? Aren't you the parasitic host? Why do I feel that you are avoiding me?

Is it because the eye represents the will? Then change your eyes... oh, what are you shaking? Don't like fear too? Pretty picky.

That's a shame, buddy doesn't have a third eye. "

Following the voice, Xie Zhi's eyes shot out yellow-green light, and the red fluid continued to escape from his head, and the three-color means hit the magic pupil.

The magic pupils made of orchid light immediately reacted violently like boiling water.

Xie Zhi grinned: "Hey, don't resist, the first time will inevitably hurt a bit, you have to learn to adapt."

Gradually, the magic pupil seemed to be injected with dye, red, yellow, blue, and green interspersed, like a colorful sugar ball.

"Yeah! Found it!"

Almost at the same time, a tip of the sphere suddenly protruded, and then broke through the sphere, a black mist emerged, struggling to completely break away from the sphere.

But it's not that easy, the red, yellow, and green threads of light tightly entangled the black mist, pulling to prevent the black mist from leaving.

"Want to run? Don't be so anxious, it's dark, I have to wash you white, oh no, it's redwashing."

As Xie Zhi said, the black mist was gradually eroded by red, faster and faster. When it turned into red mist, it stopped and slowly retracted into the light ball.

And this black mist is the key to the magic pupil. If the magic pupil is a computer, then the black mist is the computer system, but it is the magic version.

The magic pupil and the seven deadly sins are true on the evil side, but Xie Zhi is not a Westerner. There is no absolute black and white in traditional oriental mythology. What about monsters? They can also be persuaded and educated. Fairy class.

Therefore, Xie Zhi does not believe that the ability of Motong to affect the mentality cannot be broken. The key to the problem lies in strength. Now is the time when Xie Zhi's strength breaks through the sky. Seal seal.

But Xie Zhi is very sure, he has a basis.

Without him, from the demonstration of Shazam's strength, Shazam's ability belongs to his daughter. Strong is of course strong, but compared to Kryptonian, it is almost meaningless.

However, the magic pupil was sealed by Shazam, so the comparison of strength between them is just half a catty.

But Xie Zhi killed most of the Kryptonians by himself. In fact, Xie Zhi is now convinced that with his current strength, another hundred or ten Kryptonians will be able to deal with it.

So it's no problem to crush the magic pupil.

In the final result, the magic pupil was indeed washed red, completely turning into a red light ball.

No matter where the source of the magic pupil comes from, its core ability has changed now, the ability to affect consciousness has been wiped out by Xie Zhi, and the others have remained unchanged, and have become pure amplification tools.

It is still possible to parasitize the host, but it is up to Xie Zhi to decide who to parasitize.

After finishing it, Xie Zhi took the magic pupil out of the mirror space, and the moment he came out, the seven fat girl statues suddenly atomized, and the power of the seal disappeared naturally in the same space.

All the seven fat girls got into the magic pupil, Xie Zhidiandian's magic pupil, with a thought, suddenly the seven mist gushed out again, turning into a fat fuwa.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Hey." The seven girls nodded sparsely, very irregularly.

It seems that these seven girls can't speak, but the humming sound is actually meaningful, Xie Zhi understands it, it means "big king".

And the seven girls are not only irregular, some are picking their feet, some are looking around, and some are sticking out their tongues trying to lick their noses...

puff! A girl farted, and the fat girl next to her immediately pushed her, and she was pushed and bumped into another fat girl, that fat girl was unambiguous, screaming, and punched her with a small fist.

Immediately, the two girls fought into a ball, rolling all over the floor, pulling hair, spitting, and gnawing their feet.

Some fat girls quacked, some fat girls cried, some even joined the battle group, some took advantage of the chaos to kick other people's buttocks, turned their heads and whistled and pretended to be innocent... That was a lively The sound came and went.

Looking at this messy nest, Xie Zhi's mouth twitched: "Is there a mistake, why are those who follow me... all weird?

I haven't started education yet, how did this character come into being? In addition to being a good talker, Lao Tzu also has a mind-affecting halo?

Pooh! Give me a stop! "

Fortunately, Xie Zhi's words were quite useful, Qi Pangya didn't bother anymore, but just a second later, the two who were fighting stabbed me again, and I stabbed you again.

Xie Zhi cleared his throat and said, "Be honest! As a little monster in the new era, you have to look like a monster, you can't be disorganized and disciplined, you have to be civilized and polite, understand?"




Xie Zhi sighed: "Did I create a bunch of monsters? Is it possible that I have to provide translation for you? Forget it, anyway, I can understand it, so let's learn to speak slowly.

So what, since you were just born, you don't have a big name first, but a nickname, from Da Ya to Qi Ya, and it's over.

Hmm... I don't know which of you was born first, let's count from right to left.

What I want to say is that as sisters, you should unite and love each other, come, hug and kiss together. "

The seven fat girls were obedient, but they squeezed into a bunch. Instead of hugging and kissing, it was better to talk about touching their heads. During this period... there was a puff, and it was Sanya who farted again.


Crackling, and fighting into a ball again.

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