Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 866: playing swords and singing

But even if it was also affected, Xie Zhi was not in a hurry to dispel the gravitational well, after all, his strength was far higher than Obi-Wan and Moore.

And if you want to stop, you can stop at any time, not to mention you can leave by teleportation, or directly enter the mirror space. Of course, it is not sure whether the mirror space will be torn apart.

In short, there are many ways, don't worry.

He was not in a hurry, but Obi-Wan and Moore were in a hurry. They tried their best to feed, but they were still dragged by the violent gravity.

There is no way, even if the strength of the two is far better than that of ten years ago, but in the face of this kind of natural disaster at the cosmic level, they are still shaking the tree.

What's more terrible is that the distance is too close, and they don't have spaceship-level thrusters on their buttocks. Even if they hold their farts now, they can't change their physiological composition in a short period of time to achieve the effect of the Millennium Falcon.

So not long after, the two who ran separately were pulled together again. In Xie Zhi's eyes, this was fate like brothers and sisters.

And when the two were about to be sucked into the gravitational well and torn apart, Xie Zhi waved his hand, and the gravitational well turned into a green mist and dissipated.

As a result, the pulling force suddenly disappeared. For the two people who were fighting desperately, it was like the rope was broken in a tug-of-war. They were immediately driven forward by their own strength and flew forward.

Before they could recover, the bodies of the two floated up again, and Xie Zhi used the force to control things and grabbed them.

At the same time, the mantra lasso shining with golden light also entangled the two of them, binding them together.

Xie Zhi grinned: "Hey, that's called... Thousands of miles are bound together by a rope, you two are destined to cultivate for several lifetimes, it's not easy."

Obi-Wan sighed, "Your Excellency..."

"Shh~ from now on, don't ask questions in vain, the two of you can only accept, no matter what you accept, that's it."

After speaking, Xie Zhi started to ask questions, under the lasso of mantra, he naturally answered every question.

As a result, Obi-Wan didn't have any special information. This man became calm and devoted himself to fulfilling his promise, secretly guarding Anakin's son Luke, and he really became a hermit.

It's just that this guy deserves his bad luck today, nothing else, and he has to eat when he lives in seclusion, but he eats when he eats. When he entered the city, he felt restless for a while, and he actually moved his heart... no, it was curiosity.

He thought it was the Force giving him a hint, so he ran to the Gobi Desert for a stroll, and ended up bumping into Darth Maul.

When the enemy meets, there is nothing else to say, just do it when you come up, and there will be a scene that Xie Zhi saw when he arrived.

So... pure bad luck.

As for Darth Moore, Xie Zhi was a little surprised by the information he received. He thought he was back under the command of his teacher Palpatine and still worked for Palpatine, but it turned out not at all. He turned against Palpatine Yes, now the two sides are also hostile.

Xie Zhi is not surprising when he thinks about it, Sith is not like a Jedi, he still has to maintain an image of Wei Guangzheng.

The so-called Blood Red Dawn was created entirely by Darth Moore from scratch. The purpose was to accumulate strength and find opportunities to take revenge on Palpatine.

From this point of view, Darth Maul is far superior to countless Jedi knights in terms of talent. Not only can he fight, but he is definitely a hero!

In fact, after receiving enlightenment, everyone in the family knows his intelligence and ability, and he is truly outstanding and outstanding.

And now it seems that this is an extraordinary fate, not only survived after being cut in half, but also experienced many life and death crises in the past few years, especially Palpatine was almost killed, but still It is not dead, it belongs to Xiaoqiang.

Xie Zhi couldn't help sighing, it's no wonder that when he assimilated Moore with molecular robots back then, he succeeded smoothly. This person's vitality is not ordinary tenacious.

It's a pity that such a character has bad luck and bad luck. No matter how inspirational the experience is, it is obvious that the final outcome is not good.

Nothing else, although Xie Zhi didn't know the result of Darth Maul in the orthodox world, at least he didn't have anything to do with him in the Star Wars trilogy, so it should be cool.

There is also a basis for this, not only that he can't play Palpatine, but another must-kill target that he never forgets is Obi-Wan, so if the two really meet someday, they still have to see life and death.

Although the strengths of the two are almost evenly matched, Xie Zhi is more optimistic about Obi-Wan. Nothing else, this guy has the attributes of a trap, and he is a convulsive player who plays on the spot. However, Darth Maul was unlucky and was defeated by Obi-Wan back then. Wang Twitch was cut in half, so in terms of luck, Obi-Wan won the game.

On the contrary, the two of them didn't foresee that today would be unlucky, and Xie Zhi was not surprised. Although those who play the original force have the opportunity to foresee the future, so far, only three people are known to be best at this ability.

Daughter-in-law Xiaoyu, Sith Emperor Palpatine, and Jedi Elder Yoda, the next-best ones are Anakin, and the next ones... there is no way to investigate.

In any case, comparing the two in front of him, Xie Zhi valued Darth Moore more.

He was suppressed by Palpatine even though he was disabled, hid in the dark, and he was able to create a powerful gangster ranked in the Milky Way, criss-crossing the Milky Way... All this shows that his ability, intelligence, and methods are all excellent. top.

On the contrary, a free-walking pit.

But everything is done, and the two are tied together, coupled with the grievances and hatred between the two, Xie Zhi really feels that they are destined, and really can't bear to separate them.

What's more, the feelings have risen, and the enthusiasm will not fade for a while.

Ever since, the two of them felt hairy from Xie Zhi's eyes, their skin pimples jumped up and down, and bad premonitions couldn't stop rushing into their hearts...

"If you want to kill or cut, give it a good time!" Moore couldn't help it first, but although he shouted bravely, his eyes couldn't hide the panic.

Xie Zhi chuckled: "It's not good to fight too much, and after all, it's also related to the intrigue between us, so I really can't do it.

As for me, I have always valued talents, and you are indeed a rare hero. Unfortunately, I went the wrong way and had bad luck.

But it doesn't matter, as the so-called one hero has three gangs, Obi-Wan is a bit of a trap, but if they complement each other, it is estimated that they can make a difference..."

Obi-Wan frowned: "Even if I can't resist this strange rope, do you think it can affect my mind?"

Xie Zhi acted as if he didn't hear it, and continued: "The Milky Way is precarious, and in a troubled world, a good man should do something right.

But what about the two of you, one of you doesn’t do business and harms countless people, and the other is a teacher in vain, eating food and waiting to die, living is really a waste of food.

Let's put it this way, the Milky Way should also be a little more romantic, and there should be... rivers and lakes.

I think the two of you should throw bricks and attract to lead the new fashion of the galaxy, as the first couple in the rivers and lakes, no, they are heroes, or it’s not right... a brother combination.

The Milky Way lost a pair of scourges, and gained two more heroes. It's a good thing, and forget about your grievances.

Just imagine two heroes walking the rivers and lakes, eating hot pot and singing songs while seeing injustices on the road, how happy it is!

Um! The picture is here... Obi-Wan is playing the flute, Darth Maul is playing the piano, the two knights are enjoying their feud, drinking wine with their enemies, playing swords and singing... The boundless sky is my love, the rolling green hills..."

Xie Zhi coughed dryly and waved his hands: "I'm sorry, the image of my daughter singing and dancing always pops up in my mind. It should be... a laugh in the sea, waves surging on both sides, remembering the present with the ups and downs... Hey! That's right Smell!

So starting today, one of you is called Qu Yang, the other is Liu Zhengfeng, and you belong to the sect... Phoenix Legend! "

PS: Sorry guys, I have been too busy recently, so the update is late. In addition, there will be a super busy class tomorrow and Sunday. It must be that the liver is not moving. Please take a leave of absence for another day. Don't wait after midnight.

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