Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 648: kid

Seeing the seven chubby guys rolling into a ball, Xie Zhi opened his mouth, and finally let out a long sigh: "Well, at least it's not some evil villain, and it's considered a benefit to society."

I don't have the time to test the abilities of the seven fat girls, let's talk about it next time, Xie Zhi had a thought, and the seven fat girls turned into mist and were sucked into the magic pupil.

Xie Zhi entered the mirror space again and put the magic pupil back into the seal.

After coming out, Xie Zhi started a new operation, this time for the mirror space, compressing and folding until its scope is small enough.

But this is not over yet, the red fluid and energy of will are released again, with the mirror space as the center, interweaving again to form an old matryoshka doll.

Yes, this time the nesting doll is only a mirror image space.

Xie Zhilai did nothing else, just to guard against his daughter, there are enough bears in the family, and he has not been in contact with Xie Ai yet, the seven fat girls exude a strong sand sculpture aura, once they touch, the consequences may be... unimaginable!

So it's better to seal it up, which can greatly reduce the probability of getting angry.

The mirror space was created by Xie Zhi, and without his permission, no one else can enter. This time, the quantum phase transition is not easy to use, after all, it involves a higher level of space.

However, Xie Zhi also understands that the Ancient One will know this hand. If Xie Ai is taught, in the future... maybe he will still be unable to guard against it, but it is a day to guard against it.

So, finally you're done.

There are still a lot of local extraordinary powers, but Xie Zhi is not interested in visiting. Without him, the strength is not enough.

Except for one, a kid with super speed called Barry Allen.

And when Xie Zhi read his mind Barry, Barry's speed really shocked Xie Zhi, without him, that speed is N0.1 in Xie Zhi's known life!

Yes, faster than Kryptonian, even faster than his transformation!

It can be said... infinitely close to the speed of light!

Yes, not too bad.

Such a speed is almost invincible!

However, Xie Zhi still has no plans to contact Barry.

The reason is very simple. Barry's character is very clear. He has a good character and three views. He is a good boy, and he is... really funny.

After many years of cross-border travel, Xie Zhi discovered one thing, that is, he is funny, usually he is not a bad person, even if he is a bad person, he can’t do anything, just like all kinds of weird and stupid thieves in the news, it is routine to play yourself to death .

This kid is also, although he has a high IQ, his brain circuits are quite strange.

But the most important thing that reassures Xie Zhi is that Barry has more than one weakness.

Don't look at his super speed, but this kid's balance is very poor, and he often does stupid things like tripping himself when using the super speed ability.

Second, using the speeding ability will cause him to consume a huge amount of physical energy, and hypoglycemia is almost normal. This may be the reason why he cannot control his balance.

And Barry's response is to keep his mouth open all day long and eat a lot of food. In this respect, he is on par with Xie Ai.

And Barry has no sense of fighting. In fact, he has a resistance to fighting. His usual method is to fly at high speed and push the opponent lightly, but he will fly away. There is really no need to fight.

So Xie Zhi was very relieved of Barry. Of course, just in case, Xie Zhi also left a psychological hint in Barry's mind, even if he failed in his studies, it would not be difficult to clean him up.

Xie Zhi knew that the family was not idle during various operations.

Xiao Yu and Diana's sparring time in Metropolis was not too long.

It was really a sparring session, and they all had reservations, after all, if they went all out, this fight would be useless, after all, Xiao Yu's white tiger field control skills were almost incomprehensible.

And the main purpose of both of them is for the artifact version Pishui Jian created by Xie Zhi.

As a result, the water-piercing sword amazed everyone present.

The tenacity and sharpness are not inferior to the Vulcan sword, and they are evenly matched.

But from the standard of "artifact", it definitely surpasses the sword of Vulcan. There is no other, water-piercing sword has additional abilities. A mode in which Sentry simulates superpowers.

Dual attributes, two in one.

Although Pishuijian has a water character, it is reasonable to say that it should be cold, but Xie Zhi doesn't care about that, he can add it if he can, so he is polite to his wife.

Moreover, based on the endowment of Xie Zhi's increased strength, coupled with the specificity of the re-engraved artifact, the effect of releasing low temperature and high temperature is quite exaggerated.

The flaming sword wind brought out by one sword burned two blocks!

Similar to the collateral damage caused by Xie Zhi flying in high temperature mode, although there is a gap, it is still amazing.

Another sword strike, the cold wind was bitter, and the frozen area was also exaggerated.

But this is not over yet, just like Drizzle's hammer, the Pishui Sword can also induce cold currents and flames, coupled with Drizzle's swordsmanship attainments, when used, it can add more changes, making it hard to guard against.

In short, his own swordsmanship is not as good as Xiaoyu's. Now that he has a more exaggerated artifact sword, Diana will stop fighting after a while. It's a big disadvantage. If she uses other treasures, Xiaoyu doesn't have a hammer.

So Diana said... Let's discuss, why are you so serious.

Among the spectators, Lei En was extremely hot-eyed, but she also understood that the boss was going to flatter his wife on the wedding anniversary, and she would not believe it if he really said that he would not make it.

After all, we have traveled so many worlds together, and no one in the Xie family knows Xie Zhi's temper. He is the master who can hold oil with a handful of dirt.

Of course, you need to pay attention to the method and method of the artifact. Ryan thinks that you can take the route of sister-in-law, and the drizzle blows the pillow wind.

On the other hand, another spectator had a complicated expression on his face.

Batman, Bruce Wayne.

At this time, Bruce was still transformed, but he didn't look very happy about the inexplicably acquired super powers, but instead looked worried.

After giving up, Xiao Yu and Diana also noticed this undisguised expression.

The two girls floated down, and Xiao Yu said first: "Mr. May I think that you are hostile to us?"

Renn was immediately happy when he heard the words: "Hey, big money, are you going to be a white-eyed wolf?"

Bruce sighed, shook his head and said: "It's not hostility, I know you saved the world today and stopped the aliens, but... if you want to bring disaster to the world, who can stop you?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Good question, then I would like to ask Mr. Bruce, the old beauty has been a disaster for the world for decades, who stopped it? You?

Don't tell me, you have been Batman for so many years, with your intelligence gathering ability, you don't know the dirty things done by the old US government. "

Bruce frowned and said: "After all, there are old Russia and infrastructure, two nuclear powers, which can make the government of the United States restrain, this is the balance.

But you are different, you are too strong, to destroy the world, especially the red giant, even a Kryptonian of the same strength is vulnerable to him.

Excuse me, who will balance that giant? "

Diana smiled and said: "Oh, little boys have this problem, thinking that they can be smarter than adults when they grow up, but they don't know how big the world is.

Mr. Bruce, your entire world is only as big as Gotham. Now that you have come out of the Batcave, you suddenly realize, oh, there are so many things on earth that I don’t know.

Children, if this planet needs to worry about your vision pattern, it would have been finished thousands of years ago.

Do you know why? Because of this level of war, it happened more than once. "

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