Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 841: 1 thriving

Xie Zhi smiled: "This planet is called Dagoba, Master, I want to find someone to fight with."

"Who is it?"

"Master Yoda."

"Master uncle is mighty and domineering! If you beat me up, I will beat up the strongest one!"

"Can talk."

These words are indeed just right, Xie Zhi is satisfied, after all, if this kid wants to say that the uncle is bullying a child who is less than one meter old... that would be too bad.

That's right, the last thing Xie Zhi has to do is to find Yoda, he is determined to get the secret of the ancient tree.

When starting to formulate the plan for the world of force a long time ago, Xie Zhike repeatedly studied the Star Wars trilogy, among which Yoda lived in seclusion on the Dagoba planet, Xie Zhike kept it in mind.

The only problem is that it has only been half a month since the Jedi suffered a catastrophe, and it is not known whether Yoda has lived in seclusion.

After the spaceship landed on the surface of the planet, Qilu also changed his appearance, wearing a classic mahatma appearance, with golden armor, golden crown, pheasant feathers, cape, monkey face, and golden cudgel.

If you don't look at the height, it's still very imposing. Now... the Zhengtai version of Monkey King is too cute.

"Uncle, the planet is so big, how do we find it?"

"Good question." Xie Zhi waved his hand, manifested a floating recliner, and went up comfortably: "I will leave this work to you, and it happens to be helpful for cultivation. How are you practicing?"

"It's okay." Monkey-faced Qilu's face drooped: "Master, do you want me to use the loudspeaker to disturb the people?"

"Don't worry, if Yoda is here, it will only disturb one person, so you just say that... Anyway, it probably means the same thing, what kind of provocative words you use, you can use it yourself, uncle sleeps for a while, and walks. "

Saying that Xie Zhi really closed his eyes, Qilu had no choice but to create a cloud of mist for himself, pretending to be a somersault cloud.

So the two of them floated and started wandering around the planet, while Chirrut shouted loudly.

"Where is Yoda! The gate of time and space has been kicked out! Come out to pick up the guests!"

"Don't be a coward! If the Jedi don't have a seed, cut off Little Haw as soon as possible!"

"My uncle said, I'll give you 30,000 tricks! Promotional discounts are big rewards, and it's cheap so you don't take advantage of the bastard~"

"Is anyone there? No one's home?"

"Don't ask me where I come from~ My hometown is far away~"

"Use the nunchaku quickly! Hohohahaha..."

"Okay old man, you forced me! Listen, Yoda has a little chirp~ hey, Yoda has a little chirp~ hey..."

Qilu was tired of shouting, so he simply repeated this sentence.

As for Xie Zhi, no matter how loud he was or what he was yelling, he slept soundly anyway.

In this way, most of the day passed, and nothing was achieved except to scare away a bunch of animals.

Chirrut stopped talking, stuck out his tongue out of exhaustion.

Unexpectedly, Xie Zhi opened his eyes: "Why don't you shout? I'm sleeping soundly."

Qilu said weakly: "Master, I never heard that you have this habit. You used to play rock music before going to bed?"

"That's not true, but your shouting is very rhythmic and hypnotic."

"Uncle, is he not at home?"

"Maybe, of course, maybe the old man is more tolerant, can add a name, say that Glogu is in your hands, and threaten it."

"Oh, Master Uncle, Glogu, is there a little chirp?"

"It's a boy, why don't you always have trouble with Xiaojiu?"

"Provocative, besides, isn't Little Haw important? I think it's much more important than the Force."

"Well, you got the point, but the Jedi don't necessarily think so... Forget it, just try."

"Okay! Yoda doesn't have a little chirp~ Gloku doesn't have a little chirp~ Yoda doesn't have a little chirp~ Glogo doesn't have a little chirp..."

After yelling for a while, finally, an old voice appeared: "Both of you, it's almost ready."

Qilu shut up, poured water to moisten his throat, and looked in the direction of the voice at the same time as Xie Zhi.

In the dark swamp jungle, a small figure slowly walked out of the mist, with green skin and big ears, leaning on a wooden staff and wearing a long robe. It was Master Yoda.

Xie Zhi, dressed as the Lich King, smiled: "Master Yoda, frankly speaking, I am quite surprised that you would choose to show up in the face of such a pediatric provocation."

Yoda took a few steps closer and sighed: "There is no way, the Jedi is already in decline, but the means of your lord are too mysterious, I can't just watch my old friend... die at the hands of your disciples, and let the inheritance of the Jedi be cut off .”

Xie Zhi couldn't help wondering, pointing to Qilu: "You said he did it?"

Yoda nodded.

Chirrut had a question mark on his face.

Xie knew: "Your old friend? Who is it? Don't say it's Glogu, that's a baby. As for Obi-Wan, it's not an old friend, it's your junior, and I don't intend to deal with him.

Believe it or not, we're not here to kill you. "

"I know." Yoda shook his head: "But there are some existences that will make you alert. The two of you have the ability to kill that unique existence. What's even more frightening is that I guess you have taught this method to others. , will eventually lead to the demise of more special existences."

"Oh~" Xie Zhi nodded: "I understand when you say that, Master Yoda has foreseen some future, but I'm still curious, who did my child kill?"

Yoda said helplessly, "Ki-Gon Jinn."

"Kui Gang Jin? It's a joke. He's been dead for more than ten years. You can't blame a child for this. No matter how powerful my kids are, they can't kill someone who died..."

But when it came to this, Xie Zhi suddenly stopped, he thought of something.

In the Star Wars trilogy, the soul of the Jedi appeared. After Obi-Wan died, he became a ghost and could communicate with Luke. (Note 1)

Xie Zhi couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "Could you be talking about ghosts?"

Yoda said: "It's a heroic spirit."

When Qilu heard this, he trembled immediately, and the nervous Dongzhang wished: "Where is it?"

"Don't care what it's called." Xie Zhi pointed at Qilu, and said with a smile: "You have seen it too, children are afraid of ghosts, if Kui-Gang Jin appeared suddenly, it wouldn't be wrong to be killed, right?"

Xie Zhi has already thought of that scene. As for how he killed him, he has a good idea. It must be that Qilu activated the fear energy in the Tai Chi ring and directly sucked him to death. After all, this trick seems to be particularly effective against the soul.

Yoda smiled bitterly: "So, I have to show up. I can bear it, but... Qui-Gon can't bear it, but he has always been very curious."

Xie Zhi thought about it for a while, and always felt that this matter was a bit... funny.

Nothing else, just imagine that after Qilu perceives the existence of a ghost, he will naturally fire all his firepower under fright, and report to the uncle after killing him...

Of course Xie Zhi knows who he He spoils his grandson madly, but just in case, he has to match his grandson with a Tai Chi ring, at least Tie Zhuer must match it, girl.

So far away, the few Jedi masters who died one after another in the future planned to incarnate as heroic spirits to continue to inherit the orthodoxy. One day, they found Yang Tiezhu, a child, and were delighted to see him.

Heroic Spirit: "Girl! Don't go! Do you know that you have an aura emanating from the top of the sky? At such a young age, you are able to practice the original force. It is a rare Jedi genius that is rare in a hundred years. If one day..."

Tie Zhu: "Emma has a ghost!!"

Then... it was like a joke.

The legacy of the Jedi ends here.

Yoda spoke: "What are you laughing at?"

"Ah? Oh, I'm sorry, I thought of a funny thing, cough cough!" Xie Zhi suppressed a smile, and said with emotion: "I've heard that curiosity killed cats, but I didn't expect it to kill ghosts too. It seems It's not safe to be a ghost either.

Master Yoda, it’s not that I’m a picky person. Tell me, he, Kui-Gon, has been dead for so many years, and he was once a master. It’s good to be an honest ghost. I’m curious.

When a child is startled, he can do anything, especially the child in our family is very sensitive. He dies and dies... Such an experience can be regarded as thriving. "

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