It was because the cheers that literally made your body vibrate came from the audience.

“Take a good look. You guys will be able to be on that stage next year.”

“Would that be?”

“of course. But there is one problem.”

Did you know that what I said was about to address a serious problem?

Sia and Jay-Z’s expressions become serious at the same time.

“Release your expression. It’s not that serious. You guys are solo singers, so each of you has to go on stage by yourself.”



Watching Arin and Yuna start jumping on stage.

Sia and Jay-Z nodded as if they finally understood what I was saying.

I wouldn’t have known about <24 Hours> because the two always climbed together.

The event that calls them next year will call for two people together, and sometimes for each individual.

The more successful the songs are, the higher the ransom will be, and there will be more places to go alone.


“Don’t start with kimchi soup. If you work hard and don’t get your name known to people, you’ll have to watch it from behind like this again next year.”

It was Sia and Jay-Z who replied that they knew with a firm expression on my words.


Even though I have to do it for the stage experience.

The reason for bringing them to this place where they can sing only one song was simple.

It was to stimulate Sia and Jay-Z.

Arin and Yuna, who always call themselves sisters, show what kind of image they show on that stage.

I wanted to show how to communicate with the audience and elicit an enthusiastic response.

And I was sure that those appearances would be a great stimulus to the two of them.

Because I was the one who had carefully observed the tendencies of Sia and Jay-Z.

That idea turned into reality.

“I will definitely go on stage alone next year.”

Sia and Jay-Z were looking at the stage with determined eyes, as if they had been stimulated as I expected.

Time passed in an instant.

Beat the so-called Yuna, who has intermittent talk time, because the time has come.

“everyone! You know Xia unnie’s <24 Hours>, right?”


“I don’t know if you know, but we did Beat Yuna with the <24 Hours> challenge choreography. But today, we prepared a surprise guest for you guys.”

When Arin said that he was a surprise guest, people started buzzing.

I wonder if some of you have already felt it? started to show reactions.

“you’re right! I’ll bring Sia and Jay-Z, the main characters of <24 Hours>, to the stage!”

At the same time as Arin shouted, Sia and Jay-Z, who were preparing, ran up the stage.

As college students, there seemed to be no one who didn’t know Sia, the main character of a hot song these days, and Jay-Z, the main character of YO Beat Battle.

It was because they greeted the two with strong cheers.

I saw it because I was right next to the stage.

Two people who immediately understand how Arin and Yuna jumped up and down on stage.

From noble mtl dot com

It was because the hot heat and shouts of the people toward them came over them.

From the moment Sia and Jay-Z stepped on stage, the corners of their mouths were completely caught in their ears.

With this stage today, the spirit of improvement must have settled in one place in the hearts of Sia and Jay-Z.

I will beat Yunna. I’m not this kind of ho-Seung-I, but I’ll work hard like those kids and climb this stage with my own power.

That kind of improvement.

The tendency of Sia and Jay-Z that I watched was like that.

That’s why I brought you here today.

“The upgraded version of Beat Yuna! Let’s start Defeat Yuna and Sia. Today, I prepared more presents, so I will serve you seven as Lucky Seven.”

Starting with the <24 Hours> challenge with 7 audience members on stage.

“everyone! You know the recent YO beat battle, right?”


“So ready! A chance to be with rapper Jay-Z. I will take only three people who say they are confident in their rap skills.”

Even a rap battle with Jay-Z.

It was a time where everyone, including the audience, enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

The climax was Sia’s <24 Hours> stage.

“I even did the 24-hour challenge, but I can’t stop listening, right? It’s Xia unnie’s 24 hours!”

The part where people burst out laughing was Sia and Jay-Z holding the microphone.

It was because of Arin and Yuna, who took the position of back-up dancers with serious faces behind them.

especially Yuna.

When the MR sounded and the full-fledged choreography began.

People were surprised twice.

One is Sia and Jay-Z’s live skills.

And the other is Yuna’s cute appearance.

I saw Sia and Jay-Z, who came down with excited faces.

Two people who continue to make a firm decision while looking at the stage running wild.

Next year, he showed his determination and determination to be invited to the stage under his own name.

“Next year, let’s go on stage with each of you names. I will make it for you.”

“yes. I will believe in you and work hard.”

“I’m going to die too.”

Sia and Jay-Z.

And I made up my mind and burst into laughter.

While feeling the cheers and heat from across the stage.

The day after Sia and Jay-Z went up on the stage of U & Na together.

Again, the festival videos were uploaded this time.

In particular, a lot of people who were curious about Yu & Na’s stage composition and different appearances clicked on it.

As a result, Yuanna’s festival video was uploaded to the popular YouTube video again.

[Full video of Uanna inviting guests to a common college festival]

– I was so envious when students from other schools uploaded a full video of Yuanna.

I’ll look it up too.

This is a video of Yuanna who came to our school yesterday as an invited singer.

If it was the same as other places, I wouldn’t have been so excited to upload it, right?


Sia and Jay-Z, singers from the same agency, appeared as surprise guests.

Especially, the four of them showed <24 Hours> together and it was cute hahahahaha

Arin is pretty good at dancing, and Yuna’s creaking sounds cute.

└ That’s great. Now, among the guest singers at the college festival, Yunna seems like the best gift for students?

└ Beat Sia halfway through, Jay-Z’s rap battle was also fun hahahaha The kids accepted it well

└ No. Why didn’t our school sing Yuanna and only songs that were set and only the kids who disappeared?

└ That’s right! Next year, let’s call our school Yuanna.

└ That’s right. I’ve been looking for all of the Yuanna festival videos this time, but there’s a real festival atmosphere over there.

And it was this reaction that caught my eye.

└ Hey, but those four people. Since we’re all together on the same stage, don’t we get along pretty well?


Around the time when all the office workers had gone home and had finished until evening.

I found the KBC editorial office.

Inside the editing room, PD Park Han-young, who is making a heartwarming ending for <Mt. Jirisan Squirrel>, was waiting.

“ah. Is the representative here? Could you please wait a moment? This is an important moment.”

As expected, PD Park Han-young looked haggard as if he hadn’t been able to get off work yesterday.

“I see.”

It didn’t take long.

It was PD Park Han-young who finished the work in less than 5 minutes, just like the word wait.

“I read all the scripts the CEO sent me.”

As expected, skipping all the simple greetings and starting with work.

I also liked it because it was faster and more convenient.

“It’s hard to find an actor who fits the role of Gwangsu Daewon. I looked at the script the other day and found Yuna’s <Detective> and watched it.”

PD Park Han-young’s expression is infinitely serious.

“This is something that can be eaten as an actor. Then the atmosphere of the play completely collapsed. The tension should be maintained while it seems like it is about to break.”

“Are you saying that success depends on which actor does it?”

“Yes. under. I can’t come up with an actor who can play a role like this.”

Contrary to what PD Park Han-young said last time that he would think about it.

I felt like I was looking for it and looking for it quite seriously.


I’ll have to slowly nail it down.

The moment PD Park Han-young lifts the coffee as if his throat is burning from talking a lot.

“What about me?”

Someone came into the editing room while talking that way.

“uh? Mr. Han Ji-woo? Why is Han Ji-woo here…”

There was one reason why Han Ji-woo appeared here at this timing.

“no way···?”

PD Park Han-young turned into ice with astonishment.


He lost even the coffee he was holding in his hand and didn’t even feel that he had dropped it on the floor.

< Episode 110 > End

< Episode 111 >

After the appearance of Han Ji-woo, it was a breeze.

The actor who got the drama director’s ok just by mentioning his name was Han Ji-woo.

That kind of Han Ji-woo even appeared in front of my eyes.

I probably wouldn’t have been so surprised if a squirrel from Jirisan, who was editing, appeared here.

“Oh, no. Has it really been decided that Mr. Han Ji-woo will be with you?”

PD Park Han-young looked at me in disbelief and asked.


This is Kim Ha-na’s debut work.

No matter how much Yuna is recognized for her looks and acting skills, she is an actress who has not shown anything.

I can’t help but be surprised to hear that Han Ji-woo, who is literally a top star, will appear in such a work, not even a halfway top actress.

“yes. He said he had an appointment with PD today, so he said he wanted to come, so we came together.”

The reason I came here today was simple.

To hear PD Park Han-young’s confirmation.

And he called Han Ji-woo to get help with that confirmation.

It was clear that seeing the face in person would be more effective than hearing the name verbally.

Just looking at PD Park Han-young’s reaction right now, I could tell that the plan was very successful.

“No, so. Han Ji-woo decided to play the role of Gwangsu Daewon in this work?”

“yes. I liked the work so much that I decided to do it together. I really enjoyed watching PD Park’s The Otter Is Here.”

“ah. It is an honour. I am still very surprised. wait a minute.”

When Han Ji-woo was filming a drama with KBC in the past, he said that he was acquainted with PD Park Han-young, who was an assistant director at the time.

When Han Ji-woo mentioned PD Park Han-young, he immediately recognized it.

The PD who was in charge of directing <Scout>.

I said that I watched the scene until the middle of the day with a deep impression.

“It would be fine if it was PD Park. I don’t think there is anyone in KBC who can keep the feeling of the script as it is.”

The situation after Han Ji-woo said okay was now.

To be precise, to drive a wedge into PD Park Han-young.

After that, I didn’t even have to look anymore.

“The story is over just by appearing.”

PD Park Han-young’s editing of <Jirisan Squirrel> was completed exactly two days after meeting Han Ji-woo.

That’s how Kim Ha-na’s work was decided to be with KBC.

I heard one more unexpected news.

“Lee Joo-yeon?”

“yes. The lead sister said she really wants to meet the CEO once?”

Before, I thought it was just a joke.

This time, it was conveyed through Kim Soo-jin to a specific possible date and time.

That means you are really thinking of moving the company.

What kind of wind did it suddenly blow?

“If it’s not another actor, Lee Joo-yeon, of course I should meet her. Can you tell me to meet you tonight without delay?”

“yes. Okay.”

That’s how I met Lee Joo-yeon alone.

Lee Joo-yeon came out alone, probably to avoid letting others know about today’s meeting.

“nice to see you. My name is Choi Woo-hyuk, who is the CEO of WH Enter.”

“I heard a lot about Sujin. My name is Lee Joo-yeon, an actress.”

Lee Joo-yeon’s evaluation was divided into before and after her current <Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate Family>.

Even before that, he was evaluated as an actor with excellent acting skills but poor eyes to see the work.

Right now, even with the previous work, Lee Joo-yeon managed to lead it with a passionate performance alone, but the viewership ratings were not good.

I did.

“this. I never thought Lee Joo-yeon would contact us first.”

The situation changed when <The Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate> literally became a jackpot more than a jackpot.

Ratings far exceeded expectations.

Even the reaction of the Internet community that has a stronger ripple effect than that.

The drama that people are interested in more than ratings is <The Daughter-in-law of a Conglomerate Family>.


One of the two leading the drama was that actress Lee Joo-yeon.

That’s why I thought it was a joke because I thought they would be served with utmost sincerity inside Cloud Actus.

Unexpectedly, Lee Joo-yeon, whom I met in person, showed a glimpse of her dissatisfaction with Cloud Actors.

“Isn’t that what this entertainment industry is all about? Disappointment builds up and you want to find a new home.”

Lee Joo-yeon says with a bitter smile.

Obviously, the main signboard of Gooreum Actors, the agency where Lee Joo-yeon is now, was Lee Joo-yeon.

why is Isn’t it?

Recently, there was a change in the status of top actress Ha Yu-ri as she signed a contract with Gooreum Actors.

In the seat of Lee Joo-yeon, who was in the main of Gooreum Actors.

Before I knew it, Hayuri was taking my place. Lee Joo-yeon was pushed slightly lower than that.

Of course I understand.

Because Hayuri is an actress who deserves that kind of treatment.


“Didn’t the success of this work make you a double signboard like the drama?”

“For a person who has left his heart, such a pretentious sign has no meaning.”


In the process of recruiting Ha Yu-ri, it seemed that there were things that hurt Lee Joo-yeon’s heart.

I belatedly tried to fix it, but the results didn’t seem to be as good as they seemed.

“I’ve been through a few things lately and the WH looks really good.”

As much as Lee Joo-yeon can be said to be a top-notch actress now.

There was no way I could decide on my next agency just by listening to Kim Soo-jin.

“Besides what I heard from Sujin, I looked into it separately.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. I wanted to do it carefully as it was a matter of deciding where to live next. This time, I was hurt a little by various things.”

I’m curious too.

As for what other people’s opinions of WH might be, they’ve been asking everywhere.

“What stories have been said about our company?”


Did you hear any bad words?

The moment you hear such concerns.

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