Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 865: Attracting stars

That's right, Xie Zhi is imitating the romantic action design in the movie.

But the romanticized swordsmanship is just a super handsome visual effect, isn't it practical in reality?

It depends on who uses the points. At the level of Xie Zhi's strength, he has truly reached the level where he can hurt people with flowers and leaves.

In fact, there is no need for a carrier. If necessary, you can use the force to control your mind without controlling your mind. You can kill people with a simple mental shock, and truly realize the life achievement of staring at everyone.

Of course, staring at someone who is pregnant is still impossible, that belongs to a higher-end field.

However, these methods also depend on the opponent, but if you simply imitate the cool swordsmanship in the movie, with Xie Zhi's strength, it is still a huge threat to Obi-Wan and Moore.

After all, under the condition of satisfying the extraordinary conditions such as strength, speed, reaction, eyesight, anticipation, etc., even swiping the king's eight punches is also a lore!

Just imagine a picture, when the green fat Hulk, or the Kryptonian, swings the **** punch, isn't it lethal?

Therefore, Xie Zhi imitated the "Li Jian Style" in the movie, and what he showed was not extremely handsome, and the threat of lethality was equally terrifying!

Seeing that Xie Zhi's non-stop moving movements have violated the laws of physics, using various routines to slip or float, completely playing hide and seek with the gravity of the earth, he is really as light as a swallow and erratic.

As a result, from two people double-teaming against one person, it became one person surrounding two people, surrounding and pressing at high speed!

And Xie Zhi's body movements are like performing boxing routines in a martial arts competition, and the lightsaber is flying along with his movements, cutting, stabbing, picking, wrapping, sealing, drilling at various angles...

In fact, the lightsaber is not only showing off his body surface, Xie Zhi's figure movements and flying robes also provide cover for the maneuvering of the lightsaber, and his movements are elusive, completely unimaginably tricky!

So at this level, is it just creative and beautiful motion design? This is the real Qijue swordsmanship!

Anyway, if someone tells Obi-Wan and Moore that this is dancing and not martial arts, the two of them must kill each other for saying that, and it won’t hurt your back to talk while standing up, so you can try it! If it wasn't for relying on predictions, he would have been turned into a skeleton by others long ago!

Ever since, the classic idea of ​​Ma Xingkong was put into practice by superpowers, and the true and peerless swordsmanship deserved its name!

And Xie Zhi found the feeling with great difficulty, how can he easily let go of two excellent playmates, not to mention the BGM can't be released in vain, the feelings are too addictive.

"Sword swing!"

With a sword swinging his body, Xie Zhi played even more dazzlingly. He didn't touch the ground at all. He was like a fish. He used the lightsaber as the hitting point and the ground provided the fulcrum for the vertical leap. But even more tricky!

"Sword Frustration!"

Xie Zhi is like a spinning top spinning at high speed, spinning out the sword forcefully and sinking! Roll like a huge wave!

A sword slammed into the two people's shielding swords, Dang Dang Dang Dang... (omit two hundred dangs.)

As a result, the two of them couldn't withdraw their swords and change their moves at all, and the stunned figure slipped backwards extremely quickly, and the noise and dust brought up were like a sandstorm blowing by!

And the sand curtain can't hide the dazzling sparks splashed by the high-speed collision of the lightsaber. The density is high, just like a continuous electric welding operation.

"Broken Sword Style!"

The pressure between the two disappeared, but Xie Zhi had changed from a hurricane rush to a volley! The sword comes out like a rainbow! The frontal cold sword light is like a sudden storm!


This shout came from Obi-Wan and Moore at the same time. There is no way, they can't stand it anymore!

From the beginning of Xie Zhi's attack, the pressure has never stopped. The two of them are like a small broken ship caught in a stormy sea.

The two of them bent their knees, and they all half-kneeled on the ground. The so-called raising their swords to resist at this moment was completely an instinct brought out by the rhythm of others, out of control, completely out of control!

Immediately afterwards, the two felt that their hands were empty, and the lightsaber was gone!

Yes, he was strangled by Xie Zhi's sword forcibly!

Then dissipated, and the pressure like a mountain slope.

The wind is weak, the sand is falling, the smoke and dust are scattered, and the music is weak...

The two looked up, only to see Xie Zhi standing three meters away, and their lightsabers were also floating beside Xie Zhi at this moment.

At this moment, Xie Zhi really looks like a peerless master, it can be regarded as... enjoyable.

Xie Zhi said lightly: "How do you feel?"

Darth Maul dressed roughly and said, "Who the **** are you!?"

Xie Zhi frowned, and said unhappily: "You should say 'what kind of sword technique is this'! At least you have to sigh a few times, right? After all, it is the lack of Jianghu culture. He is obviously a master, but he doesn't have the demeanor of a master..."

Obi-Wan said, "What kind of sword technique is this?"

"Hey, you are more self-motivated. Listen carefully. I'll just say it once..."

boom! boom! boom!

Explosions came one after another!

Although the scale was not as good as Xie Zhi's before, it also produced overwhelming dust, and all sights were blocked.

Xie Zhi, who was interrupted and pretended to be aggressive, twitched his mouth: "It's really good... Sith and Jedi, the deadly rivals, can also cooperate? It's a desperate effort to escape, but it's a pity... Overthinking."

Yes, these explosions were caused by Obi-Wan and Moore. They also knew that they couldn't hurt Xie Zhi.

Of course, the two of them knew that they might not be able to run away. After all, they were forced to come back when they split up just now, but they still said that they were lucky.

Moreover, while running, the two continued to use the force to fiddle with sand blowing, to carry out the effect of the smoke bomb to the end, and they really had a tacit understanding.

Xie Zhi suddenly raised his voice: "Today you are lucky, and you are fortunate to have seen the long-lost unrivaled martial arts... the star-absorbing Dafa!"

The sound was coming, but Obi-Wan and Maul were running fast, not daring to delay for a moment.

But then, both of them rushed to be pulled by a force, and that force became stronger and stronger!

It wasn't just the two of them, the dust they tossed up was also flowing backward rapidly, apparently being sucked away by something!

At first they thought it was Xie Zhi who used the pulling force of the original force, but immediately they found that this was not the case, nothing else, the speed and scale of the dust being sucked away doubled in an instant, a scale of A bigger sandstorm is about to form.

They are all playing with the original force, using the original force to control and pull, emphasizing precision, and usually not pulling in an indiscriminate way, because this will cause the force to disperse. Although the range is larger, the pulling force will be reduced.

But the current situation has broken their inherent cognition.

Because what is even more frightening is that even the ground of the Gobi Desert began to crack, followed by flying upside down, and the amount and volume of the clods became larger and larger! That suction even touched the earth! It was clearly a pulling force of the natural disaster level!

The two couldn't help but look back, and their faces turned pale!

A huge green vortex appeared in mid-air, sucking everything in, and the two people who had seen and experienced naturally recognized that it was a celestial phenomenon that only exists in the universe... Gravity well! The so-called great method of attracting stars is that Xie Zhi has embodied a gravitational well.

In fact, Xie Zhi also took this opportunity to verify it. After all, although I have all the insights and experience, I still have to find a place to actually operate it, otherwise how would I know if it will work.

Fortunately, it really succeeded once.

And not only was it successful, it seemed to be too successful!

Because Xie Zhi discovered that after the gravitational well is generated, its suction is becoming stronger and stronger, and it is completely growing on a geometric multiple scale!

So if the gravitational well is not dissipated within a certain period of time, I am afraid that even he himself will have to be involved!

What's more, if the gravitational well exists after Xie Zhi himself dies, then it is foreseeable that the planet Tatooine will be finished!

As a result, not only were Obi-Wan and Moore stunned, but Xie Zhi himself was also in a state of bewilderment, because he himself was struggling against the majestic suction of the gravitational well!

"Uh... well, indiscrimination between friend and foe is also a sign of weapons of mass destruction, so it can't be considered a flaw..."

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