Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 649: copy homework

These guys weren't part of the same gang, Bruce could tell, but obviously, everyone knew his hidden identity.

He is not surprised by this, after all, these people are too powerful, how could he be able to hide his little trick of hiding his identity.

But he is not a person who can be easily persuaded. He said: "Then what are human beings? They can only be lambs protected by you? Don't have the right to stand up and protect their own rights?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Your words sound like you want to represent human beings, Mr. Wayne, first of all, you can't represent human beings, and there is no one person who can represent human beings.

Secondly, why do you think that we are not human beings? There are too many things in the world that you don't know. You have a chivalrous spirit, but your vision is narrow.

Finally, where does your current strength come from? My daughter gave it to you, so are you not human? "

Before Bruce could speak, Diana asked in surprise, "Xiaoyu, are you human? But your daughter obviously has a protoss aura."

Ryan smiled and put his arms around Diana's shoulders: "Sisters, we have many secrets, but I can tell you that from the perspective of DNA, we are earthlings, just like fakes.

But sisters, you are a protoss, tell me, which mythology system? Gain knowledge. "

"Let's talk about it another day." Diana pointed to Bruce: "Is it necessary to continue chatting with him? No offense, although Mr. Wayne was bestowed with supernatural power by Xie Ai, but the pattern of vision and the secrets of our level... It's too early .”

Diana didn't understand. In her opinion, it was pure luck that the so-called Batman was able to get involved now.

His skills are more than enough to deal with criminals, but when it comes to high-end combat, he can only be killed in seconds.

But she didn't know that the old Xie's family saw the secret of Bruce's harvesting future information, so in the old Xie's view, Bruce should be useful, at least as an information dealer.

Xiao Yu said: "The pattern of vision can be cultivated. Mr. Wayne is still very smart and has a chivalrous spirit. Unfortunately, all his ingenuity is used at the tactical level, and his strategic wisdom is basically zero."

Ryan continued: "Yes, yes, I think it may have something to do with what happened to him when he was a child. What happened in the dry well was one of the reasons for him to become Batman, but this is also watching the sky from a well.

His own base has also turned into a bat cave, tsk tsk, he is obviously super rich, but he is not grand at all, which is far worse than that boy Tony. "

Although he is middle-aged, yet being evaluated by three young and beautiful women in turn, Bruce couldn't hold back.

However, he still has some self-cultivation, and he was not happy with his focus. He looked at Xiaoyu: "Ma'am, you said that strategic wisdom is zero, please advise."

Xiao Yu was not polite, and smiled calmly: "Take Gotham as an example. Crime is rampant, and the people at the bottom are bullied. It can be called a city of crime, but the method you choose is to play a vigilante policeman, which has indeed reduced the crime rate. The criminals were terrified.

But the problem is that this is called treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, and it does not fundamentally change the source of the evil.

And with the resources you have, you can actually improve the situation from a macro-strategic level. Staying up late to patrol the streets every day just makes Gotham City have an extra super cop.

But the hotbed that nourishes the crime has not changed, and criminals will still emerge in endlessly..."

Bruce couldn't help frowning: "The reduction in the crime rate makes the people safer?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Of course, but is your original intention to reduce the crime rate? If so, why worry about our extraordinary combat power?

I don't intend to offend, but your current behavior is that you only have the ability to catch thieves, but you are concerned about the safety of the earth. You don't understand Gotham City, don't you think it is too irresponsible? "

The corner of Bruce's mouth curled up: "Everyone has the right to care about this world."

"Rights? Hmm." Xiao Yu raised her eyebrows slightly: "It sounds reasonable, but things in the world are very complicated.

Although you have extraordinary abilities, you still haven’t jumped out of the narrow logic of Western thinking. The West emphasizes individual freedom, and there is a concept that seems very correct, that is, as long as you want, you have any possibility, you can be anyone, this is everyone freedom and rights to all.

Very motivating, inspiring, nice.

And there are examples in reality that can continue to deepen this concept. For example, an idiot, a businessman, and a comedian can all become presidents.

Unfortunately, it doesn't make sense.

It's very simple. When people are sick, when they go to the hospital to see a doctor, they hope that the doctor will have excellent medical skills. Why not vote for someone to be a doctor? Since everyone can become whoever they want to be, everyone can also be a doctor. Why do you need to study further and get a qualification to practice medicine?

Because human life is at stake, and professionalism is needed!

This is, responsibility.

Does treating a disease require expertise, but running a country does not require expertise? And any national policy affects more lives than a doctor treats in a lifetime, how can it be child's play?

Speaking of you, you want to help others, you want to save the world, even just now you completely put the safety of all human beings on your shoulders, it is commendable, this is a virtue.

However, this is a greater responsibility than governing the country. Are you professional enough?

A doctor's misdiagnosis will kill one person, and a mistake in national policy will kill countless people.

And when it comes to all human beings, why do you think that you are absolutely right, you will not make mistakes, and you will not kill all human beings.

Why do you think that you are qualified to bet on the fate of all mankind that you are right.

Did you solve your life troubles, arrange your family, run your company, or turn Gotham City into a paradise on earth.

Self-cultivation, family harmony, peace of the world, which one do you occupy?

If it is just because you have this right, then it is foreseeable that it will not be those of us with extraordinary abilities who kill all mankind, but you who have no sense of responsibility and only make decisions based on willfulness. "

"I admit, what you said is very reasonable. I do have many shortcomings..." Bruce raised his head and looked at Xiao Yu: "Okay, then let's not talk about the world, UU Reading Excuse me, if it were you Me, how do you solve Gotham's problems?"

Xiaoyu smiled: "It's very simple. In the real world, there are already ready-made examples. If I can't think of them myself, I will always copy my homework."

Bruce wondered, "What do you mean? In reality? Who?"

Ryan looked like I couldn't stand it anymore, and sighed: "Thanks to you being a world-class rich man and having your own source of information, could it be that you were also fooled by the Western media? Turn a blind eye to what happened in reality? "

Xiao Yu also sighed, and said: "Let's put it this way, apart from being born bad guys, poverty, education, injustice, and law and order are the sources of endless crimes.

Security, you are doing it, and it is still somewhat effective.

And education and injustice, in terms of your resources and abilities, are too difficult, and you don't have that ability yet.

But poverty alleviation, you can always do it.

Reducing poverty will reduce the need for people to take risks, and the choice of crime will be greatly reduced. This will not make Gotham City a paradise, but at least the lives of ordinary people will be much easier.

I know that you have done charity and donated money to the poor, but it is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish.

With that money, you can open several technical schools, or invest in projects that require a lot of labor.

These are two simple things. In fact, there are many methods. You don’t need to ask me at all. As long as you can let go of your inherent thinking and broaden your horizons, then just pay attention to that big eastern country. If you can’t get full marks, just get a pass line , it's okay. "

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