Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 842: You don't know about cultural people

Yoda shook his head and rolled his eyes, also showing contempt.

"On this matter, I agree with your lord about Qui-Gon, so I'm here, but..." Yoda shook his crutch and sighed: "I can feel that you are different from Sith. Still sure.

Even, I saw that Glogu's future was different, and I saw that I could live for a few more years.

You said you didn't come to kill me, but your intuition tells me that you are telling the truth.

So I don't understand, why did you come to me? "

Xie Zhi was about to speak, when Qilu yelled first: "Kick the hall!"

Seeing the uncle looking down at him, Qilu reacted so quickly, and said respectfully: "Uncle, I'm throwing bricks to attract jade, and you have to frighten this old boy, you say."

"This trip is for kicking..." Xie Zhi paused, after all, Qilu disturbed the interest of pretending to be aggressive, so he changed his words: "Anyway, that's what it means. The ugly one is fighting, and the nice one is called sparring. Let's make gestures. Then talk about something else."

"Oh, so, I'm actually just an old and short recluse with no great skills, I'm afraid..."

Xie Zhi sneered and interrupted: "Come on, buddies are well-informed and knowledgeable. In the Jianghu, the dwarf, the old man and the sweeper are all masters. The combination of the three is invincible in the world!

Although you didn't have a broom, that crutch has exposed your identity as a master, and you can't hide it.

It's useless to pretend to talk too much, come on, head of the Jedi, let's see the truth. "

"Although I didn't understand a word of yours... well, please."

"It's quite polite, well, it doesn't matter whoever comes first, then take my first move...the first form of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms! Kanglong has regrets!"

Xie Zhi pushed towards Yoda with a palm, and the roaring impact charged violently, and the mud and swamps along the way were blown away! The momentum is like a hurricane blowing by! It's appalling!

Because this time was different from the past, different from dealing with Obi-Wan and Count Dooku, Xie Zhi didn't hold back at all, and it was also the first time to fight the enemy with all his strength.

And Yoda threw the crutch, raised his hands, and unexpectedly blocked the blow, but his whole body was shaking violently, obviously the pressure was not small.

In this way, Yoda still had the energy to wonder: "This is obviously a shock of the original force, not the eighteen dragon-slaying palms."

"It's Subduing Dragon, dude, the impact of the original force sounds unrealistic, don't you think it will affect the enrollment?"

"The name is just a code name, so it doesn't matter... But the strength of the original force of the master is rare in this world."

"That's because you haven't seen my wife."

Qilu also joined in the fun: "That's right! My master is the real master! Of course, uncle, you are also great. I don't mean anything else, don't get me wrong."

"You don't need to say the latter sentence. Besides, you are flattering your master here, and she can't hear you. Are you stupid?"

Qilu muttered: "Master isn't here, didn't you also take pictures..."

At the same time as Xie Zhi chatted with Qilu, his arm shook again, and the force of the force exploded again, pushing Yoda back in a straight line.

Yoda's legs didn't move, but two ravines had been pulled out under his feet!

Obviously Xie Zhi is stronger when it comes to head-to-head confrontation with pure force!

Nothing else, after the old Xie family's fibrils continued to improve, most of them were stuck at 29,000. It seems that 30,000 is an impossible hurdle to break through, but 29,900 is also a hurdle in the world of force. proportions that have never been achieved.

After all, Anakin, who had the highest fibrinoplasm index, was only 27,000. Of course, after becoming Xiaoyu's apprentice, he improved, but he was also stuck.

Of course, the content index represents the potential. If the potential is not brought out through practice, what the content index can represent is only the initial strength and no stamina.

And in terms of understanding of the Force, Xie Zhi is not inferior to Xiao Yu, or he has found a new way, because he swallowed the Kyber Crystal raw twice during his transformations, and only he has that kind of mysterious experience. Can be replicated.

So purely in terms of strength, Xie Zhi's force output is even stronger than Xiao Yu's.

But Yoda is not in vain, at this moment his hands began to glow, and soon formed two vortexes of light, unexpectedly withstood the berserk impact.

And Xie Zhi clearly felt that it was not just resisting, the light vortex was absorbing the impact of the original force, and it was still growing itself! (Note 1)

Xie Zhi smiled, he wasn't surprised, originally the battle was not just based on output, skills were equally important, even more important in many cases!

But he chose the most direct hard attack, the purpose is to force out Yoda's ability to suppress the bottom of the box.

"Interesting, what is your trick?"

"Hmph, the mysteries of the Force, young man, you don't understand much."

Speaking of Yoda's hands, the power absorbed by the light vortex bounced back, and in a more detailed way, like two sharp thorns, it pierced Xie Zhi's large-scale bombardment in an instant, and stabbed in front of Xie Zhi in the blink of an eye!

But Xie Zhi launched a backhand turn with one palm, and suddenly drew a few wonderful arc movements, one round and one support, the two condensed and solid original forces were driven away from the direction, and flew into the sky.

This time it was Yoda's turn to be surprised: "What kind of method is this? The direction of the force in an instant... Wonderful, wonderful!"

Xie Zhi tilted his head: "Hehe, the mystery of Tai Chi, old man, you don't understand much."

Hearing the original words returned, Yoda was not annoyed, but smiled and said: "You are right, and it is a good thing that there are more strong non-Siths, but why have you never appeared?"

"Be serious, it's a fight, look at the tricks! See the dragon in the field!"

Xie Zhi pushed it out with another palm, and Yoda blocked it with the vortex of light again, his expression was a little speechless: "What is the difference between you and just now? Isn't it still the impact of the original force? What's the point of changing the name?"

"The connotation is different. You don't understand things about cultural people. It's up to you. By the way, let me give you a name for this trick. How about Dou Zhuan Xing Yi? The style is different."

"Understood, you want to understand the principle of my trick."

Yoda shook his head, suddenly withdrew his left hand, only one hand condensed the light vortex, and swung his right hand violently.

With a click, a big tree suddenly broke and smashed towards Xie Zhi with heavy wind pressure.

Xie Zhi also raised one hand and aimed at the big tree. Suddenly, the big tree's charge stopped, and it was surrounded by two forces of origin, creaking and trembling violently in the air.

And Xie Zhi turned his wrist suddenly, and the bark of the big tree suddenly cracked. With the sound of chi chi la la, the giant tree was smashed to pieces by the original force like a knife!

Obviously, Xie Zhi has an absolute advantage in terms of strength of force.

This is not over yet, Xie Zhi swung his hands like a wave, and countless pieces of wood flew towards Yoda like a group of darts!


Facing the offensive The light vortex in Yoda's hand suddenly increased, followed by his body turning, driving the light vortex to point to the broken wood group in an instant.

There was a loud bang!

Yoda's light vortex exploded!

The shock wave not only crushed the broken wood into powder, but also completely shredded Xie Zhi's force shock!

And Xie Zhi could see clearly that Yoda's vortex of light exploded, a bit like the way a broadsword directional thunder exploded, only targeting one side.

However, the recoil was still there, and Yoda was also impacted, but the little old man flipped a series of somersaults, flipping far away like a ball, seemingly defusing the counter impact.

As for Xie Zhi, in the face of the impact, he chose to use the force barrier to block the impact, mainly to help Qilu behind him to block the disaster. After all, the power of this explosion is really not small, it is like detonating a blockbuster nearby!

The swamp jungle has been blasted out of a large open space!

As far as the eye can see, it is full of fragmented vegetation.

After Yoda landed, he lifted his robe, and the small sword hilt flew into his hand, and the green lightsaber was unsheathed.

Yoda said solemnly: "This kind of competition is meaningless. In terms of force cultivation, I am not as good as you, but you can't do anything to me. Let's see the difference with the sword."

Xie Zhi shook his head: "Don't, I still have sixteen palms that are useless, and the name of each palm has a literary talent. Listen to it, and you won't suffer."

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